Category Archives: skin cleansers

Top 7 effective ways for peeling skin at home

skin is a removing process of dead skin remained in epidermis, the outermost
skin layer. It is usually happened without you realizing it. The peeling skin
can be a typical normal phenomenon but it can be annoying as you commonly
experience itchy, dry, rash and irritating accompanying with white flake skin
peeled off from your face. There are a number of factors that can fasten the
peeling process, including: excessive exposure to the sun, harsh weather condition,
chemical-related skin irritations or allergies, skin infections, immune
disorders, genetics, adverse effects of medications, etc. Peeling skin seems to
have no harmful effects but it is not. You not only be discomfort but have a
higher chance of getting skin infection if your condition is left untreated.
Top 7 effective ways for peeling skin at home

following easy home-made remedies can help you with your peeling skin.
1. Lemon and sugar
A mixture
of lemon and sugar is one of the most effective natural skin scrubs that help
you to remove your dead skin cells. Moreover, lemon has properties of soothing
and healing so it literally essential for your skin health. You can make a
mixture of sugar, lemon juice and add a few drops of olive oil for better
effect. Then apply this mixture on your skin and rub in circular directions
gently. After that, rinse of with cold water to astringe your pore. Remember to
apply at least 1-2 times every week and wait to see the result.
2. Olive oil
Olive oil
is a great potential remedy that you do not want to miss for your dry peeling
skin as it contains many fatty acids that are wonderful moisturizing your skin.
Besides that, vitamin E contained in the oil is a free radicals fighter that
helps you to have a youth look. You can simply add a certain amount of olive
oil into 2 tablespoons of salt and use as a body scrub on a daily basis until
you are free of skin flakes. You can also add some olive oil on your balm, warm
it up and massage gently on your skin. Apply the oil for 2-3 times per week.
3. Cucumber
to lemon and sugar, cucumber is another effective organic astringent. It not
only help you with your peeling skin but relieve you from sunburn, itchiness
and irritation as it contain a high level of water and vitamin C. Mash a
cucumber into paste and apply directly on your affected area. Let it sit there
for 15-20 minute periods before wash it off with warm water. Use cucumber
everyday for at least 1-2 week to restore your dehydrated skin.
4. Honey
Honey has
been well-known for its’ moisturizing and healing properties. The irritation
and itchiness that come from a peeling skin will be eliminated after a week
using honey. Rub a little honey on your skin and let it sit for 10-20 minutes
before rinse it off with warm water.

5. Yogurt
effective method to soften your skin and reduce peeling skin signs is yogurt.
Yogurt contains a variety of components, namely minerals, enzymes and acids
that are useful to fasten your healing process and moisturize your dry skin.
You can add either a half of a ripe banana or 2 teaspoon of honey to 2 yogurt
tablespoons and apply the mixture on your skin. After 10-15 minutes drying,
wash your skin with warm water.
6. Mint
other home remedies, mint not only helps to moisturize your skin but calm and
refresh your skin. So apply a little mint juice on your affected area before
going to sleep and let it there overnight. Use warm water to rinse it off in
the next morning and apply another light moisturizer on that area gently.
Repeat this procedure until your skin condition is improved.
7.  Aleo vera
Aleo vera
is loaded with soothing and moisturizing properties that make it one of the
most effective natural remedies for your skin problems. It helps to ease
irritation, inflammation and the peeling skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of aloe vera
extract and vitamin E. Apply the mixture onto the affected skin area and
massage gently before let it dry and wash it off. Repeat this method 2-3 times
everyday for about a week.

Bio: Jelly Jeff is a senior editor of Authority Remedies; that a website which is specialized in providing natural home
remedies, tips and also nutrition facts to improve the well-beings.
is a nurse but she keens to explore nutrition and fitness. In addition, she
loves writing and doing research. She appreciates to be a good writer in

Top 7 effective ways for peeling skin at home

skin is a removing process of dead skin remained in epidermis, the outermost
skin layer. It is usually happened without you realizing it. The peeling skin
can be a typical normal phenomenon but it can be annoying as you commonly
experience itchy, dry, rash and irritating accompanying with white flake skin
peeled off from your face. There are a number of factors that can fasten the
peeling process, including: excessive exposure to the sun, harsh weather condition,
chemical-related skin irritations or allergies, skin infections, immune
disorders, genetics, adverse effects of medications, etc. Peeling skin seems to
have no harmful effects but it is not. You not only be discomfort but have a
higher chance of getting skin infection if your condition is left untreated.

following easy home-made remedies can help you with your peeling skin.
1. Lemon and sugar
A mixture
of lemon and sugar is one of the most effective natural skin scrubs that help
you to remove your dead skin cells. Moreover, lemon has properties of soothing
and healing so it literally essential for your skin health. You can make a
mixture of sugar, lemon juice and add a few drops of olive oil for better
effect. Then apply this mixture on your skin and rub in circular directions
gently. After that, rinse of with cold water to astringe your pore. Remember to
apply at least 1-2 times every week and wait to see the result.
2. Olive oil
Olive oil
is a great potential remedy that you do not want to miss for your dry peeling
skin as it contains many fatty acids that are wonderful moisturizing your skin.
Besides that, vitamin E contained in the oil is a free radicals fighter that
helps you to have a youth look. You can simply add a certain amount of olive
oil into 2 tablespoons of salt and use as a body scrub on a daily basis until
you are free of skin flakes. You can also add some olive oil on your balm, warm
it up and massage gently on your skin. Apply the oil for 2-3 times per week.
3. Cucumber
to lemon and sugar, cucumber is another effective organic astringent. It not
only help you with your peeling skin but relieve you from sunburn, itchiness
and irritation as it contain a high level of water and vitamin C. Mash a
cucumber into paste and apply directly on your affected area. Let it sit there
for 15-20 minute periods before wash it off with warm water. Use cucumber
everyday for at least 1-2 week to restore your dehydrated skin.
4. Honey
Honey has
been well-known for its’ moisturizing and healing properties. The irritation
and itchiness that come from a peeling skin will be eliminated after a week
using honey. Rub a little honey on your skin and let it sit for 10-20 minutes
before rinse it off with warm water.

5. Yogurt
effective method to soften your skin and reduce peeling skin signs is yogurt.
Yogurt contains a variety of components, namely minerals, enzymes and acids
that are useful to fasten your healing process and moisturize your dry skin.
You can add either a half of a ripe banana or 2 teaspoon of honey to 2 yogurt
tablespoons and apply the mixture on your skin. After 10-15 minutes drying,
wash your skin with warm water.
6. Mint
other home remedies, mint not only helps to moisturize your skin but calm and
refresh your skin. So apply a little mint juice on your affected area before
going to sleep and let it there overnight. Use warm water to rinse it off in
the next morning and apply another light moisturizer on that area gently.
Repeat this procedure until your skin condition is improved.
7.  Aleo vera
Aleo vera
is loaded with soothing and moisturizing properties that make it one of the
most effective natural remedies for your skin problems. It helps to ease
irritation, inflammation and the peeling skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of aloe vera
extract and vitamin E. Apply the mixture onto the affected skin area and
massage gently before let it dry and wash it off. Repeat this method 2-3 times
everyday for about a week.

Bio: Jelly Jeff is a senior editor of Authority Remedies; that a website which is specialized in providing natural home
remedies, tips and also nutrition facts to improve the well-beings.
is a nurse but she keens to explore nutrition and fitness. In addition, she
loves writing and doing research. She appreciates to be a good writer in

The Best Antioxidants for Your Summer Skin – Megha Shop

Sunlight, particularly extended contact with the sun’s rays, can
cause untold damage to your skin in all four seasons. You may not be as aware
of the sun during winter, spring, and fall, as in summer, but you still need to
protect your skin from sunburn and damage during those cooler months.
When summer hits, you may have to really put those antioxidants to
work for you. As sunburn can cause extreme dehydration on top of regular
seasonal issues, it is important to stay on top of your daily
skincare routine. Even carrying an antioxidant-rich Hydrating Mist in
your handbag for a quick burst of moisture can make an enormous difference to
the health of your skin.

Antioxidants like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E assist in
slowing down cell damage; they act as cell protectors to counteract the effect
of oxidation. They help fight free radicals, preventing them from damaging the
skin cells, and they assist with issues like sunburn. As antioxidants become
oxidized, it is important to replenish your supply.
You can get the antioxidants your body craves in a couple ways.
You can consume antioxidant-rich foods like acai berries, goji berries, and chia
seeds, which have fabulous antioxidant properties for your skin. Alternatively,
you can use external beauty products containing powerful antioxidants. Opting
for both can fast-tracks your skin on the road to good health.
With so many antioxidant-rich products on the market, it is easy
to get confused. Think about it in the same way you think about food. You don’t
just eat cauliflower, but not apples; or strawberries, but not broccoli. You
eat a balanced variety of healthy fruits and vegetables that provide different
vitamins and minerals to your body. Therefore, seek out an array of external antioxidant
products for the ultimate in healthy skin care, and to heal any skin issues you
may be experiencing.
1. Vitamin E
Vitamin E
(tocopherol) is an antioxidant that is present in the skin and found in various
foods, such as vegetables, seeds, and meat. It helps the skin look younger by
boosting collagen production and, in turn, reducing the appearance of fine
lines, wrinkles, and age spots.

Unlike other
vitamins, skin derives its benefits from vitamin E better through topical
treatments than through oral supplements. Vitamin E is available in two forms:
alpha-tocopherol (alcohol-based) and alpha-tocopherol acetate. The latter does
not penetrate the skin as easily, so make sure you’re reading the labels
closely to get maximum benefit of the vitamin E.
2. Lycopene
Lycopene, a
powerful antioxidant, is a carotenoid found in red fruits and vegetables. It
is, in fact, responsible for their red color. In addition to being a healthy
choice for your diet, it’s a great choice for improving skin texture because it
promotes collagen production and reduces the DNA damage that leads to wrinkles.
To get the most benefit from this powerful antioxidant, you can either take a
daily supplement, or look for skin care products that contain it in topical
formulas (lycopene is easily absorbed by the skin).
3. Green Tea
Green tea has
become one of the new age food heroes – a helpful ally in preventing everything
from heart disease and cancer to skin aging and weight gain. The full range of
health benefits may take decades to define, but research on its impact on human
skin is reasonably well developed.

The secret
ingredients are chemicals called catechins, which are antioxidants that can
clear cell damage on the skin and repair wrinkles, blemishes or other impurities.
When applied to the skin, green tea can reduce sun damage by reducing
inflammation and tackling free radicals. (It doesn’t block UV rays.)
When choosing a tea, it’s helpful to know that green tea has over five times
the amount of catechins as black tea.
4. Coffee Berry
As an
ingredient in anti-aging formulas, coffee berry prevents collagen damage,
reduces wrinkles, and protects the skin against damage. It also has
anti-inflammatory properties, which can lessen the appearance of fine lines and
wrinkles, leading to more youthful looking skin.
5. Grape Seed
Grape seed is
extracted from vitis vinifera and is rich in proanthocyanidins, which belong to
the flavonoid family. Proanthocyanidins are potent antioxidants with strong
free radical scavenging activities. Grape seed extract has been shown to be an
even stronger scavenger of free radicals than vitamins C and E.
6. Genistein
Genistein is an
isoflavone derived from soybeans with the capacity to inhibit UV-induced
oxidative DNA damage. Genistein, either topically applied or orally
supplemented, was shown to effectively protect human skin against UVB-induced
skin photo-damage.
7. Vitamin C
Vitamin C
(L-ascorbic acid) is an essential nutrient that can only come from the healthy
fruits and vegetables that contain it. Vitamin C is usually touted for its
cold-fighting power, but it’s also under study for its impact on preventing and
reversing aging skin.

It works in two
ways: as an antioxidant, as well as a booster of collagen formation – both of
which are important to preserving and maintaining skin’s youthful appearance.
However, boosting your intake of vitamin C-rich foods does not appear to impact
your skin to any measurable degree, so cosmetic companies are hard at work to
study whether it can be absorbed through the skin directly via topical creams
and lotions.

How to Prevent Aging Skin – Free Beauty Tips Guest Post

We’re not kidding about concealing any hint
of failure face! Furthermore, with regards to how to avoid maturing, the
familiar proverb is valid: An ounce of counteractive action is justified
regardless of a pound of cure. The way to how to anticipate maturing skin
begins with shrewd, remarkable skincare.

It requires shockingly little investment and
just a modest bunch of items to keep your skin from untimely wrinkling,
unattractive cocoa spots, and loss of solidness. The accompanying are tips you
can put without hesitation now to keep your skin looking youthful.  

#1: Be Neurotic
It’s OK to be over the top about a few
things, such as staying solid and driving securely, and sunscreen ought to be
on that rundown. Applying an every day sunscreen implies you’ll get the last
giggle with regards to snicker lines and different indications of maturing. No
ifs ands or buts, sunscreen is the #1 against wrinkle, hostile to drooping, and
hostile to cocoa spot item, since UV presentation is the #1 reason for
practically every indication of maturing! 

#2: Exfoliate
Scours are OK for additional purifying,
however as far as shedding layers of sun-harmed or unfortunate skin, scours
ought to be tossed back to the period from where they joined Ten-O-Six toners
and that container of Noxzema Skin Cleanser! In this way, in case despite
everything you’re depending on cleans as your sole exfoliant, it’s the ideal
opportunity for a redesign.

At the point when utilized day by day, an all
around detailed AHA or BHA exfoliant enhances skin tone and surface for
brilliant results. What’s more, both bring hostile to maturing benefits (like
collagen incitement) that scours don’t!

Anti-Aging Ingredients – Your New BFFs
Begin utilizing items stacked with intense cancer
prevention agents and cell-conveying incredients before indications of harm
happen and you’ll be on track for an all the more even composition and firmer,
more advantageous skin as you age. Utilizing them at an early stage as a part
of life doesn’t mean they won’t be successful later on too. Your skin never
quits profiting from these sorts of fixings, much the same as your body never
quits profiting from eating solid sustenances. In this way, make these hostile
to maturing sensations your skincare BFFs forever!

Avoid Skincare “Garbage Food”
When we say evade the “garbage
nourishment” of skincare items, we mean items that are stacked with things
that eventually are harming (or only pointless) for skin. For instance, liquor
based recipes; yes, a few people may say that “boozy” excellence
items are fine in the event that “they don’t trouble you,” however
the noiseless aggravation is that it is bringing about results in total harm.

Primary concern
You may not see or feel the aggravation
today, but rather after some time, the negative effect of bothering will make
itself evident, in slower recuperating times, redness, and loss of flexibility.
Consider the harm smoking and tanning cause as time goes on. Those practices
are energetic skin executioners.

Obviously, it likewise is imperative to evade
items that contain nothing supportive for skin. Your skin needs items with
skin-repairing fixings, defensive cancer prevention agents, sun insurance and
an exfoliant. Why burn through cash on items that are normal when there are
many to the point that are genuinely remarkable.

Get more information about anti aging creams
on our website.

How to Prevent Aging Skin – Free Beauty Tips Guest Post

We’re not kidding about concealing any hint
of failure face! Furthermore, with regards to how to avoid maturing, the
familiar proverb is valid: An ounce of counteractive action is justified
regardless of a pound of cure. The way to how to anticipate maturing skin
begins with shrewd, remarkable skincare.

It requires shockingly little investment and
just a modest bunch of items to keep your skin from untimely wrinkling,
unattractive cocoa spots, and loss of solidness. The accompanying are tips you
can put without hesitation now to keep your skin looking youthful.  

#1: Be Neurotic
It’s OK to be over the top about a few
things, such as staying solid and driving securely, and sunscreen ought to be
on that rundown. Applying an every day sunscreen implies you’ll get the last
giggle with regards to snicker lines and different indications of maturing. No
ifs ands or buts, sunscreen is the #1 against wrinkle, hostile to drooping, and
hostile to cocoa spot item, since UV presentation is the #1 reason for
practically every indication of maturing! 

#2: Exfoliate
Scours are OK for additional purifying,
however as far as shedding layers of sun-harmed or unfortunate skin, scours
ought to be tossed back to the period from where they joined Ten-O-Six toners
and that container of Noxzema Skin Cleanser! In this way, in case despite
everything you’re depending on cleans as your sole exfoliant, it’s the ideal
opportunity for a redesign.

At the point when utilized day by day, an all
around detailed AHA or BHA exfoliant enhances skin tone and surface for
brilliant results. What’s more, both bring hostile to maturing benefits (like
collagen incitement) that scours don’t!

Anti-Aging Ingredients – Your New BFFs
Begin utilizing items stacked with intense cancer
prevention agents and cell-conveying incredients before indications of harm
happen and you’ll be on track for an all the more even composition and firmer,
more advantageous skin as you age. Utilizing them at an early stage as a part
of life doesn’t mean they won’t be successful later on too. Your skin never
quits profiting from these sorts of fixings, much the same as your body never
quits profiting from eating solid sustenances. In this way, make these hostile
to maturing sensations your skincare BFFs forever!

Avoid Skincare “Garbage Food”
When we say evade the “garbage
nourishment” of skincare items, we mean items that are stacked with things
that eventually are harming (or only pointless) for skin. For instance, liquor
based recipes; yes, a few people may say that “boozy” excellence
items are fine in the event that “they don’t trouble you,” however
the noiseless aggravation is that it is bringing about results in total harm.

Primary concern
You may not see or feel the aggravation
today, but rather after some time, the negative effect of bothering will make
itself evident, in slower recuperating times, redness, and loss of flexibility.
Consider the harm smoking and tanning cause as time goes on. Those practices
are energetic skin executioners.

Obviously, it likewise is imperative to evade
items that contain nothing supportive for skin. Your skin needs items with
skin-repairing fixings, defensive cancer prevention agents, sun insurance and
an exfoliant. Why burn through cash on items that are normal when there are
many to the point that are genuinely remarkable.

Get more information about anti aging creams
on our website.

10 Effective Home Remedies to Prevent Facial Tanning – Free Guest Post

As the process of global warming becomes acuter, the action of the sun is more powerful, having an adverse impact on our skin. Both UVA and UVB rays can do a lot of damage, with facial tanning being just one of the things to worry about. If you are looking to prevent facial tanning and sun damage in general, there are some home remedies to try out. Once you give those a try, you will understand that you do not need expensive products, to restore the natural and healthy-looking aspect of the skin.

#1 Milk cream & saffron
If you want to prevent facial tanning, you need to try the milk cream and saffron combination. Mix them well, until you obtain a paste, then apply it on the face and maintain it overnight. In this way, you will enjoy a tan-free skin, preventing the appearance of lesions as well.

#2 Yogurt
One of the best home remedies that can be used to protect the skin against Sun Damage is Yogurt. All you have to do is apply it on the sun exposed areas for about a quarter of an hour. Rinse it off when the time is done and often reapply for protection purposes.

#3 Bottle gourd juice
Speaking about natural remedies, bottle gourd juice can represent one of the most efficient weapons against the action of the sun. It is recommended that you apply bottle gourd juice several times per day, to enjoy its preventative properties. You can also apply it to reduce tanning, in the situation that you have spent too much time in the sun.

#4 Orange Lentils
The paste made with orange lentils can be used to rejuvenate the skin and prevent tanning at the same time. This home remedy is the best toner for your skin, being made with the following ingredients: Orange lentils, tomato paste, and aloe extract. After you have applied it on the face, it is important to rinse it off with cold water.

#5 Almonds
Almonds represent the perfect remedy for a gentle homemade exfoliation, which in turn will prevent facial tanning. The first step will be to soak them in water, for a couple of hours. Then, grind them, obtaining thus your homemade scrub. Apply the scrub in a gentle manner, in order not to damage the skin.

#6 Buttermilk
For this natural remedy, mix several teaspoons of buttermilk with oatmeal. Mix them well and then apply the resulting mixture on the face, performing a gentle massage. The buttermilk mixture can prevent facial tanning, reducing the risk of sunburns and associated blisters at the same time.

#7 Cabbage
Cabbage is an excellent remedy, the green leaves doing wonders for the skin. If you have spent too long in the sun, all you have to do is apply a couple of cold leaves on the face. Keep them on for a quarter of an hour and repeat the process for the best results.

#8 VapoRub
We all know that VapoRub is excellent for a lot of things, but you probably did not expect to be good for the skin as well. To reduce the risk of tanning and calm the skin, apply VapoRub on the face and perform a gentle massage. The more time you spend in the sun, the more VapoRub you should apply on your skin.

#9 Ice
Ice can have a soothing effect on the skin, calming the inflammation caused by the excess exposure to the sun. Never apply the ice cube directly on the skin, as you might end up doing more harm than good. It is for the best to wrap them in a cloth first and then use them on the skin.

#10 Lemon juice & Aloe Vera
The combination of lemon juice and Aloe Vera can be highly beneficial for the skin, especially when it comes to tanning prevention. Moreover, lemon juice contains a high level of antioxidants, protecting the skin against further damage done by free radicals.
These are the most effective home remedies to consider for the prevention of facial tanning. You might also want to avoid spending time in the open outdoors during peak hours, wearing protective clothing and sunscreen for added protection.

Author Bio

Margaux Diaz is Beauty Expert. She loves to gather information from various sources related to beauty, skincare and lifestyle fashion and and provide proper guidance to her readers through her articles. She has written numerous Articles on Beauty and Skincare.  She is contributor at Consumer Health Digest since five years. To get more tips related to beauty connect with her on Facebook , Twitterand  Google+

Margaux Diaz

10 Effective Home Remedies to Prevent Facial Tanning – Free Guest Post

As the process of global warming becomes acuter, the action of the sun is more powerful, having an adverse impact on our skin. Both UVA and UVB rays can do a lot of damage, with facial tanning being just one of the things to worry about. If you are looking to prevent facial tanning and sun damage in general, there are some home remedies to try out. Once you give those a try, you will understand that you do not need expensive products, to restore the natural and healthy-looking aspect of the skin.

#1 Milk cream & saffron
If you want to prevent facial tanning, you need to try the milk cream and saffron combination. Mix them well, until you obtain a paste, then apply it on the face and maintain it overnight. In this way, you will enjoy a tan-free skin, preventing the appearance of lesions as well.

#2 Yogurt
One of the best home remedies that can be used to protect the skin against Sun Damage is Yogurt. All you have to do is apply it on the sun exposed areas for about a quarter of an hour. Rinse it off when the time is done and often reapply for protection purposes.

#3 Bottle gourd juice
Speaking about natural remedies, bottle gourd juice can represent one of the most efficient weapons against the action of the sun. It is recommended that you apply bottle gourd juice several times per day, to enjoy its preventative properties. You can also apply it to reduce tanning, in the situation that you have spent too much time in the sun.

#4 Orange Lentils
The paste made with orange lentils can be used to rejuvenate the skin and prevent tanning at the same time. This home remedy is the best toner for your skin, being made with the following ingredients: Orange lentils, tomato paste, and aloe extract. After you have applied it on the face, it is important to rinse it off with cold water.

#5 Almonds
Almonds represent the perfect remedy for a gentle homemade exfoliation, which in turn will prevent facial tanning. The first step will be to soak them in water, for a couple of hours. Then, grind them, obtaining thus your homemade scrub. Apply the scrub in a gentle manner, in order not to damage the skin.

#6 Buttermilk
For this natural remedy, mix several teaspoons of buttermilk with oatmeal. Mix them well and then apply the resulting mixture on the face, performing a gentle massage. The buttermilk mixture can prevent facial tanning, reducing the risk of sunburns and associated blisters at the same time.

#7 Cabbage
Cabbage is an excellent remedy, the green leaves doing wonders for the skin. If you have spent too long in the sun, all you have to do is apply a couple of cold leaves on the face. Keep them on for a quarter of an hour and repeat the process for the best results.

#8 VapoRub
We all know that VapoRub is excellent for a lot of things, but you probably did not expect to be good for the skin as well. To reduce the risk of tanning and calm the skin, apply VapoRub on the face and perform a gentle massage. The more time you spend in the sun, the more VapoRub you should apply on your skin.

#9 Ice
Ice can have a soothing effect on the skin, calming the inflammation caused by the excess exposure to the sun. Never apply the ice cube directly on the skin, as you might end up doing more harm than good. It is for the best to wrap them in a cloth first and then use them on the skin.

#10 Lemon juice & Aloe Vera
The combination of lemon juice and Aloe Vera can be highly beneficial for the skin, especially when it comes to tanning prevention. Moreover, lemon juice contains a high level of antioxidants, protecting the skin against further damage done by free radicals.
These are the most effective home remedies to consider for the prevention of facial tanning. You might also want to avoid spending time in the open outdoors during peak hours, wearing protective clothing and sunscreen for added protection.

Author Bio

Margaux Diaz is Beauty Expert. She loves to gather information from various sources related to beauty, skincare and lifestyle fashion and and provide proper guidance to her readers through her articles. She has written numerous Articles on Beauty and Skincare.  She is contributor at Consumer Health Digest since five years. To get more tips related to beauty connect with her on Facebook , Twitterand  Google+

Margaux Diaz

10 Tips for Day Time Skin Care during summer – Free Guest Post

Summer is almost here! You can finally wear your favorite dresses, go to beach, and have fun. But, while you’re having fun, you shouldn’t neglect your skin. Hot temperatures, sun’s UV rays, and many other factors take their toll on your skin. Plus, skin tends to be oilier during the summer and to avoid the awkward shine on your face you have to take care of your skin properly. This article lists ten tips for daytime skincare that will help you protect your skin and improve its appearance this summer.

1.     Protect your lips
This tip is number one for a reason – lips are largely overlooked in skincare during summer. But, just because there are no more cold temperatures, snow, and harsh winds, it doesn’t mean your lips don’t need protection. In fact, you should protect your lips throughout the year as the skin there is very delicate and prone to chapping or peeling. Sun’s damaging UV rays dry out lip tissue which is why you should purchase lip balm with SPF of at least 15.
2.     Choose right moisturizer
Seasons change and so should products you use. Moisturizers aren’t exceptions from this rule. Applying heavy moisturizer during summer is equally uncomfortable as wearing a winter coat in July. Summers are more humid and coupled with heavy and oily moisturizers your skin can look overly oily. It’s needless to mention this can clog your pores and cause acne breakouts. Since your skin needs moisturizer during summer as well, you should opt for products with water-based, light formula. For example, look for moisturizers that are described as milks or lotions.
3.     Use gentle soaps
Most dermatologists recommend avoiding soaps during winter. During winter your skin tends to be dry and using soaps could aggravate it and make it drier. Summer is a different story and experts explain soaps are beneficial to use. The heat and sweat during summer could lead to breakouts and bacteria breeding. Therefore, washing the oilier areas of your body with soaps can help your skin control oil production and keep your skin free of bumps. Don’t go for any soap you see, make sure the bar is gentle to your skin.
4.     Apply sunscreen religiously
Although it might seem obvious to you, applying sunscreen is something that most people do wrong. It’s needless to mention that a vast majority of people doesn’t apply sunscreen at all. However, prolonged exposure to UV rays without proper protection can lead to negative consequences such as fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, and many other skin conditions.
Importance of sunscreen goes beyond preventing sunburns, it also:
       Prevents hyperpigmentation
       Reduces appearances of blotchiness
       Slows down appearance of saggy and wrinkly skin
That’s not all, the Journal of Clinical Oncology study conducted by Adele C. Green and the research group of the University of Queensland in Australia discovered that applying sunscreen regularly prevents melanoma.
Here are some tips for applying sunscreen:
       Use a sunscreen of SPF30 or higher
       Apply sunscreen about 15 to 30 minutes before you go out
       Most adults need at least one ounce of sunscreen to fully cover all exposed areas of the body
       Don’t forget your neck, ears, face, legs, and tops of your feet
       Reapply sunscreen every two hours.
5.     Use a face mist
If you’re going to spend a day on the beach then you should bring a face mist and keep it in your ice chest. Face mists are rich in antioxidants and along with cooling effect they also help strengthening the skin’s outer layer. It’s because antioxidants attack free radicals and prevent any further damage to the skin.
6.     Take a cold shower
You’re home from the beach and decide to take a shower. Instead of hot shower that could dry out your skin, cold shower will keep your skin unoccluded thus decreasing acne breakouts. This is particularly beneficial for all of you who have to deal with acne every summer.
7.     Don’t forget protecting your eyes
Skin around your eyes lacks sebaceous glands which is why signs of aging appear there first. During hot summer days, you have to pay special attention to protecting delicate skin around your eyes. Here are a few tips:
       Wear sunglasses with complete UV protection
       Avoid rubbing your eyes
       Wear hats and sunglasses
       Apply moisturize in area around your eyes and make sure you apply sunscreen thoroughly at that area as well
       Seek shade.
During night, apply eye cream.
8.     Choose right cleanser
Cleanser is one of the most important parts of skincare routine. It removes dirt and debris from your skin’s layers and it improves absorption of other skincare products. That’s why it’s important to choose the right product. During summer, you should go for gentle cleansers and make sure they don’t contain alcohol. Cleansers that contain alcohol could aggravate your acne breakouts. When looking for best cleanser for face you should make sure the product is formulated for your skin type and that it doesn’t contain irritating or “heavy” ingredients.
Nowadays, you can buy cleansers with citrus notes for summer. They are packed with Vitamin C which is a potent antioxidant.
9.     Use a toner
Toner is probably the most underestimated skincare product. If you don’t have the habit of using toner, then you should definitely start. Toner removes final traces of debris that cleanser might have missed and it keeps your skin cool. Ideally, you should go for toners that don’t contain alcohol. For example, you can opt for rose water because its natural cooling properties are ideal for summertime.
10.                        Include antioxidants
Antioxidants are the key in summer daytime skincare. As mentioned above, they destroy free radicals; which means they will reduce damage caused by UV rays. That’s why, when buying skincare products for summer, you should make sure they contain potent antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, green tea, coenzyme Q10 etc.
Daytime skincare routine during summer revolves around opting for lighter versions of moisturizers, cleansers and other products and buying items with antioxidant ingredients. It’s important to apply sunscreen religiously as well as to protect delicate skin around eyes and on your lips. With gentle formulas your skin can be protected, smooth, and acne-free this summer. 

10 Tips for Day Time Skin Care during summer – Free Guest Post

Summer is almost here! You can finally wear your favorite dresses, go to beach, and have fun. But, while you’re having fun, you shouldn’t neglect your skin. Hot temperatures, sun’s UV rays, and many other factors take their toll on your skin. Plus, skin tends to be oilier during the summer and to avoid the awkward shine on your face you have to take care of your skin properly. This article lists ten tips for daytime skincare that will help you protect your skin and improve its appearance this summer.

1.     Protect your lips
This tip is number one for a reason – lips are largely overlooked in skincare during summer. But, just because there are no more cold temperatures, snow, and harsh winds, it doesn’t mean your lips don’t need protection. In fact, you should protect your lips throughout the year as the skin there is very delicate and prone to chapping or peeling. Sun’s damaging UV rays dry out lip tissue which is why you should purchase lip balm with SPF of at least 15.
2.     Choose right moisturizer
Seasons change and so should products you use. Moisturizers aren’t exceptions from this rule. Applying heavy moisturizer during summer is equally uncomfortable as wearing a winter coat in July. Summers are more humid and coupled with heavy and oily moisturizers your skin can look overly oily. It’s needless to mention this can clog your pores and cause acne breakouts. Since your skin needs moisturizer during summer as well, you should opt for products with water-based, light formula. For example, look for moisturizers that are described as milks or lotions.
3.     Use gentle soaps
Most dermatologists recommend avoiding soaps during winter. During winter your skin tends to be dry and using soaps could aggravate it and make it drier. Summer is a different story and experts explain soaps are beneficial to use. The heat and sweat during summer could lead to breakouts and bacteria breeding. Therefore, washing the oilier areas of your body with soaps can help your skin control oil production and keep your skin free of bumps. Don’t go for any soap you see, make sure the bar is gentle to your skin.
4.     Apply sunscreen religiously
Although it might seem obvious to you, applying sunscreen is something that most people do wrong. It’s needless to mention that a vast majority of people doesn’t apply sunscreen at all. However, prolonged exposure to UV rays without proper protection can lead to negative consequences such as fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, and many other skin conditions.
Importance of sunscreen goes beyond preventing sunburns, it also:
       Prevents hyperpigmentation
       Reduces appearances of blotchiness
       Slows down appearance of saggy and wrinkly skin
That’s not all, the Journal of Clinical Oncology study conducted by Adele C. Green and the research group of the University of Queensland in Australia discovered that applying sunscreen regularly prevents melanoma.
Here are some tips for applying sunscreen:
       Use a sunscreen of SPF30 or higher
       Apply sunscreen about 15 to 30 minutes before you go out
       Most adults need at least one ounce of sunscreen to fully cover all exposed areas of the body
       Don’t forget your neck, ears, face, legs, and tops of your feet
       Reapply sunscreen every two hours.
5.     Use a face mist
If you’re going to spend a day on the beach then you should bring a face mist and keep it in your ice chest. Face mists are rich in antioxidants and along with cooling effect they also help strengthening the skin’s outer layer. It’s because antioxidants attack free radicals and prevent any further damage to the skin.
6.     Take a cold shower
You’re home from the beach and decide to take a shower. Instead of hot shower that could dry out your skin, cold shower will keep your skin unoccluded thus decreasing acne breakouts. This is particularly beneficial for all of you who have to deal with acne every summer.
7.     Don’t forget protecting your eyes
Skin around your eyes lacks sebaceous glands which is why signs of aging appear there first. During hot summer days, you have to pay special attention to protecting delicate skin around your eyes. Here are a few tips:
       Wear sunglasses with complete UV protection
       Avoid rubbing your eyes
       Wear hats and sunglasses
       Apply moisturize in area around your eyes and make sure you apply sunscreen thoroughly at that area as well
       Seek shade.
During night, apply eye cream.
8.     Choose right cleanser
Cleanser is one of the most important parts of skincare routine. It removes dirt and debris from your skin’s layers and it improves absorption of other skincare products. That’s why it’s important to choose the right product. During summer, you should go for gentle cleansers and make sure they don’t contain alcohol. Cleansers that contain alcohol could aggravate your acne breakouts. When looking for best cleanser for face you should make sure the product is formulated for your skin type and that it doesn’t contain irritating or “heavy” ingredients.
Nowadays, you can buy cleansers with citrus notes for summer. They are packed with Vitamin C which is a potent antioxidant.
9.     Use a toner
Toner is probably the most underestimated skincare product. If you don’t have the habit of using toner, then you should definitely start. Toner removes final traces of debris that cleanser might have missed and it keeps your skin cool. Ideally, you should go for toners that don’t contain alcohol. For example, you can opt for rose water because its natural cooling properties are ideal for summertime.
10.                        Include antioxidants
Antioxidants are the key in summer daytime skincare. As mentioned above, they destroy free radicals; which means they will reduce damage caused by UV rays. That’s why, when buying skincare products for summer, you should make sure they contain potent antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, green tea, coenzyme Q10 etc.
Daytime skincare routine during summer revolves around opting for lighter versions of moisturizers, cleansers and other products and buying items with antioxidant ingredients. It’s important to apply sunscreen religiously as well as to protect delicate skin around eyes and on your lips. With gentle formulas your skin can be protected, smooth, and acne-free this summer. 

5 Vitamins for Glowing Skin – Beauty Tips For Skin

Who doesn’t want flawless skin? When we see people with spotless, glowing skin we often ask ourselves what is their secret. Our skins are the largest and most visible organs of our bodies and those with amazing skins understand well that health of your skin is not just dependent upon what you put on it, but also what you eat. We often take care of our fiber and protein intake but what about vitamins?
How To Have Smooth Skin? Make vitamins your best friends. Different vitamins have different ways of serving our skin. They maintain the suppleness and youth of our skin. They keep wrinkles from forming. They work as antioxidant. They keep your skin moisturized and even protect you against sun damage. However, not all vitamins serve the same purpose. Vitamin infused serums and potions have become very popular in the past few years. Ladies who have started using them regularly have seen amazing results.
Here are five vitamins which are very beneficial for your skin.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an active ingredient in many anti-ageing products. It is amazing for acne prone skin, reduces acne and also clears the skin of acne marks, pigmentations, dark spots and blemishes. It also fights early signs of ageing such as dark spots and fine lines. It works like an anti-oxidant to clarify skin and rejuvenate it.   Vitamin A infused night creams are easily available. It is best to use such creams in the night. Some natural sources of vitamin A are carrot, sweet potatoes, asparagus, broccoli, papaya, and grapefruits. Sometimes the tropical application of vitamin A creams might make your skin a little sensitive so it is a good idea to start this treatment with 2- 3 nights a week and gradually increase it to daily application.
Vitamin E
This is another vitamin which is anti-ageing. The way vitamin E works is that it is fat soluble and gives intense moisturizing to your skin, nails and hair. It is an anti oxidant and reverses damage caused to your skin by free radicals, UV rays, and other toxins which get deposited in your body by smoking and poor dietary choices. It helps in maintaining youth of your skin and keeps it supple. You will find vitamin E is an essential ingredient in sun blocks and night creams for the simple reason that it prevents wrinkle in forming and keeping skin moist and supple. Apart from creams, dietary sources of vitamin E include fish oil, kiwi, leaks, avocado, broccoli, coconut oil, almond oil and olive oil.
Vitamin K
Very few people know what vitamin K can do for your skin. It has become a total rave when Korean beauty products became popular. Vitamin K reduces marks by bruising and lightens under eye circles. It is a long kept secret of the Korean and Japanese women of their youthful eyes. Usually, the dark circles which are bluish or purple in appearance are caused when fine capillaries under the eyes break and blood leaks through them. Vitamin K helps in their repair and breaks small clots. Vitamin K also helps in other skin conditions such as: spider veins, stretch marks. Taking vitamin K orally heals skin from within. Good sources of vitamin K are all leafy green vegetables and animal sources such as grass-fed butter and egg yolks.
Vitamin B
Redness and skin rashes often occur in the dry and dehydrated skin. Usually, dehydrated skin lacks ceramides and essential fatty acids, so irritants attack the outermost protective layer of your skin and make it appear blotchy and flushed.  Vitamin B hydrates such skin, reduces pigmentation and also fights skin condition called rosacea which is over sensitivity of the dry damaged skin. Vitamin B rich creams and lotions are commonly available and are very mild. They are suitable for sensitive skin. There are eight types of vitamin B, so in order to pack up on the vitamin B deficiency, it is better to include a vitamin B complex in your daily vitamins.
Vitamin C
Most citrus fruits, pineapples, kiwis, bell peppers and spring produces such as kale, peas, cabbage and spinach are all vitamin C enriched. Vitamin C helps in keeping your skin spotless and fights any signs of ageing such as discoloration, pigmentation, and formation of fine lines. Vitamin C along with E is one of the most popularly used vitamins in serums and creams. It helps in the reversal of sun damage and damage caused by free radicals which happen with ageing. You will see positive results after using this vitamin; however remember to be a little patient before you get desired results. Although vitamin C helps in renewing dull and ageing skin it is a good idea to start using any product rich in vitamin C from your late twenties and early ageing.

You will see positive changes in your skin once you add these vitamins to your skin care regimen. However, the results might take a while to appear. Another thing to remember here is that as they say prevention is better than cure, start taking care of your skin from an early age so you can preserve its youth and glow.