Category Archives: Beauty Skills

Natural Skin Care Routine for Teenage Girl

As a teenage girl, your skin is
probably going through some changes and can be difficult to manage. From acne
breakouts to dry patches, it’s important to establish a natural skincare
routine that caters specifically to your needs. Not only will it keep your skin
looking healthy and fresh, but it will also boost your confidence as you tackle
the challenges of adolescence. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of
a natural skincare routine for teenage girls and provide tips on how to create
one that works for you!

The best time for a
natural skin care routine

Establishing a natural skin care
routine is essential for maintaining healthy and clear skin, especially during
teenage years when hormonal changes can lead to breakouts. While it’s important
to wash your face twice a day, the timing of your skincare routine matters too.

The best time for a natural skin
care routine is in the morning and before bed. In the morning, cleansing your
face with lukewarm water helps remove impurities that have accumulated
overnight. Follow up with a gentle toner and moisturizer to keep your skin
hydrated throughout the day.

Before going to bed, take some
time out for yourself. Start by removing any makeup or dirt buildup using an
oil-based cleanser or micellar water. This will help unclog pores and prevent
acne breakouts from occurring overnight. Then apply products such as serums,
eye creams or oils that help repair damaged cells while you sleep.

By establishing a consistent
routine in the morning and before bedtime, you’ll give your skin ample
opportunity to absorb all of those beneficial ingredients found within each

What products to use for a
natural skincare routine

When it comes to creating a
natural skincare routine, choosing the right products is crucial. Here are some
key items that teenage girls can incorporate into their daily regimen.

Firstly, a gentle cleanser is essential for removing dirt and impurities
without stripping the skin of its natural oils. Look for a product with
ingredients such as chamomile or lavender to soothe sensitive skin.

Next, toner helps balance the pH of the skin and prepare it for moisturizer
application. A witch hazel-based toner can help reduce inflammation and prevent

Moisturizer should always be used as part of your daily routine, even if you
have oily skin. Opt for lightweight formulas containing hyaluronic acid or
glycerin to hydrate without clogging pores.

Sunscreen is also important in
protecting against harmful UV rays which can cause premature aging and damage.
Choose a mineral-based sunscreen with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide for
maximum protection.

Incorporating face masks once or
twice per week can also provide additional benefits such as deep cleansing and
hydration. Look for masks made with natural ingredients like honey or clay.

Remember, consistency is key when
it comes to seeing results from your natural skincare routine!

How to create a natural
skin care routine?

Creating a natural skin care routine may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to
be. It’s all about finding the right products and being consistent with your

Firstly, determine your skin type. Is it oily, dry, or combination? This will
help you choose which products are best suited for your skin’s needs.

Next, start with a gentle cleanser
to remove dirt and oil from the surface of your skin. Follow up with a toner to
balance out the pH levels of your skin.

Afterwards, apply a serum that is targeted towards any specific concerns you
may have such as acne or hyperpigmentation. Then moisturize with an oil-free
lotion or cream that won’t clog pores.

Don’t forget sunscreen! Protecting
your skin from harmful UV rays will prevent premature aging and potential sun

Remember to tailor this routine
based on what works best for you and adjust accordingly if necessary. A daily
natural skincare regimen can not only improve the appearance of teenage girl’s
delicate complexion but also promote healthy habits in self-care at young age.

Why natural skin care is
important for teenage girls

As a teenage girl, your skin is
going through a lot of changes, and it’s important to take care of it. Using
natural skin care products can help you maintain healthy and glowing skin
without the harsh chemicals that may harm your delicate complexion.

One reason why natural skin care is essential for teenage girls is that their
hormones are changing, which can cause breakouts and other skin issues. Harsh
chemicals found in many skincare products can irritate the already sensitive
areas on their face. Natural ingredients such as tea tree oil, witch hazel or
chamomile will be gentle yet effective at reducing inflammation.

Another benefit of using natural
skincare products is that they contain antioxidants which protect against
environmental toxins like pollution and UV rays from the sun. This means less
damage to your skin over time leading to fewer wrinkles or spots.

Teenagers also tend to have more oily or acne-prone complexions than adults do,
so choosing natural skincare products with salicylic acid or clay masks will
help keep pores clean while avoiding unnecessary irritation caused by synthetic
fragrances often found in non-natural alternatives.

Lastly but not leastly, using
natural skincare encourages self-care habits early on in life. It teaches
teenagers how to nourish themselves physically and mentally while promoting
self-confidence and positive body image ideals – something vital during these
formative years.

Taking advantage of all-natural
solutions benefits not only our health but also our planet’s sustainability by
opting for eco-friendly packaging materials instead of plastics commonly used
in conventional cosmetics industries. Not only does this reduce exposure levels
towards toxic waste disposal regulations set forth by government entities
worldwide- ultimately resulting in healthier communities everywhere!


Taking care of our skin is
important, especially during teenage years when the body undergoes several
changes. Natural skin care routines are ideal for teenage girls as they help
maintain healthy and glowing skin without any harmful side effects.

To create a natural skin care routine, it’s essential to determine your skin
type and choose products that suit you. Cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and
protecting with sunscreen are key steps in this process. Incorporating organic
products like coconut oil or honey can also be beneficial.

Consistency is vital in achieving
results from a natural skincare routine. Making subtle lifestyle changes like
drinking enough water, avoiding processed food, and getting adequate sleep
helps too.

Taking good care of your skin
doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. A simple natural skincare routine
tailored to individual needs can go a long way in promoting healthy
youthful-looking skin over time. So start today!

Top 7 effective ways for peeling skin at home

skin is a removing process of dead skin remained in epidermis, the outermost
skin layer. It is usually happened without you realizing it. The peeling skin
can be a typical normal phenomenon but it can be annoying as you commonly
experience itchy, dry, rash and irritating accompanying with white flake skin
peeled off from your face. There are a number of factors that can fasten the
peeling process, including: excessive exposure to the sun, harsh weather condition,
chemical-related skin irritations or allergies, skin infections, immune
disorders, genetics, adverse effects of medications, etc. Peeling skin seems to
have no harmful effects but it is not. You not only be discomfort but have a
higher chance of getting skin infection if your condition is left untreated.

following easy home-made remedies can help you with your peeling skin.
1. Lemon and sugar
A mixture
of lemon and sugar is one of the most effective natural skin scrubs that help
you to remove your dead skin cells. Moreover, lemon has properties of soothing
and healing so it literally essential for your skin health. You can make a
mixture of sugar, lemon juice and add a few drops of olive oil for better
effect. Then apply this mixture on your skin and rub in circular directions
gently. After that, rinse of with cold water to astringe your pore. Remember to
apply at least 1-2 times every week and wait to see the result.
2. Olive oil
Olive oil
is a great potential remedy that you do not want to miss for your dry peeling
skin as it contains many fatty acids that are wonderful moisturizing your skin.
Besides that, vitamin E contained in the oil is a free radicals fighter that
helps you to have a youth look. You can simply add a certain amount of olive
oil into 2 tablespoons of salt and use as a body scrub on a daily basis until
you are free of skin flakes. You can also add some olive oil on your balm, warm
it up and massage gently on your skin. Apply the oil for 2-3 times per week.
3. Cucumber
to lemon and sugar, cucumber is another effective organic astringent. It not
only help you with your peeling skin but relieve you from sunburn, itchiness
and irritation as it contain a high level of water and vitamin C. Mash a
cucumber into paste and apply directly on your affected area. Let it sit there
for 15-20 minute periods before wash it off with warm water. Use cucumber
everyday for at least 1-2 week to restore your dehydrated skin.
4. Honey
Honey has
been well-known for its’ moisturizing and healing properties. The irritation
and itchiness that come from a peeling skin will be eliminated after a week
using honey. Rub a little honey on your skin and let it sit for 10-20 minutes
before rinse it off with warm water.

5. Yogurt
effective method to soften your skin and reduce peeling skin signs is yogurt.
Yogurt contains a variety of components, namely minerals, enzymes and acids
that are useful to fasten your healing process and moisturize your dry skin.
You can add either a half of a ripe banana or 2 teaspoon of honey to 2 yogurt
tablespoons and apply the mixture on your skin. After 10-15 minutes drying,
wash your skin with warm water.
6. Mint
other home remedies, mint not only helps to moisturize your skin but calm and
refresh your skin. So apply a little mint juice on your affected area before
going to sleep and let it there overnight. Use warm water to rinse it off in
the next morning and apply another light moisturizer on that area gently.
Repeat this procedure until your skin condition is improved.
7.  Aleo vera
Aleo vera
is loaded with soothing and moisturizing properties that make it one of the
most effective natural remedies for your skin problems. It helps to ease
irritation, inflammation and the peeling skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of aloe vera
extract and vitamin E. Apply the mixture onto the affected skin area and
massage gently before let it dry and wash it off. Repeat this method 2-3 times
everyday for about a week.

Bio: Jelly Jeff is a senior editor of Authority Remedies; that a website which is specialized in providing natural home
remedies, tips and also nutrition facts to improve the well-beings.
is a nurse but she keens to explore nutrition and fitness. In addition, she
loves writing and doing research. She appreciates to be a good writer in

Top 7 effective ways for peeling skin at home

skin is a removing process of dead skin remained in epidermis, the outermost
skin layer. It is usually happened without you realizing it. The peeling skin
can be a typical normal phenomenon but it can be annoying as you commonly
experience itchy, dry, rash and irritating accompanying with white flake skin
peeled off from your face. There are a number of factors that can fasten the
peeling process, including: excessive exposure to the sun, harsh weather condition,
chemical-related skin irritations or allergies, skin infections, immune
disorders, genetics, adverse effects of medications, etc. Peeling skin seems to
have no harmful effects but it is not. You not only be discomfort but have a
higher chance of getting skin infection if your condition is left untreated.

following easy home-made remedies can help you with your peeling skin.
1. Lemon and sugar
A mixture
of lemon and sugar is one of the most effective natural skin scrubs that help
you to remove your dead skin cells. Moreover, lemon has properties of soothing
and healing so it literally essential for your skin health. You can make a
mixture of sugar, lemon juice and add a few drops of olive oil for better
effect. Then apply this mixture on your skin and rub in circular directions
gently. After that, rinse of with cold water to astringe your pore. Remember to
apply at least 1-2 times every week and wait to see the result.
2. Olive oil
Olive oil
is a great potential remedy that you do not want to miss for your dry peeling
skin as it contains many fatty acids that are wonderful moisturizing your skin.
Besides that, vitamin E contained in the oil is a free radicals fighter that
helps you to have a youth look. You can simply add a certain amount of olive
oil into 2 tablespoons of salt and use as a body scrub on a daily basis until
you are free of skin flakes. You can also add some olive oil on your balm, warm
it up and massage gently on your skin. Apply the oil for 2-3 times per week.
3. Cucumber
to lemon and sugar, cucumber is another effective organic astringent. It not
only help you with your peeling skin but relieve you from sunburn, itchiness
and irritation as it contain a high level of water and vitamin C. Mash a
cucumber into paste and apply directly on your affected area. Let it sit there
for 15-20 minute periods before wash it off with warm water. Use cucumber
everyday for at least 1-2 week to restore your dehydrated skin.
4. Honey
Honey has
been well-known for its’ moisturizing and healing properties. The irritation
and itchiness that come from a peeling skin will be eliminated after a week
using honey. Rub a little honey on your skin and let it sit for 10-20 minutes
before rinse it off with warm water.

5. Yogurt
effective method to soften your skin and reduce peeling skin signs is yogurt.
Yogurt contains a variety of components, namely minerals, enzymes and acids
that are useful to fasten your healing process and moisturize your dry skin.
You can add either a half of a ripe banana or 2 teaspoon of honey to 2 yogurt
tablespoons and apply the mixture on your skin. After 10-15 minutes drying,
wash your skin with warm water.
6. Mint
other home remedies, mint not only helps to moisturize your skin but calm and
refresh your skin. So apply a little mint juice on your affected area before
going to sleep and let it there overnight. Use warm water to rinse it off in
the next morning and apply another light moisturizer on that area gently.
Repeat this procedure until your skin condition is improved.
7.  Aleo vera
Aleo vera
is loaded with soothing and moisturizing properties that make it one of the
most effective natural remedies for your skin problems. It helps to ease
irritation, inflammation and the peeling skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of aloe vera
extract and vitamin E. Apply the mixture onto the affected skin area and
massage gently before let it dry and wash it off. Repeat this method 2-3 times
everyday for about a week.

Bio: Jelly Jeff is a senior editor of Authority Remedies; that a website which is specialized in providing natural home
remedies, tips and also nutrition facts to improve the well-beings.
is a nurse but she keens to explore nutrition and fitness. In addition, she
loves writing and doing research. She appreciates to be a good writer in

Which are good face washes to get rid of oily skin?

Are you worried of your oily skin and want to find the best face
wash for you? Keep Reading. In the modern era, make up and beauty products are
at their best. Even general people are confused which one to use from hundreds
of the available products having similar names and features. Here in this
article, we’ve listed Top 5 Face washes which you can apply on your oily skin
and can have multiple benefits.

1.     Himalaya Purifying Neem Face Wash
Are you
looking an all in one solution for your oily solution?  Himalaya Purifying Neem Face Wash is the best
ever Face Wash For Oily Skin that you can get for the
purpose of general face problems including pimples and impurities. More than
just solving the problems like this it can cure the scars of acne and also
controls the pimple to come on your face and thus protects your natural beauty.
Being offered by one of the most trusted brand of India, Himalaya, we recommend
it to all.

Oil Free Acne Face Wash

Many of the dermatologists recommended Neutrogena Oil Free Acne
Face Wash that removes extra oil from your face and make it glow naturally. It
cleans oil from skin going deep into the pores. It’s also an all in one
solution. It’s a gentle skin cleanser and an amazing preventive measure against
many of the face problems. This is perfect if you are having oily as well as
acne-prone skin. It’s unisex, thus men as well as women can apply.

Cleansing Lotion

Cetaphil Cleansing Lotion is another great solution for cleansing
especially if you are having an oily skin. It’s also quite good to take action
against acne and scars. Without leaving any kind of dryness on your face, it
simply removes all of the dirt from your face as well as the oil. More than
this, your face will feel quite fresh after the application of Cetaphil
Cleansing Lotion for oily skin.

Herbals Tea Tree Face Wash

Lotus Herbals are also one of the recognized brands in this field
by all of us. Their Tea Tree Face Wash is amazing to remove dirt from face
including all the oil present on the face. It’s especially for oily skin. It
contains Tea Tree oil, cinnamons and Oak Bark extracts which removes harmful
elements from the face but at the same time also protects the skin from any
kind of side effects.

and Clear Deep Action Oil Control Face Wash

Clean and Clear products are popular all across India and
especially in youth. Moreover, teenagers love to use Clean and Clear as they as
quite quick and easy to have their action on face. It can cure multiple face
issues. Clean and Clear’s Deep action Oil Control Face Wash not just removes
extra oil from your face but also control other elements caused by oil such as
pimples. It’s quite thick and creamy and thus can be applied properly on face

Which are good face washes to get rid of oily skin?

Are you worried of your oily skin and want to find the best face
wash for you? Keep Reading. In the modern era, make up and beauty products are
at their best. Even general people are confused which one to use from hundreds
of the available products having similar names and features. Here in this
article, we’ve listed Top 5 Face washes which you can apply on your oily skin
and can have multiple benefits.

1.     Himalaya Purifying Neem Face Wash
Are you
looking an all in one solution for your oily solution?  Himalaya Purifying Neem Face Wash is the best
ever Face Wash For Oily Skin that you can get for the
purpose of general face problems including pimples and impurities. More than
just solving the problems like this it can cure the scars of acne and also
controls the pimple to come on your face and thus protects your natural beauty.
Being offered by one of the most trusted brand of India, Himalaya, we recommend
it to all.

Oil Free Acne Face Wash

Many of the dermatologists recommended Neutrogena Oil Free Acne
Face Wash that removes extra oil from your face and make it glow naturally. It
cleans oil from skin going deep into the pores. It’s also an all in one
solution. It’s a gentle skin cleanser and an amazing preventive measure against
many of the face problems. This is perfect if you are having oily as well as
acne-prone skin. It’s unisex, thus men as well as women can apply.

Cleansing Lotion

Cetaphil Cleansing Lotion is another great solution for cleansing
especially if you are having an oily skin. It’s also quite good to take action
against acne and scars. Without leaving any kind of dryness on your face, it
simply removes all of the dirt from your face as well as the oil. More than
this, your face will feel quite fresh after the application of Cetaphil
Cleansing Lotion for oily skin.

Herbals Tea Tree Face Wash

Lotus Herbals are also one of the recognized brands in this field
by all of us. Their Tea Tree Face Wash is amazing to remove dirt from face
including all the oil present on the face. It’s especially for oily skin. It
contains Tea Tree oil, cinnamons and Oak Bark extracts which removes harmful
elements from the face but at the same time also protects the skin from any
kind of side effects.

and Clear Deep Action Oil Control Face Wash

Clean and Clear products are popular all across India and
especially in youth. Moreover, teenagers love to use Clean and Clear as they as
quite quick and easy to have their action on face. It can cure multiple face
issues. Clean and Clear’s Deep action Oil Control Face Wash not just removes
extra oil from your face but also control other elements caused by oil such as
pimples. It’s quite thick and creamy and thus can be applied properly on face

Timeless Looks for Your Fall Makeup – Beauty Tips

The air is cool and crisp, the leaves on the trees are changing colors
and pumpkin spice can be found almost literally everywhere! This only means one
thing: Fall is finally here! One of the most favorite and most anticipated
seasons of the year, if not only for the fashionable fall-colored palettes, but
also the opportunities to dust off our killer boots and magnificent scarves.
And what better way to tie together a dazzling Autumn appearance than with
beautiful, timeless makeup looks?


Your face should be considered the canvas – the base – of your
masterpiece. A beautiful canvas like this shouldn’t be coated in a hundred
layers of cake-batter-like foundation! You can keep it simple with a light
foundation that can benefit your lovely skin with an SPF and anti-aging
ingredients. A matte-finish is preferred by many, leaving your skin looking airbrushed
and shine-free. A matte finish tends to be a little bit thicker, but applying a
thin layer is absolutely perfect for those ladies that suffer from an oily skin
type or prefer a more “Photoshopped” look. A more dewy finish typically
comes from a thinner, water-based foundation. If you want a natural, effortless
look, then definitely go with this type of foundation. You can even try using
natural colored bronzers or Autumn-colored blushes to maintain that healthy
summer glow, but still exude warm, flushed cheeks.

Tips for Applying Your Blush and

Since every foundation uses a different brush, for a
specific look, we wanted to cover a few and their uses. Such as this: Use a large,
full brush for a mineral foundation and sheer coverage. For those that choose
liquid foundation, use a synthetic foundation brush or flat head for the best

Be sure to use small motions to apply the makeup onto
your skin and be sure to blend it in (You don’t want obvious lines anywhere).
Not blending is one of the worst foundation faux pas.

To get radiant and uniform coverage, also be sure to blend your foundation
into your ears, hairline, and on your neck.

You can use a plastic spoon to help with contouring your blush or
bronzer. Place the round part of the spoon on the apple of your cheek, aligning
the handle to face toward the top of your ear. Using your favorite color, contour below the spoon, remove the spoon, then apply color to the apples of your cheeks and blend it in to soften.


People almost always notice someone’s eyes
first. We have been taught since we were children to always look at someone
when they are talking or when we are listening. Our eyes can be one of the most
stunning features we have and so it is imperative to accentuate them rather than
mask! Here are two timeless looks that are bound to draw some attention: The
“cat eye”. This look has been around for decades, being classically
worn by actresses and models throughout the 1950s. Creating that seductive
little curve, your eyes will scream elegancy. Second, “smokey eyes”.
This look is still worshiped by fashionistas. This makeup effect can be
simplified or dramatized and can deliver a sexy, mysterious appeal. No matter what color choice you make, be sure to use a good shadow and smudge brush to smoke out the look. And be sure to soften the under-eye liner to create that edgy look!
Tips for Drawing That Cat Eye

Draw your line with a pencil first, then go over it with a liquid

Apply the liquid eyeliner in little dots. Now all you have to do is
connect them for an even line!

Literally any color of eyeshadow can be made into an eyeliner by
wetting a thin brush, like a detail eye Makeup Brush or an
running it over the shadow.


Who can look at red lipstick and think it’s ugly? No one, right? Red
lipsticks and glosses are pretty coveted by most women. This daring, classic
color can vamp up any of your simply makeup looks and it’s found in thousands
of  variations of shades. A cherry red is
a classic that drips in sexual appeal. Whether you just want to make a bold
statement or you want to entice the entire world, red lipstick is a must for

Not a super-fan of red? Not to worry. A lot of people really love deep rich plums, burgundies, browns, and burnt orange browns this Fall. Who wouldn’t? There is surely something to be said for these rich shades and tones. Why not pair a burgundy matte lip with a nice matallic topper for a rich, trendy look? Or try a burnt orange brown with simple, natural eyeshadow and a simple blouse for a nice, simple look this Fall.

Tips for Those Lips

Have you ever wondered why some of red lipsticks you’ve tried make
your teeth look yellow? You picked the wrong one! To find the right one, look
for a red lipstick that has blue or purple undertones. This tip will make your
teeth super white.

And it may seem like an unnecessary step, but try filling in lips with
a lipliner and apply your lipstick afterward. It will significantly prolong
your lip makeup.

You can also avoid annoying lip makeup bleeding by using concealer around your lips to produce a sharp finish or using longwear lipsticks.

These looks may be sported year after year, but when something works,
why stop doing it? Fall is the perfect time to wear these absolutely timeless
makeup styles. Elegant, luscious colors are prevailing trends this year. So put
on your boots, grab a sweater, and try some new makeup ideas, Fall is here!

Timeless Looks for Your Fall Makeup – Beauty Tips

The air is cool and crisp, the leaves on the trees are changing colors
and pumpkin spice can be found almost literally everywhere! This only means one
thing: Fall is finally here! One of the most favorite and most anticipated
seasons of the year, if not only for the fashionable fall-colored palettes, but
also the opportunities to dust off our killer boots and magnificent scarves.
And what better way to tie together a dazzling Autumn appearance than with
beautiful, timeless makeup looks?


Your face should be considered the canvas – the base – of your
masterpiece. A beautiful canvas like this shouldn’t be coated in a hundred
layers of cake-batter-like foundation! You can keep it simple with a light
foundation that can benefit your lovely skin with an SPF and anti-aging
ingredients. A matte-finish is preferred by many, leaving your skin looking airbrushed
and shine-free. A matte finish tends to be a little bit thicker, but applying a
thin layer is absolutely perfect for those ladies that suffer from an oily skin
type or prefer a more “Photoshopped” look. A more dewy finish typically
comes from a thinner, water-based foundation. If you want a natural, effortless
look, then definitely go with this type of foundation. You can even try using
natural colored bronzers or Autumn-colored blushes to maintain that healthy
summer glow, but still exude warm, flushed cheeks.

Tips for Applying Your Blush and

Since every foundation uses a different brush, for a
specific look, we wanted to cover a few and their uses. Such as this: Use a large,
full brush for a mineral foundation and sheer coverage. For those that choose
liquid foundation, use a synthetic foundation brush or flat head for the best

Be sure to use small motions to apply the makeup onto
your skin and be sure to blend it in (You don’t want obvious lines anywhere).
Not blending is one of the worst foundation faux pas.

To get radiant and uniform coverage, also be sure to blend your foundation
into your ears, hairline, and on your neck.

You can use a plastic spoon to help with contouring your blush or
bronzer. Place the round part of the spoon on the apple of your cheek, aligning
the handle to face toward the top of your ear. Using your favorite color, contour below the spoon, remove the spoon, then apply color to the apples of your cheeks and blend it in to soften.


People almost always notice someone’s eyes
first. We have been taught since we were children to always look at someone
when they are talking or when we are listening. Our eyes can be one of the most
stunning features we have and so it is imperative to accentuate them rather than
mask! Here are two timeless looks that are bound to draw some attention: The
“cat eye”. This look has been around for decades, being classically
worn by actresses and models throughout the 1950s. Creating that seductive
little curve, your eyes will scream elegancy. Second, “smokey eyes”.
This look is still worshiped by fashionistas. This makeup effect can be
simplified or dramatized and can deliver a sexy, mysterious appeal. No matter what color choice you make, be sure to use a good shadow and smudge brush to smoke out the look. And be sure to soften the under-eye liner to create that edgy look!
Tips for Drawing That Cat Eye

Draw your line with a pencil first, then go over it with a liquid

Apply the liquid eyeliner in little dots. Now all you have to do is
connect them for an even line!

Literally any color of eyeshadow can be made into an eyeliner by
wetting a thin brush, like a detail eye Makeup Brush or an
running it over the shadow.


Who can look at red lipstick and think it’s ugly? No one, right? Red
lipsticks and glosses are pretty coveted by most women. This daring, classic
color can vamp up any of your simply makeup looks and it’s found in thousands
of  variations of shades. A cherry red is
a classic that drips in sexual appeal. Whether you just want to make a bold
statement or you want to entice the entire world, red lipstick is a must for

Not a super-fan of red? Not to worry. A lot of people really love deep rich plums, burgundies, browns, and burnt orange browns this Fall. Who wouldn’t? There is surely something to be said for these rich shades and tones. Why not pair a burgundy matte lip with a nice matallic topper for a rich, trendy look? Or try a burnt orange brown with simple, natural eyeshadow and a simple blouse for a nice, simple look this Fall.

Tips for Those Lips

Have you ever wondered why some of red lipsticks you’ve tried make
your teeth look yellow? You picked the wrong one! To find the right one, look
for a red lipstick that has blue or purple undertones. This tip will make your
teeth super white.

And it may seem like an unnecessary step, but try filling in lips with
a lipliner and apply your lipstick afterward. It will significantly prolong
your lip makeup.

You can also avoid annoying lip makeup bleeding by using concealer around your lips to produce a sharp finish or using longwear lipsticks.

These looks may be sported year after year, but when something works,
why stop doing it? Fall is the perfect time to wear these absolutely timeless
makeup styles. Elegant, luscious colors are prevailing trends this year. So put
on your boots, grab a sweater, and try some new makeup ideas, Fall is here!

Makeup Application for Beginners: How to Put on Makeup like a Pro

Try walking into the cosmetic
section of your local department store and you’ll be blown away by rows after
rows of lipsticks — gel, liquid, pencil, matte and cream — piled up against a
stack of eye palettes, foundations, blush, bronzers, contouring creams,
concealers — it’s impossible to list every cosmetic product available!
What you want vs. what you really need
Anybody who knows how to put on
makeup will tell you to use only what you need. 
It’s hard not to be lured into buying an iridescent
lipstick with the latest face of Hollywood speaking to you as the brand
ambassador, or a shimmery eye shadow that apparently caught the attention of
some handsome guy in suit as suggested by the product ad.  Still, you should adhere to three rules when
wearing make up:

Rule No.1: 
Highlight your assets.  What is
your strongest facial feature?  Is it
your tantalising eyes, all nose or, high cheekbones?  Make sure this asset stands out.
Rule No. 2:  Make
up for what you don’t have.  The trick is
to fake it but to leave people with the impression it’s real.  Get it?
Rule No. 3:  Stop
— you do not need anything more.  With so
many products around screaming in to your face, “You need me! Use me!” it’s can
be difficult to put on the brakes.
Makeup 101 for the new pro
So, if you’re ready, below is a quick rundown on HowTo Put On Makeup like a pro even when it’s your
first time.  Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Step 1:  Make sure
your face is clean — squeaky!  The real
foundation of great makeup is a great skin. 
Far from the colorful 80s, the trend has mellowed back to the more natural
way of wearing makeup, and that mean’s ‘no makeup’ makeup.  It means, you apply makeup subtly, and to be
able to put on just a few products and pull it off, your skin should be
blemish-free.  So, before worrying about
makeup, think about giving your skin great care first.
Step 2:  Work on
your canvass.  Your canvass is your
skin.  This step requires you to even out
your skin tone and hide your imperfections without overdoing it.  Start by patting on your moisturizer if you
have dry skin.  Make sure it is
lightweight and won’t grease. 
It’s best if you can get hold of a Beauty Balm (BB)
Cream.  This is the new age combination
of moisturizer, SPF, foundation and concealer rolled into one.  If you have oily skin, it’s all you will
need. If you have a persistent imperfection, you may use a separate concealer
to spot correct, then place BB cream on top of it to even out your skin color.
Step 3:  Work on
your eyes.  If you haven’t groomed it yet
get an eyebrow threading or, you can start plucking excess hair under your
eyebrows.  You may outline your eyebrows
first to serve as your guide.  The inner
ends should sit on top of the outer sides of your nose.  The outer ends should form a diagonal line
from the outer end of your nose, outer side of your eye, and your brow.
For daily wear, a subtle shadow in nude colors or an
eyeliner should be good enough for your eyelids.  Get an eyelash extension, it saves you from
the trouble of having to wear messy mascara.
Step 4:  Work on
your lips. To keep it smudge free, outline your lips with a nude 
lip liner.  Then fill in with the color of your
choice.  Matte will give a perfect
all-day wear.
Step 5:  Give your
cheeks a blush of color.  Dip your broad
brush into your cheek color.  Find the
apples of your cheek and just give it a light, quick stroke.
Now that you know the basics, it’s time for you to experiment.  Just keep those three rules of wearing makeup
in mind whenever you do.

4 Perfect Makeup Brushes You Need to Know About:

Author Bio:
Addie Davison, health and beauty consultant from New York,
New Jersey, USA. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English literature. She likes
to write about beauty, skin care, makeup. She is very passionate about writing.
Her articles mainly focus on content quality and originality. She has
self-promotion abilities and works independently on her own initiatives.

Makeup Application for Beginners: How to Put on Makeup like a Pro

Try walking into the cosmetic
section of your local department store and you’ll be blown away by rows after
rows of lipsticks — gel, liquid, pencil, matte and cream — piled up against a
stack of eye palettes, foundations, blush, bronzers, contouring creams,
concealers — it’s impossible to list every cosmetic product available!
What you want vs. what you really need
Anybody who knows how to put on
makeup will tell you to use only what you need. 
It’s hard not to be lured into buying an iridescent
lipstick with the latest face of Hollywood speaking to you as the brand
ambassador, or a shimmery eye shadow that apparently caught the attention of
some handsome guy in suit as suggested by the product ad.  Still, you should adhere to three rules when
wearing make up:

Rule No.1: 
Highlight your assets.  What is
your strongest facial feature?  Is it
your tantalising eyes, all nose or, high cheekbones?  Make sure this asset stands out.
Rule No. 2:  Make
up for what you don’t have.  The trick is
to fake it but to leave people with the impression it’s real.  Get it?
Rule No. 3:  Stop
— you do not need anything more.  With so
many products around screaming in to your face, “You need me! Use me!” it’s can
be difficult to put on the brakes.
Makeup 101 for the new pro
So, if you’re ready, below is a quick rundown on HowTo Put On Makeup like a pro even when it’s your
first time.  Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Step 1:  Make sure
your face is clean — squeaky!  The real
foundation of great makeup is a great skin. 
Far from the colorful 80s, the trend has mellowed back to the more natural
way of wearing makeup, and that mean’s ‘no makeup’ makeup.  It means, you apply makeup subtly, and to be
able to put on just a few products and pull it off, your skin should be
blemish-free.  So, before worrying about
makeup, think about giving your skin great care first.
Step 2:  Work on
your canvass.  Your canvass is your
skin.  This step requires you to even out
your skin tone and hide your imperfections without overdoing it.  Start by patting on your moisturizer if you
have dry skin.  Make sure it is
lightweight and won’t grease. 
It’s best if you can get hold of a Beauty Balm (BB)
Cream.  This is the new age combination
of moisturizer, SPF, foundation and concealer rolled into one.  If you have oily skin, it’s all you will
need. If you have a persistent imperfection, you may use a separate concealer
to spot correct, then place BB cream on top of it to even out your skin color.
Step 3:  Work on
your eyes.  If you haven’t groomed it yet
get an eyebrow threading or, you can start plucking excess hair under your
eyebrows.  You may outline your eyebrows
first to serve as your guide.  The inner
ends should sit on top of the outer sides of your nose.  The outer ends should form a diagonal line
from the outer end of your nose, outer side of your eye, and your brow.
For daily wear, a subtle shadow in nude colors or an
eyeliner should be good enough for your eyelids.  Get an eyelash extension, it saves you from
the trouble of having to wear messy mascara.
Step 4:  Work on
your lips. To keep it smudge free, outline your lips with a nude 
lip liner.  Then fill in with the color of your
choice.  Matte will give a perfect
all-day wear.
Step 5:  Give your
cheeks a blush of color.  Dip your broad
brush into your cheek color.  Find the
apples of your cheek and just give it a light, quick stroke.
Now that you know the basics, it’s time for you to experiment.  Just keep those three rules of wearing makeup
in mind whenever you do.

4 Perfect Makeup Brushes You Need to Know About:

Author Bio:
Addie Davison, health and beauty consultant from New York,
New Jersey, USA. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English literature. She likes
to write about beauty, skin care, makeup. She is very passionate about writing.
Her articles mainly focus on content quality and originality. She has
self-promotion abilities and works independently on her own initiatives.

Fresh Natural Deodorants for Women to Keep Them Going

Most women are
fashion-conscious. They would like to stay abreast with the latest in all
aspects of fashion including clothes, perfumes, deodorants, watches, jewelry or
even shoes. All women wish to look good and feel great at all times. They focus
mostly on perfumes and deodorants as they wish to smell sweet and fresh all day
long. Deodorant happens to be a daily essential for most women. No matter how
chic you look in an exotic designer outfit, you seem to be incomplete without a
dash of perfume or a deodorant that would keep you smelling fresh and feeling

Today the market is flooded
with antiperspirants and deodorants but if you are health-conscious along with
being fashion conscious, look for natural deodorants. Deodorants may contain
triclosan, parabens, and formaldehyde that could be hazardous to health. The
best quality natural deodorants are actually cream-based. They are a blend of
powders such as baking soda, antiseptic essential oils like lavender, witch
hazel and tree tea and kaolin clay. Together they would be working toward
eliminating bacteria and absorbing sweat. You could use nourishing oils and
butter like coconut oil and shea butter for softening and smoothening delicate
underarm skin.

Three Best Usual Deodorants
One of the world’s best deodorants
is Mitchum Invisible Roll-On, priced at $3.99. This keeps you 100 percent odor free
and dry. It dries pretty fast and this formula does not stain your expensive
clothes. Another premium deodorant for women is Donna Karan Cashmere Mist
Deodorant, priced at $25 it is an even more superior product. This is a
fabulous formula that never leaves behind residues or stains. It leaves you
smelling fresh and sweet all day. It is lightly scented and seems to last
forever. The best among all these is the Secret Outlast & Olay Smooth Solid
priced at $4.29. It has a fresh fragrance and it keeps you feeling dry and
fresh forever.

Natural Deodorants
It does not matter how much you
actually sweat or exactly how active you seem to be, everyone would be
requiring a deodorant. The best trick for feeling confident and cool all day is
identifying the Best Natural Deodorant For Women for meeting all your unique personal hygiene
requirements and something that has an enchanting smell.

Women are becoming pretty
health conscious and eco-friendly. They have realized that natural products are
good for health in the long run and do not leave any carbon footprint. Natural
deodorants are very much in vogue today. If you wish to get rid of aluminum
forever from your armpits, you could use from one of the many latest natural
deodorants available in the market today. JASON, Burt’s Bees, Trader Joe’s, Kiss
My Face are all the latest products.

Starch & Baking Soda
Baking soda is an effective
natural deodorant that could be used by mixing it with water and rubbing the
mixture well on your underarms. Moreover, baking powder is a great way of combating
body odors when mixed with cornstarch. When you dust this brilliant mixture of
baking soda and cornstarch, you remain dry and feel fresh forever.

You should not ever
underestimate the power and effectiveness of lemons. Lemon juice consists of
citric acid that is effective in killing odor-causing bacteria. You could take
a slice of lemon and rub it gently on your armpits for a fresh feeling.
However, never do this when armpits have been recently shaven.


Alcohol is an effective and
inexpensive deodorant which destroys odor-causing bacteria. Fill up an empty
spray bottle with some alcohol. Now spray generously on your armpits. You may
consider adding few drops of witch hazel that act as an astringent and absorbs
oil. You could consider adding few drops of tea tree oil to get rid of
embarrassing body odor.