Category Archives: Nutrition Club

Herbalife Makes Nutritional Education Readily Available at Herbalife Nutrition Clubs


Finding reliable nutrition
information on the internet can be an enormous challenge. This is true whether
healthcare consumers are trying to manage or reduce their weight, live with a
chronic medical condition like diabetes, or just want to improve their overall

understands this challenge, which is why the 41-year-old wellness company has
made quality nutritional content readily available to its team members.


Taking this approach makes
it easy for the company’s teams of independent distributors to provide clients
with relevant and up-to-date nutrition information in multiple formats. After
all, one of the leading goals of Herbalife coaches is to assist their clients
in making the most informed healthcare choices possible.


Is an Herbalife Coach?

The term
“coach” is synonymous with sports, where it typically represents
one person motivating and directing the play of the entire team. As people have
become more in tune with their wellness over the past several years, the word
coach as a descriptive term has come to include one-on-one and small-group
mentoring. The leadership team at Herbalife Nutrition has empowered its
independent distributors to take on a coach or mentor role with the clients
they serve.


Herbalife coaches
understand that each person they work with has a unique starting point and
destination in mind. They offer nutritional guidance, motivation, and a safe
place for clients to vent frustrations, among many other things. Coaches work
with clients both individually and at
Nutrition Clubs

that meet in a community setting.


Nutrition Coaches Receive Recognition from the Brandon Hall Group

The fact that independent
distributors act as coaches to their clients, rather than simply salespeople,
is one thing that truly sets Herbalife apart from other wellness companies.
Entrepreneurs who have joined the Herbalife team have done so because they are
lifelong learners who want to pass their knowledge on to others looking to
improve their health. With assistance from proven nutrition products, Herbalife
coaches help steer their clients towards weight loss or management, better
sports performance, and permanent behavioral change.


Recently, the Brandon Hall
Group recognized Herbalife’s Better Coaching training program in two separate
categories. These included Best Use of a Blended Learning Program and Best
Advance in Coaching and Mentoring. The organization has a long history of
recognizing excellence in learning and leadership in the health sciences.


Nutrition Clubs Now in 17th Year of Operation

The first Herbalife
Nutrition Club met back in 2004 in Mexico City. Graciela Mier and Enrique
Varela, Herbalife independent distributors based in Mexico, proposed the idea
after realizing that many community members wanted to consume a more
nutritionally sound diet but did not know how to go about it. Another problem
they recognized was that people in the Mexico City community could not always
afford to purchase an entire canister of meal replacement shakes containing the
protein they needed for a healthier diet.

Mier and Varela came up
with the idea of breaking down the meal replacement shake canister into
individual servings. People could then buy the individual servings of protein
shakes at Herbalife Nutrition Club meetings.


Herbalife clients received
aloe and tea in addition to single-serving protein shakes while meeting with
independent distributors and had a chance to ask questions. The early feedback
was so positive that Mier and Varela soon began offering fitness classes at
their club meetings.
Nutrition Clubs now meet in hundreds of communities
around the world.


Local Herbalife Nutrition Clubs Can Benefit Entire Communities

Losing weight and making
permanent healthy lifestyle changes is not easy for anyone. The prospect is
especially overwhelming for people attempting to reach these goals on their
Joining a Herbalife Nutrition Club provides a
crucial sense of community and belonging. People who attend club meetings
benefit from the support they give and receive, especially those who have
similar health goals.

Joining an Herbalife Nutrition Club Presents Support for Customers to Meet Wellness Goals


Ever since Herbalife Nutrition launched as a
company in 1980, its independent distributors have formed close relationships
with the customers they serve. These relationships fill the human need for
connection while offering people accountability and
support to change their
lifestyle through better nutrition

Is an Herbalife Nutrition Club?

Herbalife distributors started the first Nutrition
Club in Mexico in 2004
Since that time, the clubs have expanded to the United States and several other
countries with more than 6,500 American clubs currently in existence.

People can meet each day to enjoy nutritious Herbalife
products such as shakes, tea, and aloe
. Having this meeting space available has
allowed thousands of people to meet the nutritional goals they set for
themselves with other customers who have similar goals. Other activities at
club meetings include weight loss challenges, group exercise, and exchanging
ideas for healthy meals.

Community Helps People Reach Health and Fitness Goals

We’ve all heard about the importance of
physical activity and good nutrition. The following are just some benefits
people can expect from regular exercise and a healthy diet:



mental health due to natural boost in mood

risk of certain types of cancer

risk of diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome that includes high
blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol

Although most people understand that regular
exercise is good for them, committing to it is a different story.
Joining a local Herbalife Nutrition Club can help. Exercising with friends has
multiple advantages over working out alone, especially when it comes to
accountability to keep showing up. If someone misses a few club meetings,
others are bound to check on them to see if that person needs extra support.

Independent distributors who have started a
Nutrition Club are often willing to lead group exercises and help people find
solutions to common fitness struggles. Herbalife Fit Clubs are like Nutrition
Clubs, but they have a dedicated space for gym equipment and fitness lessons.
Membership in both clubs is by invitation only.

Herbalife Distributors Invest in the People They Serve

Purchasing nutritional supplements through an
independent distributor is much different from walking into a store to buy the
products. In the second scenario, customers have no further contact with the
salesperson and must come up with a wellness and supplementation plan on their
own. Herbalife distributors use training materials from company experts and
form personal relationships with their customers to assist them in achieving
transformative changes.

Distributors recognize that each person has
unique wellness goals they want to achieve. At the same time, they have
received extensive training on how to work with people desiring a healthier
lifestyle. Their interactions with customers typically start with helping them
to set clear and achievable goals.

Achieving small, realistic nutrition and
fitness goals gives people the confidence they need to achieve even greater
results. That is just one reason why offering Herbalife customers a customized
wellness plan is so important. Other actions distributors take to assist their
customers to include:

self-sabotaging behavior patterns that keep people from reaching their goals.
People are often unaware of their habits and benefit from the perspective of a
wellness coach.

motivation and accountability to encourage people to stick with their new
lifestyle changes when they want to quit.

people overcome deeply-held beliefs that may be limiting their ability to
change. The only way for changes to truly stick is for people to take ownership
and responsibility for them, something Herbalife distributors can help them

Change is stressful, even when it is positive.
Connecting with others through
Herbalife Nutrition Clubs or Fit Clubs improves the likelihood of
making permanent lifestyle changes for improved health and wellness.