Five Major Psychological Problems Found In Elderly People

Aging brings along lots of health issues, which does not only
count the physical problems but it includes psychological disorders as well. In
this article, we will highlight the five major psychological problems found in
the elderly people. By being aware of the following problematic issues, you can
easily take measures to beat off the mental health disorders as you age. Have a

Five Major Psychological Problems Found In Elderly People

 Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease is included in
the family of dementia. It can cause serious issues with the thinking ability
of the suffering person as well as the memory and behavior. It is a
psychological and neurological disorder. It is caused because of the death of
the cells in the brain, and this is how one starts to forget everything and the
thinking is impaired as well. If not cured properly, this disease can be

According to the American Psychological Association, the
prevalence of depression is quite high in the individuals above 65 years of
age. Depression is a silent killer that weakens the immune system, and it works
against the body’s ability to fight germs and infections. One way you can save
your elderly loved ones from depression is to engage them in various physical
activities that they enjoy, other than that you can go for anti-depressants and
mental health therapies.

Another geriatric disorder that is commonly found is
delirium. It is another serious psychological disorder that involves a state of
confusion and restlessness. It also includes illusions and incoherence. Some
psychic experts consider delirium a medical emergency. The only cure for
delirium is to control the cause of its symptoms. It may include
hospitalization for few days to a week or so.

 Sleep related disorders
One of the most common issues that nearly all the elderly
people suffer from is the sleep related disorders. Insomnia, sleep apnea and
restless leg syndrome are some of the commonly found sleep related disorders.
Loss of sleep can affect the level of body’s hormones, behavior and weight
badly; this is why it is medically recommended to get at least eight hours of
sleep. Sleep related disorders can affect the liver function as well so they
must be treated urgently.

Bladder problems
Bladder problems are directly linked to mental health. High
levels of anxiety can cause bladder problems as well. Psychological stress is a
big reason for frequent urination. Another bladder issue that you can commonly
see in older adults is overactive bladder as well as bed wetting. They can be
cured with simple mental tricks and anti-stress therapies.

All the disorders stated above are most commonly found
geriatric disorders. They can be cured if treated timely. I hope this article
helps you out. Stay safe!
About the Author:

This post is written by Chris Palmer who is a comedian and a
public speaker. He has got a lot of valuable information about dementia and
elderly care. He regularly blogs at

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