Category Archives: Girl Friends

15 Sweet Ways to Tell a Guy You Like Him and Win Him Over

So, you’ve found
that special guy but he has no idea you like him? Join the club! Here’s how to
tell him how you feel and win him over in the process.
guys are just complete imbeciles *no offense* when it comes to knowing when
someone is into them. For some reason, they think that the least interested
person is basically fawning over them. This is seriously the most frustrating
thing to those of us who actually are interested.
15 Sweet Ways to Tell a Guy You Like Him and Win Him Over

can dress up, get our hair done, and buy a whole new outfit just for them, and
they would still have no idea that we were in fact doing it for them. *Sigh*
Doesn’t this exhaust everyone else when it comes to trying to get a guy to take
a hint?
a way to tell a man that he’s caught your fancy isn’t always easy—especially
when you don’t know him ALL that well. And it’s even worse when you’re shy
*AKA: me*. But somehow I’ve managed to get my point across just fine.
to tell a guy you like him and win him over
not always easy. Sometimes, men are so blind to everything other than their
current obsession *cough cough, fantasy football, cough cough* that it can be
like pulling teeth just to get them to look at you for more than half a second.
been there, done that, and have put all of my special strategies together so
you can try them out for yourself. Here’s how I tell a guy I like him and
*hopefully* win him over!
Straight up tell him.
are very direct creatures. If you just flat out tell him you like him, he will
obviously get the hint. Now, this takes some guts on your part, and it’s not
usually the route most girls take, because they’re looking to make more of an
impression. But hey, if nothing else works—go for it!
Have an interest in his interests.
 One way you can show a guy you like him is by taking an
interest in the things he’s interested in. If he’s really into music, talk
about some concerts you’ve recently been to. He may not readily notice that
you’ve taken up his interests, but he will start to see you as compatible—and
that’s close enough in guy world.
Compliment his looks. 
Obviously you find him attractive, so tell him! If there’s one
thing that will get a guy’s attention, it’s telling him that you find him sexy.
This will also make him take notice of how you look, and it will get the wheels
turning in his head about you.
Compliment his work.
the one thing that men love to be complimented about more than their looks is
their work. Tell him he’s doing a great job at whatever his current project is.
He will definitely be grateful for the compliment, and grateful that you took
notice. It’ll make him take notice of you, too.
Ask him about himself.
 Whenever someone has an interest in another’s personal
life, it’s taken as a sign of interest. Ask him about his family, his
childhood, and his personal aspirations. He will definitely notice that you’re
trying to get to know him more, be touched, and take it as a sign that you’re
Use body language.
are way more in tune with what your body is doing than what your mouth is
saying. It’s sort of sad, but certainly true. When you two are talking, lean in
closer, flip your hair flirtatiously, and sway your hips when you walk away.
These are all ways to show him that you’re interested, and he will definitely
be paying attention.
Smile more.
is basically a universal sign of happiness. And if you’re doing that an awful
lot around him, he will start to notice that you’re happiest around him—and
that must mean something! And hey, if you’re really that interested in him,
this might just be automatic.
Make eye contact. 
Holding someone’s gaze is basically demanding their attention.
Now, I’m not saying you need to have a staring contest; that might be creepy.
But I am saying that you should make a point to look him in the eye. It’s a
perfect way to get him to notice you and it’ll work toward winning him over.
Ask if he’s single! 
I mean, if he doesn’t get the hint after that, then he’s
hopeless and you should probably look for someone else. Just ask him if he’s
seeing anyone. By being curious about his relationship status, you’re making it
clear that you are interested in him romantically. If he has any sense at all,
he will get the hint.
Be confident.
also demands attention. If you’re confident around him and you’re self-assured,
he will take notice. Men love confidence and if you have it, you will win him
over—no problem.
Talk to his friends.
talk to each other just like girls do. If you’re asking his friends about
him—is he single? What is his background? What does he like? His friends WILL
go and tell him you were asking. And they will probably do you the favor of
telling him that you like him—because they’ll be able to tell.
Laugh at his jokes—even if they suck. 
Science says that you’ll do this if
you like him, anyways, but it doesn’t hurt to put in the extra effort. Laughing
at his jokes is sure to get you noticed by him and he’ll see that you must like
him enough to laugh at his lame jokes.
Be a tad bit jealous—and let him know it. 
Men may not understand a
whole lot about emotions *again, no offense*, but they do understand jealousy
and the feelings associated with it. If you’re asking about a certain person
that’s been spending an awful lot of time around him, he’ll notice the signs of
jealousy and immediately know that you like him. He might even be flattered!
Surprise him.
up to his work with a cooked meal or his favorite treats. Surprising a guy in
any way will show him that you’ve got a thing for him. It will also put you
higher up on his list of favorite people, for sure. You will definitely win him
over this way; after all, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
Ask him on a date. 
If all else fails, ask him out! Get tickets for his favorite
band and ask him to go with you as your date. Any guy in their right mind will
know that a date means you like him. And you’ll get bonus points toward winning
him over if you go to one of his favorite places.

men are just completely clueless…which can make telling them you like them a
bit difficult. Take it from me: try everything above, and you’ll be sure to not
only get your point across, but win him over in the process!

15 Sweet Ways to Tell a Guy You Like Him and Win Him Over

So, you’ve found
that special guy but he has no idea you like him? Join the club! Here’s how to
tell him how you feel and win him over in the process.
guys are just complete imbeciles *no offense* when it comes to knowing when
someone is into them. For some reason, they think that the least interested
person is basically fawning over them. This is seriously the most frustrating
thing to those of us who actually are interested.

can dress up, get our hair done, and buy a whole new outfit just for them, and
they would still have no idea that we were in fact doing it for them. *Sigh*
Doesn’t this exhaust everyone else when it comes to trying to get a guy to take
a hint?
a way to tell a man that he’s caught your fancy isn’t always easy—especially
when you don’t know him ALL that well. And it’s even worse when you’re shy
*AKA: me*. But somehow I’ve managed to get my point across just fine.
to tell a guy you like him and win him over
not always easy. Sometimes, men are so blind to everything other than their
current obsession *cough cough, fantasy football, cough cough* that it can be
like pulling teeth just to get them to look at you for more than half a second.
been there, done that, and have put all of my special strategies together so
you can try them out for yourself. Here’s how I tell a guy I like him and
*hopefully* win him over!
Straight up tell him.
are very direct creatures. If you just flat out tell him you like him, he will
obviously get the hint. Now, this takes some guts on your part, and it’s not
usually the route most girls take, because they’re looking to make more of an
impression. But hey, if nothing else works—go for it!
Have an interest in his interests.
 One way you can show a guy you like him is by taking an
interest in the things he’s interested in. If he’s really into music, talk
about some concerts you’ve recently been to. He may not readily notice that
you’ve taken up his interests, but he will start to see you as compatible—and
that’s close enough in guy world.
Compliment his looks. 
Obviously you find him attractive, so tell him! If there’s one
thing that will get a guy’s attention, it’s telling him that you find him sexy.
This will also make him take notice of how you look, and it will get the wheels
turning in his head about you.
Compliment his work.
the one thing that men love to be complimented about more than their looks is
their work. Tell him he’s doing a great job at whatever his current project is.
He will definitely be grateful for the compliment, and grateful that you took
notice. It’ll make him take notice of you, too.
Ask him about himself.
 Whenever someone has an interest in another’s personal
life, it’s taken as a sign of interest. Ask him about his family, his
childhood, and his personal aspirations. He will definitely notice that you’re
trying to get to know him more, be touched, and take it as a sign that you’re
Use body language.
are way more in tune with what your body is doing than what your mouth is
saying. It’s sort of sad, but certainly true. When you two are talking, lean in
closer, flip your hair flirtatiously, and sway your hips when you walk away.
These are all ways to show him that you’re interested, and he will definitely
be paying attention.
Smile more.
is basically a universal sign of happiness. And if you’re doing that an awful
lot around him, he will start to notice that you’re happiest around him—and
that must mean something! And hey, if you’re really that interested in him,
this might just be automatic.
Make eye contact. 
Holding someone’s gaze is basically demanding their attention.
Now, I’m not saying you need to have a staring contest; that might be creepy.
But I am saying that you should make a point to look him in the eye. It’s a
perfect way to get him to notice you and it’ll work toward winning him over.
Ask if he’s single! 
I mean, if he doesn’t get the hint after that, then he’s
hopeless and you should probably look for someone else. Just ask him if he’s
seeing anyone. By being curious about his relationship status, you’re making it
clear that you are interested in him romantically. If he has any sense at all,
he will get the hint.
Be confident.
also demands attention. If you’re confident around him and you’re self-assured,
he will take notice. Men love confidence and if you have it, you will win him
over—no problem.
Talk to his friends.
talk to each other just like girls do. If you’re asking his friends about
him—is he single? What is his background? What does he like? His friends WILL
go and tell him you were asking. And they will probably do you the favor of
telling him that you like him—because they’ll be able to tell.
Laugh at his jokes—even if they suck. 
Science says that you’ll do this if
you like him, anyways, but it doesn’t hurt to put in the extra effort. Laughing
at his jokes is sure to get you noticed by him and he’ll see that you must like
him enough to laugh at his lame jokes.
Be a tad bit jealous—and let him know it. 
Men may not understand a
whole lot about emotions *again, no offense*, but they do understand jealousy
and the feelings associated with it. If you’re asking about a certain person
that’s been spending an awful lot of time around him, he’ll notice the signs of
jealousy and immediately know that you like him. He might even be flattered!
Surprise him.
up to his work with a cooked meal or his favorite treats. Surprising a guy in
any way will show him that you’ve got a thing for him. It will also put you
higher up on his list of favorite people, for sure. You will definitely win him
over this way; after all, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
Ask him on a date. 
If all else fails, ask him out! Get tickets for his favorite
band and ask him to go with you as your date. Any guy in their right mind will
know that a date means you like him. And you’ll get bonus points toward winning
him over if you go to one of his favorite places.

men are just completely clueless…which can make telling them you like them a
bit difficult. Take it from me: try everything above, and you’ll be sure to not
only get your point across, but win him over in the process!