Category Archives: Beauty Tips

4 Ways to Have A Good General Health Body

Maintaining a good and healthy
lifestyle might seem difficult to many but the reality is that just by
following a few good habits, our goal of a healthy life can be achieved.
I am sure that many of you out
there wish to have a perfect and healthy body along with a healthy mind and
trust me, it’s not something that a genie will do for you in seconds in fact
you will have to put a little bit effort in it and ultimately you will see the

3 Ways to Have A Good General Health Body
The reason that you are reading
this article is probably because you are also finding and searching those ways
out through which you can have your desired healthy body, well, don’t worry
because as always, we are here to help you. Today in this article we are going
to list down the 3 ways to have a good general health body.
We’ve all heard it and we hear it
almost every day that exercise is a necessary thing and we need to take some
time out of our daily routine for exercising.
Well, sadly, we all ignore it and
do not pay much head to its importance which is the worst thing we can do to

The formula is simple, exercise
daily and improve your health. We are not asking you to go for 3 or 4 hours of
harsh workout in fact a 30 minute mild walk will be enough and you will start
feeling a change in yourself too after a month or so.
2- 8 Hours
of Sleep
The current generation is unaware
of the importance of a good night sleep of 8 hours.
The mind and the body needs to relax
in order to function perfectly and if you are not providing yourself enough
relaxation then sorry to tell you that you won’t have any energy left to
perform actively in daily life.

The 8 hours of sleep are going to
boost your energy levels and also, your happy hormones get triggered when your
mind gets enough time to relax. So, if you genuinely care about your body and
your health then start sleeping early from today.
3- Eat
Just like the above two factors,
this one gets ignored the most! The major thing which will add years to your
life is healthy food. You consume healthy you produce healthy energy and
healthy environment.
We all are attracted to junk and
fatty food so much that our obesity rate is increasing on a terrible rate and
this is something we all need to focus on. Start eating healthy and specially,
add some green vegetables to all your meals and within a period of one month,
you will see the change for yourself.

Also, it is important to get
Info Aging which is
why you must make a habit of reading articles on health and make some research
on how to add years to your life. Health is something which should always be a
person’s first priority because someone said it right that health is wealth!

This is for today. Stay connected
and keep reading because we’ve got a lot more to talk on this important topic.
Till then, keep sharing and keep loving our articles. We assure you that we
will come up with some more interesting and informative articles for the next

4- Happiness

The Art of Happiness is the purpose of all existence, so why not let ourselves be inspired by the reflections and practical advice of an unconditionally happy man

Five Major Psychological Problems Found In Elderly People

Aging brings along lots of health issues, which does not only
count the physical problems but it includes psychological disorders as well. In
this article, we will highlight the five major psychological problems found in
the elderly people. By being aware of the following problematic issues, you can
easily take measures to beat off the mental health disorders as you age. Have a

 Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease is included in
the family of dementia. It can cause serious issues with the thinking ability
of the suffering person as well as the memory and behavior. It is a
psychological and neurological disorder. It is caused because of the death of
the cells in the brain, and this is how one starts to forget everything and the
thinking is impaired as well. If not cured properly, this disease can be

According to the American Psychological Association, the
prevalence of depression is quite high in the individuals above 65 years of
age. Depression is a silent killer that weakens the immune system, and it works
against the body’s ability to fight germs and infections. One way you can save
your elderly loved ones from depression is to engage them in various physical
activities that they enjoy, other than that you can go for anti-depressants and
mental health therapies.

Another geriatric disorder that is commonly found is
delirium. It is another serious psychological disorder that involves a state of
confusion and restlessness. It also includes illusions and incoherence. Some
psychic experts consider delirium a medical emergency. The only cure for
delirium is to control the cause of its symptoms. It may include
hospitalization for few days to a week or so.

 Sleep related disorders
One of the most common issues that nearly all the elderly
people suffer from is the sleep related disorders. Insomnia, sleep apnea and
restless leg syndrome are some of the commonly found sleep related disorders.
Loss of sleep can affect the level of body’s hormones, behavior and weight
badly; this is why it is medically recommended to get at least eight hours of
sleep. Sleep related disorders can affect the liver function as well so they
must be treated urgently.

Bladder problems
Bladder problems are directly linked to mental health. High
levels of anxiety can cause bladder problems as well. Psychological stress is a
big reason for frequent urination. Another bladder issue that you can commonly
see in older adults is overactive bladder as well as bed wetting. They can be
cured with simple mental tricks and anti-stress therapies.

All the disorders stated above are most commonly found
geriatric disorders. They can be cured if treated timely. I hope this article
helps you out. Stay safe!
About the Author:

This post is written by Chris Palmer who is a comedian and a
public speaker. He has got a lot of valuable information about dementia and
elderly care. He regularly blogs at

How to Lose Weight without Exercising

Exercising and weight loss have
become synonymous off late. But for those lazy bums who would rather gorge on
raw veggies than break a sweat, we have some weight loss hacks up our sleeve
which will make sure those oodles of fat you have been trying hard to shove
away for years finally disappear and never return.

1.  The Dim Light and Soft Music Effect
It has been established in a research
conducted by Brain Wansink, that people having food in a restaurant having dim light
and serene background music added 175 calories less with their meal in
comparison to those having food in a blazing eatery with thumping music. The
science behind the same is that dim light slows down the consumption speed of
individuals and food also cools off in the elongated time span. As far as we
guess, soggy French-fries never attracted anybody.

2   Reducing Plate Size
Size of the plate also has a
significant role to play in adding calories to our body on a daily basis. A
bigger plate helps us with bigger helpings. A smaller plate in contrast can
accommodate smaller quantities of food. This can reduce calorie intake as
refilling the food bowl repeatedly is surely a frustrating task.

3.  Squeezing It Down
Get that perfect hourglass figure
like The Poster Ladies With Waist Training Corset which also provides posture and back
support as additional benefits.

4.  Naptime Story
Getting adequate sleep not only
leaves your skin baby soft and wrinkle free but also
tones down on that excess appetite. It has been proven in scientific researches
that sleep deprived people feel hungry more often as their body secretes the
ghrelin hormone which stimulates hunger. Brain scans of sleep deprived
individuals have established the fact that eating lights up a portion of their
brain and creates a reinforcing cycle where the hunger increases with every
bite you take.

5.  Breakfast is The Key
Our definition of sumptuous breakfast
stays incomplete without hash browns, piled up bacon and breakfast breads. But
that weights terribly low on the health scale. An ideal breakfast needs to have
ample protein content to keep us on our toes and running throughout the day.
Long gaps of time in between two meals can be detrimental to body causing
unwanted weight gain.  Having small mid
time snacks is always advisable by health experts.

6.     Healthier Cooking
If the cooking method of food is
incorrect, then even the most stringent diet plans can barely help in the
weight loss programme. Using excess oil, high fat sauces and seasonings can
slow down or entire reverse the Weight Loss Process. You should opt
for cooking methods like grilling, steaming, roasting or boiling and also
switch to canola oil or extra virgin olive oil.

7.   Staying Hydrated
Extreme thirst sometimes induces
hunger. Drinking adequate fluids keep our system hydrated and our belly filled
thus tricking our body to consume less.

At the end it all topples down to
determination and patience. Bearing a considerable amount of pain today is
bound to generate more than expected returns in days to come. 

Five Indispensable Tips on How to Be a Classy Lady

“The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the
crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has
ever been before.” -Albert Einstein
What is class?
Class is more than the clothes you wear (regardless of whether you are
Wholesale Street Wear or
branded buys) or the jewellery you adorn yourself with. The meaning of the word
extends beyond how you carry yourself in sophistication. By definition and
according to Merriam-Webster, it is an adjective which means a showing of
stylish excellence. However, for purposes of this article, we should not limit
ourselves to what is commonly found in dictionaries. Rather than regard class
as more than just a mere showing of style, we should also see it as a
definitive trait among women and men alike who possess impeccable manners and
good etiquette. In a sense, an individual with class is an individual with
excellent breeding, and thus every woman should endeavor to be as classy as
they can be.

But how does one be classy and elegant? Well, your attitude and
determination to become one would certainly contribute to turning you into one.
If you are dead set on becoming a classy lady, here are some tips to keep in
1.) Talk softly
There is something far more attractive in a woman who can speak firmly
without having to shout. If you want to be regarded as a classy lady, there is
no need for you to shout just to get other people’s attention. Politely talk,
keep your voice modulated and talk softly and make sure not to talk too far.
You will be treated like a lady and will be taken far seriously this way.
2.) Mind your language
There is nothing more uncouth than a woman who stuffs her sentences
with invectives. If you are startled, upset or frustrated, there is no absolute
need to use expletive language—particularly if you are in a public area.
Nothing tarnishes the image of a class woman more than a single cuss word has
said. Regardless of whether you get everything else right, a curse word uttered
and slipped from your mouth would already be enough to taint your image.
3.) Keep your makeup subtle
Makeup was designed to enhance your beauty and not totally replace it.
With this in mind, always consider having your makeup done subtly. After all,
there is nothing more unattractive than a woman whose face is caked with
makeup. Consider the occasion and use the appropriate makeup for it. Evening
soirees and dinner parties are where bold lip colors are suitable, but so as
not to appear too aggressive during the day, keep your makeup light.

4.) Be careful how you sit down
Always be a little conscious about how you sit down—particularly if you
are wearing short dresses or skirts. Do not simply plonk yourself down in a
seat and have an extra awareness of your clothes. Place yourself on your seat
gracefully and gently and do it all in a ladylike manner. Lastly, do not
needlessly fuss around. To be elegant and classy, it should be done in one
fluid movement.
5.) Wear great looking clothes
Great looking clothes do not need to be expensive. Regardless of
whether you are wearing wholesale street wear or branded buys, it is more of
how you carry yourself in these clothes. However, take extra care not to be too
casual with your clothing. More often than not, a classy woman would only need
clean and well-fitting clothes to make her feel sophisticated, elegant and

Five Indispensable Tips on How to Be a Classy Lady

“The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the
crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has
ever been before.” -Albert Einstein
What is class?
Class is more than the clothes you wear (regardless of whether you are
Wholesale Street Wear or
branded buys) or the jewellery you adorn yourself with. The meaning of the word
extends beyond how you carry yourself in sophistication. By definition and
according to Merriam-Webster, it is an adjective which means a showing of
stylish excellence. However, for purposes of this article, we should not limit
ourselves to what is commonly found in dictionaries. Rather than regard class
as more than just a mere showing of style, we should also see it as a
definitive trait among women and men alike who possess impeccable manners and
good etiquette. In a sense, an individual with class is an individual with
excellent breeding, and thus every woman should endeavor to be as classy as
they can be.

But how does one be classy and elegant? Well, your attitude and
determination to become one would certainly contribute to turning you into one.
If you are dead set on becoming a classy lady, here are some tips to keep in
1.) Talk softly
There is something far more attractive in a woman who can speak firmly
without having to shout. If you want to be regarded as a classy lady, there is
no need for you to shout just to get other people’s attention. Politely talk,
keep your voice modulated and talk softly and make sure not to talk too far.
You will be treated like a lady and will be taken far seriously this way.
2.) Mind your language
There is nothing more uncouth than a woman who stuffs her sentences
with invectives. If you are startled, upset or frustrated, there is no absolute
need to use expletive language—particularly if you are in a public area.
Nothing tarnishes the image of a class woman more than a single cuss word has
said. Regardless of whether you get everything else right, a curse word uttered
and slipped from your mouth would already be enough to taint your image.
3.) Keep your makeup subtle
Makeup was designed to enhance your beauty and not totally replace it.
With this in mind, always consider having your makeup done subtly. After all,
there is nothing more unattractive than a woman whose face is caked with
makeup. Consider the occasion and use the appropriate makeup for it. Evening
soirees and dinner parties are where bold lip colors are suitable, but so as
not to appear too aggressive during the day, keep your makeup light.

4.) Be careful how you sit down
Always be a little conscious about how you sit down—particularly if you
are wearing short dresses or skirts. Do not simply plonk yourself down in a
seat and have an extra awareness of your clothes. Place yourself on your seat
gracefully and gently and do it all in a ladylike manner. Lastly, do not
needlessly fuss around. To be elegant and classy, it should be done in one
fluid movement.
5.) Wear great looking clothes
Great looking clothes do not need to be expensive. Regardless of
whether you are wearing wholesale street wear or branded buys, it is more of
how you carry yourself in these clothes. However, take extra care not to be too
casual with your clothing. More often than not, a classy woman would only need
clean and well-fitting clothes to make her feel sophisticated, elegant and

3 Important Beauty Tips For Women

Do you think looking beautiful on the outer side is essential?
Isn’t looking beautiful to oneself is beneficial? Well, sometimes, looking
beautiful is part of who you are and counts in your personality. Often in the
rush to look beautiful, you tend to forget how to feel the same inside out.
Being a personality who has an enhanced beauty in today’s time is equal to
being normal. However, there is absolutely no harm in wanting to look

In order to look as you desire, you need to put in a lot of effort
including having a healthy diet, working out regularly to stay in shape and
balancing your stressful life and the inner peace. However, there are some
beauty secrets which come in handy to rectify and also to enhance how you look
on the outside. These tips must always be with you because you never know when
you’d need them.
What are those tips?
Well, find them below!
BB crèmes are the new moisturizers
You all must have known how essential moisturizers are for your
skin. A good moisturizer is your best friend when it comes to control the oil
skin or make your dry skin look not-so-flaky and more. If applied on a regular
basis a simple one can be quite helpful but now is the time when you skin needs
something more than just moisturizing. With summers on your head, SPF
protection with foundation properties and the moisturizer characteristic traits
is what you need. Hence, a BB creme is what serves the needs of the season.
Regular application can save you from sunburns and other problems that attack
your skin and harm it from within.

Go for a makeover in about 2 years
Hairstyle is your crowning glory so is your style of dressing.
Change is the only constant in life and you must abide with the same. If you
run into your college mate after 5 years and you look the same, you are in need
of a makeover. You need a change in yourself and so do others in you. Don’t you
get bored of the same phone after using it for about 6 months? However, you use
it for not more than 2 years and then switch. Likewise, your hairstyle and your
clothing need a makeover to make you look different from what you look now.

Accessorize yourself well
Choosing the right accessories is the next big thing after you get
a makeover. Well, you can switch accessories depending on your outfits but make
sure you invest in pieces that’ll stay longer with you. For example, Prada
footwear, Gucci bags, Calvin
Klein watches and so many other accessories are worth the investment because of
their high statement looks. You won’t disagree if someone would say that
accessories complete your look. And, that’s exactly why you need to focus on
the same.

These three beauty tips for every woman are worth the understanding
and they should abide by the same.

3 Important Beauty Tips For Women

Do you think looking beautiful on the outer side is essential?
Isn’t looking beautiful to oneself is beneficial? Well, sometimes, looking
beautiful is part of who you are and counts in your personality. Often in the
rush to look beautiful, you tend to forget how to feel the same inside out.
Being a personality who has an enhanced beauty in today’s time is equal to
being normal. However, there is absolutely no harm in wanting to look

In order to look as you desire, you need to put in a lot of effort
including having a healthy diet, working out regularly to stay in shape and
balancing your stressful life and the inner peace. However, there are some
beauty secrets which come in handy to rectify and also to enhance how you look
on the outside. These tips must always be with you because you never know when
you’d need them.
What are those tips?
Well, find them below!
BB crèmes are the new moisturizers
You all must have known how essential moisturizers are for your
skin. A good moisturizer is your best friend when it comes to control the oil
skin or make your dry skin look not-so-flaky and more. If applied on a regular
basis a simple one can be quite helpful but now is the time when you skin needs
something more than just moisturizing. With summers on your head, SPF
protection with foundation properties and the moisturizer characteristic traits
is what you need. Hence, a BB creme is what serves the needs of the season.
Regular application can save you from sunburns and other problems that attack
your skin and harm it from within.

Go for a makeover in about 2 years
Hairstyle is your crowning glory so is your style of dressing.
Change is the only constant in life and you must abide with the same. If you
run into your college mate after 5 years and you look the same, you are in need
of a makeover. You need a change in yourself and so do others in you. Don’t you
get bored of the same phone after using it for about 6 months? However, you use
it for not more than 2 years and then switch. Likewise, your hairstyle and your
clothing need a makeover to make you look different from what you look now.

Accessorize yourself well
Choosing the right accessories is the next big thing after you get
a makeover. Well, you can switch accessories depending on your outfits but make
sure you invest in pieces that’ll stay longer with you. For example, Prada
footwear, Gucci bags, Calvin
Klein watches and so many other accessories are worth the investment because of
their high statement looks. You won’t disagree if someone would say that
accessories complete your look. And, that’s exactly why you need to focus on
the same.

These three beauty tips for every woman are worth the understanding
and they should abide by the same.

4 Effective Methods You Need to Try to Deal with Blemishes

It must
have been a dream for girls to get rid of blemishes for these are one of the
worst enemy of those who want to have perfect and flawless skin. Blemishes are
spots on your skin that occur at times or people refer them skin discolorations
as well as dark spots. These skin issues are normally triggered by acne
breakouts and the most common reason is probably hormonal imbalance, genetics.
Besides, improper skin care, poor diet and constant sun exposure might bring
blemishes to your skin.

blemishes as trouble of your skin, you need to find the right way and method to
treat them well so that you will have perfect glowing and healthy skin that is
blemishes-free. Fortunately, these blemishes can be easily treated once you got
to make use of some Natural HomeRemedies For Blemishes from ready-to-use ingredients within your

are some natural remedies that are good to make use of:

1. Baking Soda
baking powder is great in helping you to treat your acne scars naturally
without further ado and therefore, blemishes can be eventually got rid of.
There are high amount of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial in
baking powder that can be effective tool to exfoliate your skin. Once your skin
í clean, you will almost no longer have to worry about the problems of skin
issue any longer.
You will
need to make a paste out of this baking powder then apply to your face right
after washing. Leave it on for a while as a mask then wash off after 15
minutes. You should use this to scrub every two days within few weeks.

2. Tomato
if you want to get rid of blemishes, the most deciding factor is that you
should use ingredients that can brighten your skin. In such cases, fruits with
high amount of vitamin A should be the perfect choice for this fruit can
effectively whiten your skin healthily.

There are
two ways of applying tomatoes. You can either drink tomatoes juice or make the
mask out of it. You should drink fruit every morning right after your breakfast
to start your day well. Alternatively, you can make a mask out of this tomatoes
to apply on your face. it will be best if you use the mask along with honey and
lemon and a bit of sugar.

3. Carrot
or red vegetable in general are rich in vitamin A, which are really beneficial
for your skin. Especially when it comes to brighten your skin. Therefore,
carrots should be the perfect choice if you want to get rid of blemishes. Along
with drink the juice, it is still a good choice if you make a mask out of

How to
  • ·       
    Take out few fresh carrots and boil them with water.
  • ·       
    Mash up to have fine paste.
  • ·       
    Add few teaspoons of honey.
  • ·       
    Mix them well with few drops of lemons.
  • ·       
    Apply over your washed face.
  • ·       
    Leave for 15 minutes then wash off well with warm water.
  • ·       
    Do this for 3 times a week until you find satisfied result.

4. Egg White
When it
comes to brighten your skin, it is inevitable that you do not mention egg white.
This egg white is packed with powerful healing qualities to give a helping hand
in healing your blemishes, scars and other skin issues.

You will
need to take decent amount of egg whites from the egg then simply apply all
over your skin. Rub off with water after 15 minutes.

In order
to get the best result, you need to be patient and consistent with this method
for this might give satisfied result only after at least few weeks.

Author’s bio: This article is written by
Rose Emma – Senior Editor of Authority Remedies. She works as a health care
expert in the field of Nutrition and Health for over 2 years after trained in
Food and Nutrition Dietetics at Bluffton University. With all the experience
she accumulates since college, she provides people with useful information
about nutrition as well as helps them with their common health problems.

5 Hair Trends for Summers This Year – Beauty Tips

The season is changing and so are the trends. The sun has
come out brighter and hotter. The way you dress up in winters is absolutely
different from what you opt for in winters. Same goes for the hairstyles. Therefore
the sleek and open hair can not do for you in the daytime anymore. 
Summer has brought with itself some interesting hairstyles to
sport for you. Keep reading! Because below are a few hairdos that are easy to
make and in alignment with the latest trends. So sport them or just brag your
knowledge, do what simply makes you happy!

Damp and Wavy:
Take a few drop of oil and apply on your damp hair.
Straighten your hair completely and part them from the middle. After that, take
a three barrel wave curler and use it to make your hair wavy from mid shaft to
the ends. Set your hair in the end with the hair-setting spray.

The Festive Fishtails:
This one makes a perfect hairstyle for spring. All you need
to do is part your hair from the middle and apply some hair moose on both ends.
Make fishtails on both sides and let the strands be loose and messy. Loosen
each braid up in the end. You can accessorize it with little white flowers.

Ribboned Ponytail:
It is one simple yet chic hairstyle for this summer. You can
just take a plain or a more trendy ribbon for it as per your preference. Make a
sleek and straight ponytail with your hair and tie it with a band to keep it
tight. Wrap the band with a silk ribbon. 
Set the ponytail with a hairspray in the end.

Messy Curls:
The summer 2017 hairstyles cannot complete without a fine
curl trend. The curls this year are big, messy and bold. And yes, a little wet
as well. Curls are always a fun choice, especially when they look and feel more
natural and messy, rather than the super clean bottleneck curls that were
trending in the previous season.

Low Slung Braided Buns:
The low slung braided bun is a more feminine and soft
hairstyle trend for this summer. This is a brilliant choice of hairdo for
special occasions, and you can even sport it in weddings for sure by
accessorizing it with a barrettes, bows and flowers. It is easy to make, and gives
you a more romantic feel.

Author Bio:

This post was written by Beth Martel. She is a mother of two,
a medical professional and a humanitarian. She blogs at Check out the three best selling bridal hair combs that are exactly
what you need for a special occasion.

5 Simple Tips for You to Clear Blackheads Naturally – Beauty Tips

There are so many on our face that we feel insecure about such as
acne, large pores, clogged pores as well as problems of our oily skin and the
worst ones are probably blackheads. Those are clogged pores, dead skin cells
that usually strikes around the nose as well as under the chin. Those
blackheads really annoying when we have problems on the face and usually they
happen to teenagers or young moms.
For those who constantly have to struggle against those pores, it
is the best that they could take measures to get rid of those pores and
blackheads on your skin. Along with using some skincare products, you could
take actions with home remedies in the first place. They almost come from your
kitchen and of course, they are effective in fading off blackheads on your

1. Baking
The most important note in treating blackheads is to make sure
that your skin is cleared properly. In cleansing steps, there would be
cleansing on the surface and double cleansing and finally, the most deciding
step is to scrub your skin. This will allow you to deeply clean into the pores,
take all the dead skin cells, dirt and impurities away. Baking soda would be
the best choice for this step. To make the most out of it, you should create
the mask from baking soda, lemon and honey following the equal amount of each.
2. Honey
Honey is rich in antioxidants and anti inflammatory ingredients,
which would turn into a very efficient cleansing property. You could use honey
to create face mask to apply every two days before going to sleep. Along with
cleaning your skin to minize the pores so that blackheads will be treated, honey
is great in helping you have smooth and bright skin as well.
You can mix honey with lemon, tomatoes, green tea powder and
yogurt, whatever ingredient that is available in your kitchen.
3. Green Tea
Green tea is a valuable ingredient you could take advantages at
home to take care of your skin. You can use either green tea fluid or green tea
powder to treat blackheads. Green tea powder would be powerful in turning into
a face mask before heading to bed. You would feel so relieved and refreshed
when applying this mask. For green tea fluid, you could use to clean your face
twice a day.
4. Turmeric
Turmeric is famous for brightening your skin; therefore, it would
be best in making blackheads disappear. Similar to the above, the simplest way
to make use of turmeric is using the powder to make a mask. You can add along
with honey and yogurt for the best result.
5. Egg Whites
Another ingredient in the kitchen would be effective in taking out
off all dead skin cells dirts deep down in the pores is eggs white.
  • How to apply:
  • ·       
    Beat up eggs
    to take out eggs yolk.
  • ·       
    apply over your damp face.
  • ·       
    Wait for 10
    minutes before rinsing off with warm water.
  • ·       
    Apply your
    night cream before going to bed.
  • ·       
    Repeat this
    action twice or three times a week for the best result.

Author’s bio: This article is written by Rose Emma –
Senior Editor of Authority Remedies. She works as a
health care expert in the field of Nutrition and Health for over 2 years after
trained in Food and Nutrition Dietetics at Bluffton University. With all the
experience she accumulates since college, she provides people with useful
information about nutrition as well as helps them with their common health