Category Archives: Wedding Grooming

Seven Wedding Grooming Moves You Must Consider.

Love and affection are the best gifts
that you can grant another person and that are why weddings are special. They
are a celebration of love and such ceremonies are usually grand and
spectacular. Other than the events being great, the bride and his groom ought
to look good as well. We all know how particular ladies can be when it comes to
their looks, but sometimes the wedding preparations can get so hectic such that
most forget that they have an obligation to looking great as well. The result
of this is usually last minute grooming preparations that result in a
not-so-impressive look and by extension some not-so-impressive wedding photos. We
have, therefore, compiled a guide of grooming moves that will help you look
your best on your wedding.

Seven Wedding Grooming Moves You Must Consider.

  •       Prep your face for your wedding.

As a bride, you will appear in almost every photo and this
necessitates you look your best. A great way to achieve timeless beauty and
youthful elegance that will shine through the entire ceremony is with a facial.
A good facial smoothens and softens your skin. It also eliminates blemishes
such as blackheads, leaving you with a picture-perfect look. Schedule a 30-minute
facial at a spa and let the esthetician work his or her magic on you. It’s
advisable to get your facial done well in advance of your wedding day so as to
stay ahead of any chemical reactions and breakouts.

  •       Manicures are a must.

Nothing is as unappealing as the sight of dirty and poorly
done nails. Not only are they unhygienic but they are a major beauty fail that
could ruin your wedding. This is not just a concern for the bride but one that
for the groom as well. The two of you should visit a spa or nail center to have
your nails professionally clipped and filed.

  •     Teeth whitening.

You will be smiling a lot on your wedding day and you can
give your smile the perfect lift with a nice set of pearly whites. Most tooth pastes
have teeth-whitening ingredients within their compounds but you’d be wise to
visit your dentist for a tooth Whitening
Procedure. You will have to set aside a decent sum for this procedure but
the result is white teeth that make for a beautiful smile and even better

  •        Facial hair is a big no.

This grooming move applies to the
grooms. It’s no secret that men are obsessed with facial fair and some go to
amazing lengths to grow their facial hair. However, for the sake of your
wedding, it is advisable to get your facial hair trimmed and well-maintained.
Get your barber to remove unwanted and unnecessary facial hair such as those
growing out of your nose and to have your beard, mustache, and neckline
trimmed. Your beautiful bride will definitely appreciate the effort to clean
yourself up and this could result in some wonderful and pleasurable honeymoon
moments if you know what I mean.

  •      Keep body hair to a minimum.

You will probably be covered up in clothes during the wedding
ceremony and even at the reception but slightly less so later on. You should,
therefore, keep your body hair short for those special moments with your loved
one or as you lounge by the pool area in a bikini. One way to go about this is
by shaving with a razor but you may end up with cuts and rashes should you
choose this option. Another alternative would be to opt for IPL machines for hair removal.
This option is slightly expensive but the results are much more permanent.

  •      Manage your brows.

Unmanaged brows can ruin a picture. These little monsters may
appear harmless but when they are left unattended, they can give they can give
you a not-so-impressive look and this is definitely something that you don’t
want for your wedding. Get your brows done by a profession and shaped properly
for an amazing look.

  •       Get enough sleep.
This is not a grooming move per say, but the lack of enough
sleep can wipe away the effects of the grooming moves mentioned above. Lack of
enough sleep could result in puffy eyes and oily skin and all these could ruin your
look. Make time from your busy schedule for sleep. Take lots of water and fresh
juices as well for your skin.