Category Archives: Face makeup

How to Put on Makeup without a Mirror


Makeup has become an essential part of our lives and
our daily routine. And by now, most of you must have mastered every possible
makeup technique and trend. But ever applied your makeup without a mirror? You
would think that is difficult, right? Well, not exactly. Whether you rush
outside the door, walk with no reflection insight, or have no access to a
mirror for another reason, it is not easy. That so, even our professional
should have this handy expertise in their pockets — you never know when it will
be reflective, and you want to put on makeup at the last minute!


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Here we have brought you some amazing tips and
tricks that show you how to apply makeup without having a mirror.

 1.     For the Face

Instead of
going for a foundation, go for a BB Cream. This may not give you full coverage
but would even out your skin tone. Use a setting powder if you don’t have a BB
Cream, and for that, apply it with a big fluffy brush. This blends the Cream or
Powder well, and you wouldn’t want to have any sort of cream or powder patch on

 2.     For Your Eyes

Use a cream
or a liquid eye shadow. Choose a shiny dark stick in brown and blend. Glide the
product over the top and mix it with the ring finger into your lash line. If
you feel like it, you can put a soft brown kohl pencil in your eyes and mix it
to mask errors.

certainly frightening to apply mascara without a mirror, but we’re promising
that it is not that hard! Hold the wand in front of your eyes and blink
multiple times, so you can coat your lash.

 3.     For Your Cheeks

Since there
is not much you could do to that without a mirror, you can choose a stick or a
cream blusher, or even a lip tint. Apply it to the apples of your cheeks and
blend it in circular motion till you hit the top of your cheekbones.

 4.     For Your Lips

When applying
without a mirror, go for a tinted lip balm or a gloss. Instead of going for the
whole, apple the lipstick or gloss on the bottom lip and press your lips
together. This would distribute the color. If you feel you need it more, apply
it on the lower lip and press again. Use your finger then to even out it out
till the corners of your mouth.

Finish your
without-mirror-makeup-look by applying your favorite kind of Glow Dew Mist to
give a nice finishing dewy glow look. This all may look a bit difficult at the
start, but after a while, you’d get used to doing your makeup without a mirror
whenever you are in a hurry.

5 Things Makeup Users Hate Hearing About Their Makeup Products

Some people wear makeup, while some do not.
Some are interested in it, while some care not even an inch. Some are used to
it, while some are uncomfortable with it. Makeup users have always been
attacked with statements that judge their way of putting makeup and that jump
into harsh conclusions about their reason for wearing Makeup.
While those things are annoying for makeup users, another thing that could
stress them out is what they hear about the makeup products they use. These
could be the words they hear from other people, or those they hear from
themselves after finding out something about their makeup products.

If you are a makeup user, you will surely
relate to this list of 5 things that a person like you hates hearing about your
owned makeup products!

1 – “IT HAS

You let your younger sister get your beloved
glittery eyeshadow set inside your makeup kit. You’re always excited when
you’re about to use it because you’ve used it two to three times only since you
consider it too precious to just use whenever. Unfortunately, when your sister
came to you with it, she sadly says, “Oh
no! This one’s already expired
.” Hearing that would be heartbreaking
because you’ve kept it safe and minimally used the whole time, hardly used it,
only to find out it has passed its expiration date.  Especially if you bought that makeup for an
expensive price, you will really be disappointed. If you weren’t really aware
of its limited time of useability, there’s no one to blame.

Makeup users really hate such instances also
if that product is exclusively sold for a particular season only. That means
you, in a way, wasted a rarely available makeup product just because of lack of
information about your makeup. That’s why it is helpful to read the label,
check out the box and the cover of the product before using it. In that way,
you’ll put them to good and better use. 

2 – “IT’S

How upsetting it definitely is if the
electric hair curlers you bought a month ago suddenly works no more! It’s
totally not working at all just without a reason you know.
Your product might be made of poor quality or
is really not created for long term use; that could be a reason why it stops
functioning. Being clueless makes you even more pissed off about the situation.

3 – “IT’S

Slightly related to the previous point, this
one, nothing also wants. When your lipstick breaks in half, your brushes’
bristles fall off, your eyeshadow palette cracks, the possibility that you’ll
be happy and fine about them does not exist.
They might still be a bit useful, but that’s
just “a bit”. When you apply makeup, you should utilize those products which
are in good condition, so that you can ensure that they are effective and are
healthy and safe to use.

Moreover, you may still use them, but you
might find them inconvenient since they’re no longer in their original state.
Putting them to use requires you to be strategic on how to make them work just
like they’re supposed to. For sure, it’s better for you to buy a new one than
to keep on using that while you’re having a hard and unproductive time.

4 – “IT’S

Losing a makeup tool or product can most
likely happen if you’re lending them to other people and letting them take it
to their homes for a day or more. It’s not your fault because you just trusted
them with your thing. It’s their fault for being irresponsible about it when
it’s not even theirs. Nevertheless, you hate it. No one likes such situations.

Especially if that product is your favorite,
a bit pricey or newly bought, your face can definitely turn red because of
annoyance as you hear the words, “It’s
That person who borrowed it may just replace
it, but if the original product has no stocks anywhere anymore, you might be
given a product you do not like. It’s just saddening and even maddening when
your material, that’s indispensable and unlike any other, is lost. You may find
something else to fill its place, but it will never be the same again.

5 – “IT’S

Even though you are fully aware that you are
making use of your facial cream on a daily basis, you may still feel a bit
surprised when your hand can almost reach the bottom of the container.

You hate it when it’s done because you have to
buy another one of it. You hate it probably because it’s expensive, because
it’s imported, or because it was only put on sale for a limited time.
You don’t like hearing or saying your makeup
product is almost finished to the bottom of its bottle. You don’t really like
it when your eye shadow palette is close to getting emptied. Nonetheless,
there’s nothing much that you can do, but to accept and purchase another one.



Your makeup products are dear to you, so when
some mishaps or expected ends happen to them, you don’t like it. You hate it.
Better if you’d care more for them, if you’d have more knowledge in using them,
if you’d be extra careful when letting others use them and if you’d buy the
best quality of products in the first place.

Ann Pore does research and combines what she gets with her own thoughts
regarding people’s use of makeup and the artistry itself. Along with those, she
writes about good hygiene and the skin’s health as affected by the products
people expose it to. Nicole is a daytime writer for
Napoleon Perdis Makeup Academy, Australia’s leading beauty brand
that offers a wide selection of prestige cosmetics suitable for everyone. |
Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with
a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.

Don’t Try These Makeup Hacks — Ever!

skyrocketing beauty and skincare product prices these days, who does not love
makeup hacks?  Makeup hacks are often
inexpensive, practical and offer multi-functional benefits for various makeup
and skincare products.  Quite often,
completely unrelated products are also widely acclaimed for their supposed
beauty and skincare benefits.

Makeups you must never ever try
you’ve heard these makeup hacks before, and probably tried one or a few
yourself in the past!  Below are 10 of
the most popular makeup hacks that must be banished to oblivion before these
hurt — the skin and the ego — of one more unsuspecting victim:
1. Colorless
lacquer to stunt and cover up cold sores.
Cold sores
are painful enough on their own. 
Seriously reconsider if you’re considering this beauty hack at all!  Lacquers are among the harshest if not the
most toxic beauty products around. 
Stunting your cold sore with a lacquer will only make it more painful
than it already is.
2.  Lipstick to dry out pimples. 
all you know, it could be a makeup product you’re using that caused your
pimples to breakout. So, why use an often chemical laden lipstick to further
infect your already-infected pore?  Get
yourself an inexpensive zit cream or cleanser that contains acne-fighting
ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid instead.
3.  Permanent markers used as eyeliners. 
This hack is completely ignorant — period! 
You don’t even have to think to delve into how toxic permanent markers
can be for your skin, you just have to consider how you’ll take it off when you
need to wipe it off.
4.  Crayons and Sharpies to color your eyelids and
highlighters to color your nails is fine but, to color your face?  Totally unthinkable! Unless you perceive your
face as paper, then go right ahead and draw with crayons and sharpies with it.
5.  Underarm deodorant to control excess oils.
as it may sound, some people do think deodorant can solve their greasy face
issues.  Let’s review!  What does an underarm deodorant try to
control?  Sweat, isn’t it?  It’s not the same as oil so what’s the point
of having to put this product on your face? Duuuuh!

6.  Onions to thicken your eyebrows. 
you’ve never sliced open an onion before, you’ll figure out how foolish this
hack is in an instant.  Onion stings your
eyes and, unless you want to cry your tear glands out, it’s best to keep it
away from your eyebrows.
7.  Glue to treat blackheads.
hard is it to get yourself a nose strip, really?  If you don’t have one on-hand, boil yourself
a bowl of water and subject your face to the steam.  This opens up your pores.  Follow up with a gentle wash and you’ll be
free from blackheads without sticky glue on your face!
8. Lemons
as skin brighteners.
juice of lemon and lime are effective skin brighteners due to their natural
astringent properties.  What most makeup
tricks list fails to mention is that lemon and lime juice must never find its
way on your face in its undiluted form. 
These are super drying that it will not only zap out moisture from your
skin but even burn it on the spot. 
Always add in lukewarm water or honey in a 1: 2 up to 1:4 ratio.
9. Diaper
rash cream to cure zits.
because zits are so common, that does not mean zits can be relieved by any
other unthinkable means, does it?  Leave
the diaper rash cream on your baby and find yourself a blemish cream. Any zit
can instantly vanished with simple makeup tricks.
10.  Chocolate drink as a self-tanner.
your objective is to be chased all day by ants, cockroaches and other insects
then, go ahead and try this makeup hack while you have your bikinis on!

popularity of social media, somehow, seems to have proliferated many of these
makeup tricks too — and, it seems, in fact, more have surfaced in this past
decade.  While you may love makeup hacks,
it will be safer for you to know that many are myths, and some can actually
harm you if you’re not careful.

5 Amazing Benefits of an effective Facial Massage

massages have become a trend these days. Be it men or women – everyone is
indulging in facial massages to feel relax and get a rejuvenating and glowing
skin. There are many factors like – stress, environmental pollution and hectic
routines, due to which, one may feel down and heavy. All the pressure one face
due to several activities in the day, directly affects our skin and health. All
the exercise, yoga and massage, helps us relax our muscles; the relaxed muscles
and inner peace reflects in our face, which helps one look radiant and happy.

have beautiful and radiant skin; they play in mud and on roads, but still their
skin looks beautiful. Everyone wish to have a beautiful skin just like
children. Want to go back to the old times? One can’t get back the old times,
but can indulge in a skin care routine that’ll ensure a bright, radiant and
flawless skin. Experts says that one should take facial massage once a month,
as there are many benefits one can get from it.
     1.     Detoxification
Due to the environmental pollution and hectic schedules, the
skin lacks luster and appears dull. Facial massage helps to increase the blood
flow in the cells of the face and soothes the muscles. The increased blood
supply gives a color to the face and a refresh look; the skin looks flawless
and the dead skin on the skin of the face is removed. When the detoxification
is done, he dead cells are removed and the fresh skin is visible which is clean
and pure. To detoxify, take a small amount of lotion or oil and spread it on
the face gently using the fingertips. Use firm but light hand to massage in
clockwise and anticlockwise direction from bottom to top.
       2.     Uneven Pigmentation
Pigmentation can occur due to accumulation of impurities in
the pores of the skin; these impurities result in inflammation, which makes the
skin look uneven. This is a cause of embarrassment for many women and even men.
The cause of pigmentation is sun exposure, environmental pollution and even
unhealthy diet. Facial massages are a great way to deal with this; it
replenishes the skin and nourishes skin deep down. The massage increases the
blood flow in the muscles of the face and removes the toxins from the face and
gives a toned and refreshed skin.
      3.     Acne scars
Teenagers are prone to acne and even adults too. Acne is the
result of blockage of hair follicles with skin oils and dead skin cells. It
leads to the formation of pimples, and sometimes they leave scars when touched.
These scars are seen as the cause of low self-esteem and low confidence. These scars
can be removed by massaging the face with natural oils, though it may take some
time. These scars may take considerate amount of time to vanish. One has to
massage repeatedly and use a quick back and forth motion. One should always opt
for good massage parlor with hygienic environment. If anyone wants to open a
massage parlor, then one can get Best Massage Tables for Sale ,
which will help people to enjoy a relaxing massage.
      4.     Prevents anti-aging
Many people worry about the wrinkles and fine lines on their
face due to stress and anxiety; but facial massages can give relief from it.
There are many facial massages that can help in lowering the effects.
Professional facial massages are much beneficial and less expensive than Botox.
It helps the skin to glow and look fresh. The blood circulation due to face
massage helps in relieving the tension from facial muscles. They can help
improve the skin texture by strengthening the face muscle. Daily facial massage
for a few minutes can work wonders for the skin and face will look radiant and
glowing all times.
     5.     Relief in Headaches
The pain is caused by the stimulation of pain sensitive
areas and structures surrounding the brain. Headaches can be very painful; the
common reasons for it can be stress, anxiety, sinus or trauma. Massaging the
face and neck can be a great booster to get relief from headaches. The massage
should focus on areas of neck and scalp, which will help in giving relief from
the headache. The massage will help in relaxing the mind and body. It will
loosen the muscles that are stressed and one will get relief from pain.

massage has its own benefits and requirements. One should always go to a
professional masseur with a proper and hygienic environment. If anyone wants to
be a masseur, then one must take professional training and should also have
knowledge about the tips and techniques regarding massage. The environment of
the parlor should be relaxing and one can get best
Massage Tables For Sale
if they cannot afford to buy one. One must
always note to keep the environment clean and always use best quality oils for
massaging. A good facial massage will give a glowing and radiant face.

Real Asian Bridal Makeup – Simple And Subtle Look

Real Asian Bridal Makeup – Simple And Subtle Look – Complete Hair And Makeup

Upcoming Topics –  

  1. 10
    Makeup Tips to Use In Your Car.
  2. Why
    Ditch Contouring and Start Strobing!.
  3. Metallic
    Eyeshadow: Tips, Looks and Trends.
  4. How
    to Do Makeup for Rainy Days.
  5. Makeup
    Tips You Can Learn from Drag Queens.

Real Asian Bridal Makeup – Simple And Subtle Look

Real Asian Bridal Makeup – Simple And Subtle Look – Complete Hair And Makeup

Upcoming Topics –  

  1. 10
    Makeup Tips to Use In Your Car.
  2. Why
    Ditch Contouring and Start Strobing!.
  3. Metallic
    Eyeshadow: Tips, Looks and Trends.
  4. How
    to Do Makeup for Rainy Days.
  5. Makeup
    Tips You Can Learn from Drag Queens.

10 Youtuber Makeup Collabs You Need to Know About!

makeup stars and a huge cultural force, and among young women and teens,
they’re hugely influential. So it’s no surprise that these stars have made it
their mission to collaborate with makeup brands to create unique, beautiful
makeup and beauty products that reflect their own personal brands, preferences,
and tastes.
results are astonishing – totally unique collabs with established makeup brands
that are as varied as they are beautiful, and aren’t to be missed if you’re a
makeup enthusiast, or a makeup artist yourself.
check out some of the best YouTuber makeup collabs below.
Tanya Burr
Burr, a British Youtuber, has collaborated with FeelUnique for a full line of
makeup kits, after the great success that she found with a lipgloss back in
2014. It features options ranging from flashy to neutral, and even includes
products up to false eyelashes and full eye and eyebrow palettes, as well as
single options like lip glosses, lipsticks, and nail polish.

Soft Luxe Collection focuses on
understated, yet eye-catching shades like pinks, purples, and soft, glowing
champagne colors that give a romantic air to standard looks.
Fleur de Force
de Force has long been known for her affinity for “natural” looks – and has
many YouTube videos describing how to achieve these looks.

it’s no surprise that for her first
Collab with, she’s focused on creating beautiful eyeshadow palettes and
lipstick that look totally gorgeous and feel luxurious, while still maintaining
a natural look and color that’s sure to please anyone who’s turned off by
bright neons and unnatural colors.
a British YouTuber with over 9.6 million subscribers, is a huge fan of all
sorts of beauty and self-care products, and her personal collaboration with
FeelUnique includes a
Huge Range Of Products that aren’t
just limited to makeup – personal cosmetic bags, body lotions, bath and
hygienic products, (and yes, makeup and cosmetics) all get her personal touch,
and have become hugely popular due to their unique designs, customizable flair,
and great quality.

Jeffree Star
Star is totally unique – he’s an American singer, songwriter, and makeup artist
who’s been tremendously popular on YouTube for his bold, bright looks inspired
by the glam cultures of the ‘80s, and his boutique makeup brand is tremendously
popular. While he’s got a huge range of products – lip gloss, lipstick, and
other beauty products, among others, the recent release of his
Skin Frost highlighting powders has made
waves across many different subcultures, with its incredibly bold and vibrant
coloration, high quality, and the fact that it’s totally vegan, gluten, talc,
and paraben-free.

you’re looking for incredibly bold colors that are socially conscious, look no
specialty is her lip swatch videos, so it should be no surprise that for her
first collaboration with BH Cosmetics she’s released a
Double-Sided Palette – 9 lipsticks on one side, 9 eyeshadows on the other. The
eyeshadows mainly consist of subdued neutrals in both shimmer and matte
finishes, and the lipsticks range from subtle plums to flashy and bright pinks
and reds.

Carli Babel
Babel, a very popular YouTuber and makeup artist, has gotten herself into the
makeup game with
This Palette that
features 14 differently colored eyeshadows and highlights, ranging from a
subdued plum and brown color to brighter auburn and russet colors. Versatile
and unique, this is a hugely popular palette, featuring options that are
appropriate for both long days and nights out.

Makeup Geek
Stell, AKA The Makeup Geek, has an enormous line of products on her
store, but her most popular product by far are her unique Metallic Eyeshadow Sets, such as the Foiled Essentials Bundle, and the Foiled Essential
expansion set. These unique colors are bold, bright, and flashy, and you’re
unlikely to find a product like this anywhere else.

Tati Westbrook
Westbrook, a YouTube beauty star, has gotten into the makeup collab game with
her recent
Collaboration With Birchbox, which features trendy, highly pigmented shades, including the
ever-popular Vibrant Matte Lipstick and the One & Done Shadow Stick, which
have been selected, named, and created by Tati to create unique looks that are
totally one-of-a-kind.

Jaclyn Hill
Hill is known for her incredible highlighting skills, so it’s no shock that
after previously releasing eyeshadow palette, she launched a
Full Line
of highlighters with Becca and Sephora in February 2016. These collections
combine subdued neutrals that combine perfectly with neon accents and
highlights to create incredible, unique looks and styles.

Cara Brook
Brook, AKA Maskcara, has a huge line of products, ranging from foundation, to
eyeshadow, to brushes and tools, and other makeup applicators. The most unique
aspect of this brand is that you can create custom
Eyeshadow And Foundation Palettes, so whether you have unique skin that can’t be covered by a
standard palette, or just want to experiment, you’ll be covered.

are tons of incredible makeup offerings on this list, and we guarantee you’ll
want to try each one. Sets ranging from subtle and subdued to wild, crazy neon
and bright colors make these offerings versatile, unique, and totally awesome.
Check them out today.

I am an educationist with a writing bug for as
long as I can remember. Thanks to my wandering mind and curious nature, I like
to write on a wide variety of topics as the writing process helps me learn
amazing new things about the topic at hand. However, I am writing often about
Street Fashion At Profound’s Blog.  I also enjoy scuba diving,
golf, tending and reading. I also have a beautiful golden noodle, and most of
my writing ideas come to me while I am walking him down the beach. 

Source –

10 Youtuber Makeup Collabs You Need to Know About!

makeup stars and a huge cultural force, and among young women and teens,
they’re hugely influential. So it’s no surprise that these stars have made it
their mission to collaborate with makeup brands to create unique, beautiful
makeup and beauty products that reflect their own personal brands, preferences,
and tastes.
results are astonishing – totally unique collabs with established makeup brands
that are as varied as they are beautiful, and aren’t to be missed if you’re a
makeup enthusiast, or a makeup artist yourself.
check out some of the best YouTuber makeup collabs below.
Tanya Burr
Burr, a British Youtuber, has collaborated with FeelUnique for a full line of
makeup kits, after the great success that she found with a lipgloss back in
2014. It features options ranging from flashy to neutral, and even includes
products up to false eyelashes and full eye and eyebrow palettes, as well as
single options like lip glosses, lipsticks, and nail polish.

Soft Luxe Collection focuses on
understated, yet eye-catching shades like pinks, purples, and soft, glowing
champagne colors that give a romantic air to standard looks.
Fleur de Force
de Force has long been known for her affinity for “natural” looks – and has
many YouTube videos describing how to achieve these looks.

it’s no surprise that for her first
Collab with, she’s focused on creating beautiful eyeshadow palettes and
lipstick that look totally gorgeous and feel luxurious, while still maintaining
a natural look and color that’s sure to please anyone who’s turned off by
bright neons and unnatural colors.
a British YouTuber with over 9.6 million subscribers, is a huge fan of all
sorts of beauty and self-care products, and her personal collaboration with
FeelUnique includes a
Huge Range Of Products that aren’t
just limited to makeup – personal cosmetic bags, body lotions, bath and
hygienic products, (and yes, makeup and cosmetics) all get her personal touch,
and have become hugely popular due to their unique designs, customizable flair,
and great quality.

Jeffree Star
Star is totally unique – he’s an American singer, songwriter, and makeup artist
who’s been tremendously popular on YouTube for his bold, bright looks inspired
by the glam cultures of the ‘80s, and his boutique makeup brand is tremendously
popular. While he’s got a huge range of products – lip gloss, lipstick, and
other beauty products, among others, the recent release of his
Skin Frost highlighting powders has made
waves across many different subcultures, with its incredibly bold and vibrant
coloration, high quality, and the fact that it’s totally vegan, gluten, talc,
and paraben-free.

you’re looking for incredibly bold colors that are socially conscious, look no
specialty is her lip swatch videos, so it should be no surprise that for her
first collaboration with BH Cosmetics she’s released a
Double-Sided Palette – 9 lipsticks on one side, 9 eyeshadows on the other. The
eyeshadows mainly consist of subdued neutrals in both shimmer and matte
finishes, and the lipsticks range from subtle plums to flashy and bright pinks
and reds.

Carli Babel
Babel, a very popular YouTuber and makeup artist, has gotten herself into the
makeup game with
This Palette that
features 14 differently colored eyeshadows and highlights, ranging from a
subdued plum and brown color to brighter auburn and russet colors. Versatile
and unique, this is a hugely popular palette, featuring options that are
appropriate for both long days and nights out.

Makeup Geek
Stell, AKA The Makeup Geek, has an enormous line of products on her
store, but her most popular product by far are her unique Metallic Eyeshadow Sets, such as the Foiled Essentials Bundle, and the Foiled Essential
expansion set. These unique colors are bold, bright, and flashy, and you’re
unlikely to find a product like this anywhere else.

Tati Westbrook
Westbrook, a YouTube beauty star, has gotten into the makeup collab game with
her recent
Collaboration With Birchbox, which features trendy, highly pigmented shades, including the
ever-popular Vibrant Matte Lipstick and the One & Done Shadow Stick, which
have been selected, named, and created by Tati to create unique looks that are
totally one-of-a-kind.

Jaclyn Hill
Hill is known for her incredible highlighting skills, so it’s no shock that
after previously releasing eyeshadow palette, she launched a
Full Line
of highlighters with Becca and Sephora in February 2016. These collections
combine subdued neutrals that combine perfectly with neon accents and
highlights to create incredible, unique looks and styles.

Cara Brook
Brook, AKA Maskcara, has a huge line of products, ranging from foundation, to
eyeshadow, to brushes and tools, and other makeup applicators. The most unique
aspect of this brand is that you can create custom
Eyeshadow And Foundation Palettes, so whether you have unique skin that can’t be covered by a
standard palette, or just want to experiment, you’ll be covered.

are tons of incredible makeup offerings on this list, and we guarantee you’ll
want to try each one. Sets ranging from subtle and subdued to wild, crazy neon
and bright colors make these offerings versatile, unique, and totally awesome.
Check them out today.

I am an educationist with a writing bug for as
long as I can remember. Thanks to my wandering mind and curious nature, I like
to write on a wide variety of topics as the writing process helps me learn
amazing new things about the topic at hand. However, I am writing often about
Street Fashion At Profound’s Blog.  I also enjoy scuba diving,
golf, tending and reading. I also have a beautiful golden noodle, and most of
my writing ideas come to me while I am walking him down the beach. 

Source –

Makeup Application for Beginners: How to Put on Makeup like a Pro

Try walking into the cosmetic
section of your local department store and you’ll be blown away by rows after
rows of lipsticks — gel, liquid, pencil, matte and cream — piled up against a
stack of eye palettes, foundations, blush, bronzers, contouring creams,
concealers — it’s impossible to list every cosmetic product available!
What you want vs. what you really need
Anybody who knows how to put on
makeup will tell you to use only what you need. 
It’s hard not to be lured into buying an iridescent
lipstick with the latest face of Hollywood speaking to you as the brand
ambassador, or a shimmery eye shadow that apparently caught the attention of
some handsome guy in suit as suggested by the product ad.  Still, you should adhere to three rules when
wearing make up:

Rule No.1: 
Highlight your assets.  What is
your strongest facial feature?  Is it
your tantalising eyes, all nose or, high cheekbones?  Make sure this asset stands out.
Rule No. 2:  Make
up for what you don’t have.  The trick is
to fake it but to leave people with the impression it’s real.  Get it?
Rule No. 3:  Stop
— you do not need anything more.  With so
many products around screaming in to your face, “You need me! Use me!” it’s can
be difficult to put on the brakes.
Makeup 101 for the new pro
So, if you’re ready, below is a quick rundown on HowTo Put On Makeup like a pro even when it’s your
first time.  Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Step 1:  Make sure
your face is clean — squeaky!  The real
foundation of great makeup is a great skin. 
Far from the colorful 80s, the trend has mellowed back to the more natural
way of wearing makeup, and that mean’s ‘no makeup’ makeup.  It means, you apply makeup subtly, and to be
able to put on just a few products and pull it off, your skin should be
blemish-free.  So, before worrying about
makeup, think about giving your skin great care first.
Step 2:  Work on
your canvass.  Your canvass is your
skin.  This step requires you to even out
your skin tone and hide your imperfections without overdoing it.  Start by patting on your moisturizer if you
have dry skin.  Make sure it is
lightweight and won’t grease. 
It’s best if you can get hold of a Beauty Balm (BB)
Cream.  This is the new age combination
of moisturizer, SPF, foundation and concealer rolled into one.  If you have oily skin, it’s all you will
need. If you have a persistent imperfection, you may use a separate concealer
to spot correct, then place BB cream on top of it to even out your skin color.
Step 3:  Work on
your eyes.  If you haven’t groomed it yet
get an eyebrow threading or, you can start plucking excess hair under your
eyebrows.  You may outline your eyebrows
first to serve as your guide.  The inner
ends should sit on top of the outer sides of your nose.  The outer ends should form a diagonal line
from the outer end of your nose, outer side of your eye, and your brow.
For daily wear, a subtle shadow in nude colors or an
eyeliner should be good enough for your eyelids.  Get an eyelash extension, it saves you from
the trouble of having to wear messy mascara.
Step 4:  Work on
your lips. To keep it smudge free, outline your lips with a nude 
lip liner.  Then fill in with the color of your
choice.  Matte will give a perfect
all-day wear.
Step 5:  Give your
cheeks a blush of color.  Dip your broad
brush into your cheek color.  Find the
apples of your cheek and just give it a light, quick stroke.
Now that you know the basics, it’s time for you to experiment.  Just keep those three rules of wearing makeup
in mind whenever you do.

4 Perfect Makeup Brushes You Need to Know About:

Author Bio:
Addie Davison, health and beauty consultant from New York,
New Jersey, USA. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English literature. She likes
to write about beauty, skin care, makeup. She is very passionate about writing.
Her articles mainly focus on content quality and originality. She has
self-promotion abilities and works independently on her own initiatives.

Makeup Application for Beginners: How to Put on Makeup like a Pro

Try walking into the cosmetic
section of your local department store and you’ll be blown away by rows after
rows of lipsticks — gel, liquid, pencil, matte and cream — piled up against a
stack of eye palettes, foundations, blush, bronzers, contouring creams,
concealers — it’s impossible to list every cosmetic product available!
What you want vs. what you really need
Anybody who knows how to put on
makeup will tell you to use only what you need. 
It’s hard not to be lured into buying an iridescent
lipstick with the latest face of Hollywood speaking to you as the brand
ambassador, or a shimmery eye shadow that apparently caught the attention of
some handsome guy in suit as suggested by the product ad.  Still, you should adhere to three rules when
wearing make up:

Rule No.1: 
Highlight your assets.  What is
your strongest facial feature?  Is it
your tantalising eyes, all nose or, high cheekbones?  Make sure this asset stands out.
Rule No. 2:  Make
up for what you don’t have.  The trick is
to fake it but to leave people with the impression it’s real.  Get it?
Rule No. 3:  Stop
— you do not need anything more.  With so
many products around screaming in to your face, “You need me! Use me!” it’s can
be difficult to put on the brakes.
Makeup 101 for the new pro
So, if you’re ready, below is a quick rundown on HowTo Put On Makeup like a pro even when it’s your
first time.  Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Step 1:  Make sure
your face is clean — squeaky!  The real
foundation of great makeup is a great skin. 
Far from the colorful 80s, the trend has mellowed back to the more natural
way of wearing makeup, and that mean’s ‘no makeup’ makeup.  It means, you apply makeup subtly, and to be
able to put on just a few products and pull it off, your skin should be
blemish-free.  So, before worrying about
makeup, think about giving your skin great care first.
Step 2:  Work on
your canvass.  Your canvass is your
skin.  This step requires you to even out
your skin tone and hide your imperfections without overdoing it.  Start by patting on your moisturizer if you
have dry skin.  Make sure it is
lightweight and won’t grease. 
It’s best if you can get hold of a Beauty Balm (BB)
Cream.  This is the new age combination
of moisturizer, SPF, foundation and concealer rolled into one.  If you have oily skin, it’s all you will
need. If you have a persistent imperfection, you may use a separate concealer
to spot correct, then place BB cream on top of it to even out your skin color.
Step 3:  Work on
your eyes.  If you haven’t groomed it yet
get an eyebrow threading or, you can start plucking excess hair under your
eyebrows.  You may outline your eyebrows
first to serve as your guide.  The inner
ends should sit on top of the outer sides of your nose.  The outer ends should form a diagonal line
from the outer end of your nose, outer side of your eye, and your brow.
For daily wear, a subtle shadow in nude colors or an
eyeliner should be good enough for your eyelids.  Get an eyelash extension, it saves you from
the trouble of having to wear messy mascara.
Step 4:  Work on
your lips. To keep it smudge free, outline your lips with a nude 
lip liner.  Then fill in with the color of your
choice.  Matte will give a perfect
all-day wear.
Step 5:  Give your
cheeks a blush of color.  Dip your broad
brush into your cheek color.  Find the
apples of your cheek and just give it a light, quick stroke.
Now that you know the basics, it’s time for you to experiment.  Just keep those three rules of wearing makeup
in mind whenever you do.

4 Perfect Makeup Brushes You Need to Know About:

Author Bio:
Addie Davison, health and beauty consultant from New York,
New Jersey, USA. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English literature. She likes
to write about beauty, skin care, makeup. She is very passionate about writing.
Her articles mainly focus on content quality and originality. She has
self-promotion abilities and works independently on her own initiatives.