Category Archives: Curl Your Hair

9 Powerful Ways to Prevent Hair Falling Out – Hair Tips

Here are some of the powerful
ways to prevent hair fall. 

Doing Head Massage

massage is one of the most important rituals for healthy hair and scalp. It
drains away toxins and improves blood circulation from the scalp. You can head
your massage without using any oil, but it preferable to do it with oil. The
best oils for hair loss are sunflower, olive, coconut, ghee, flaxseed, evening primrose, avocado and castor (diluted with another oil). Th
is will
reduce hair fall to a great extent

How to
do?  Apply oil evenly on the scalp and massage gently with your fingers.
Do not massage for more than 10 to 15 minutes. Leave on for an hour and wash
thoroughly; you can also keep it overnight for better conditioning. For
healthier and stronger hair, head massage at least once a week.

Stay away from chemicals (conditioners)

Do not
use conditioner after shampooing. Applying it means injecting chemicals into
your scalp and hair. More chemicals will damage to your hair. Instead use a natural leave-in conditioner. Oils
and plant butters make an excellent leave-in conditioner. Best oils to use –
coconut, almond, olive, and jojoba
oil; and best butters that work are – she a, kokum, or aloe

To use: Take a pea size amount oil or butter and rub it
between your palms and apply to damaged hair avoiding the roots. This will strengthen
your hair.

Use a wide tooth wood comb

comb can hurt the delicate new growth and also cause injury on your scalp.
Where as wide
tooth wooden comb is gentler
as compared to the plastic one. Wide tooth comb also provide massaging effect
and help distribute natural oil from the scalp to hair.

Use a wide tooth wood comb

So if
you want to avoid hair loss then discard the sharp tooth plastic comb, replace
it with a wide tooth wooden comb and well-done if you have already done it. 

4. Exercise

is another important solution to reduce hair fall. When you exercise you sweat
and unclog the hair follicles, that gets clogged by dead skin or grease
and give enough space for the new hair to grow. Exercising increases blood
flow to your scalp. The increased blood flow brings with it oxygen and more
nutrients, and thereby promoting healthy growth.

to do? So if you desire to avoid hair loss go for a walk, dance, cycle, play,
run, do yoga, cardio or whatever you enjoy. Get up and get moving!

 Avoid tight hair styles

braids, ponytails or any other tight styles put pressure on roots of your hair and
can lead to hair loss. If you make tight hair styles everyday your hair may
stop growing permanently from some areas where it is pulled most from which
results in causing a bald patch. Once in a while it is okay, but wearing tight
styles every day causes hair fall. For everyday wear make lose braids or
ponytails to keep hair under control but without damage.


 Amla is considered as a great hair tonic. Amla is antioxidant having high content of
minerals, amino acids, vitamin C, falconoid and tannins. Eating fresh or
dried amla helps in avoiding hair loss, graying, and promotes stronger and
healthier hair growth. Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects,
apply raw amla juice, powder or amla oil on your scalp which results in soothe
irritated scalp and treat dandruff.

How to
do? Head massage amla juice with amla oil or coconut oil. You can also use amla
powder as well. But the most effective option is to eat dried or fresh amla
everyday. Take 1teaspoon amla powder with a glass of water every morning. It is
one of the best detox drinks.

Staying happy

you ever experienced your hair falling off like autumn leaves and turning grey overnight? 
reason is excess worry or stress. Stress affects all of our body and hair.
Other than eating healthy and exercising, you have to stay happy and relax. Never-ending
stress can cause a large number of hairs to go into resting phase at the same
time. This leads to clumps of hair coming out all at once.

good thing is that stress related hair loss is usually temporary, as long as
the stress event is temporary 
to do: For healthy hair, find time to relax. Engage yourself in stress busting
activities like yoga, walking, relaxing, gardening, meditation. You can also
talk to a friend, family or seek professional support.

Stay away from heat appliances and chemical treatment (perming and 

I have
curly hair, but I always wished that my hair was straight. Perhaps, it is a
human psyche to want what he/she doesn’t have. I considered rebonding many
times, but never really did it. And thank God I didn’t. I have used
straightener, heat brush and blow dryer few times. But whenever I used them, I
felt these hot appliances did more harm, so I have stopped using them.

treatments, use of heat appliances and wild styling can actually affect the
hair roots and damage your hair. So stay away from them as far as possible.

Herbal oils 
hair oils have been an integral part of hair care in our traditions. Oil
infused with herbs such as amla, brahmi, hibiscus,
rosemary, lavender contain tons of polyphenols, antioxidants, bhringraj,
phytosterols, fatty acids, marigold,
vitamins, and minerals that keep the scalp healthy and promote hair growth.
These oils also offer anti-inflammatory, anti-reddening and anti-fungal properties
that help to keep healthy and dandruff free scalp.

mentioned solutions may take weeks or months to show desired results. For
immediate hair growth, hair transplant is only the solution.


Sharif is a passionate content writer. My major interest is writing content on
topics such as Best Hair Transplant, hair solution,
home remedies for hair problems or any treatment related to this. My current
adventure is myhairclinic (Pakistan oslo and London). 


“I love
the feeling of the fresh air on my face and the wind blowing through my
hair.”  This is one of the most
wonderful quotes on hair which summaries the need and desire of every wom
an on this planet. A beautiful looking hair
with the freshness and the encompassing feel of nature is all that one desires
to get.

There’s the
blonde, brunette, red and black which when applied in tones can give rise to
different tones. For example, blonde color when applied with cooler tones
produces a hair color known as ash blonde. 
You must have come across the hair color chart that shows the tones from
blonde to black, offering a variety of tones to match your need, that somehow
may seem to you to be mundane and boring but the Tiger Eye hair color style is
surely going to make you escape from them all.

To clear any
misconceptions let me make it clear that the “Tiger Eye” hair color
style has no nothing to do with the animal, which seems so evident, but draws
inspiration from “Tiger’s eye stone,” which is a semi
precious rock with a distinct pattern of
gold, bronze
, and dark brown stripes. A mixture of warm brown and
caramel hue highlight not only gives a gorgeous but also an appealing look to
the personality. This is not the only reason why this hairstyle has rocked
Instagram and is being touted as the next big thing of 2017 but also because of
the fact that Tiger Eye stone is said to ward off evil, an added incentive for
the superstitious to experiment with this kind of style.

Be careful to
not step into a salon and ask for the Tiger Eye style for your trust on your
stylist would be shattered as you may land up with stripes of orange, white and
black! While this is still not a common style among the salons and
hairdressers, the key to getting this style is asking for caramel highlights
paired with a warm, or dark chocolate base so it doesn’t turn out to be too
bronze. The right way would be by asking not to over do it and let it be as
simple as possible. This would let you get a look that’s appealing at large and
yet seem very natural, adding a glee to your personality.


From the
likes of Jennifer Lopez to Jessica Alba and Chrissy Teige
n have already jumped on this new Hair Style bandwagon
which seems an obvious thing in this era of glamo
ur and trend gizmos. Will it stay or perish in the months
or maybe years to come is a thing that we need to wait and see but it has
surely become one of the
hottest topics of the year, just before the end of 2016

secret about this phenomenon is that Tiger Eye is said to bring clarity in your


“I love
the feeling of the fresh air on my face and the wind blowing through my
hair.”  This is one of the most
wonderful quotes on hair which summaries the need and desire of every wom
an on this planet. A beautiful looking hair
with the freshness and the encompassing feel of nature is all that one desires
to get.

There’s the
blonde, brunette, red and black which when applied in tones can give rise to
different tones. For example, blonde color when applied with cooler tones
produces a hair color known as ash blonde. 
You must have come across the hair color chart that shows the tones from
blonde to black, offering a variety of tones to match your need, that somehow
may seem to you to be mundane and boring but the Tiger Eye hair color style is
surely going to make you escape from them all.

To clear any
misconceptions let me make it clear that the “Tiger Eye” hair color
style has no nothing to do with the animal, which seems so evident, but draws
inspiration from “Tiger’s eye stone,” which is a semi
precious rock with a distinct pattern of
gold, bronze
, and dark brown stripes. A mixture of warm brown and
caramel hue highlight not only gives a gorgeous but also an appealing look to
the personality. This is not the only reason why this hairstyle has rocked
Instagram and is being touted as the next big thing of 2017 but also because of
the fact that Tiger Eye stone is said to ward off evil, an added incentive for
the superstitious to experiment with this kind of style.

Be careful to
not step into a salon and ask for the Tiger Eye style for your trust on your
stylist would be shattered as you may land up with stripes of orange, white and
black! While this is still not a common style among the salons and
hairdressers, the key to getting this style is asking for caramel highlights
paired with a warm, or dark chocolate base so it doesn’t turn out to be too
bronze. The right way would be by asking not to over do it and let it be as
simple as possible. This would let you get a look that’s appealing at large and
yet seem very natural, adding a glee to your personality.


From the
likes of Jennifer Lopez to Jessica Alba and Chrissy Teige
n have already jumped on this new Hair Style bandwagon
which seems an obvious thing in this era of glamo
ur and trend gizmos. Will it stay or perish in the months
or maybe years to come is a thing that we need to wait and see but it has
surely become one of the
hottest topics of the year, just before the end of 2016

secret about this phenomenon is that Tiger Eye is said to bring clarity in your

Which is the best shampoo for hair loss – Fashion & Beauty Tips

Wherever you are, whatever you do, the locks says a lot
about you, more than you actually think it does! It is an along the same lines
of your personality, your element, your external appearance and internal character.
Who does not want to have fabulous hair? We know, you do! Here i am trying
to describe what is the best shampoo for hair loss .

People using PhytoWorx Organic Best Hair Loss Shampoo which
is the best shampoo foe hair loss .
Hair loss can be very annoying and locks loss is nothing
less. In our search for the ideal hair shampoo to increase development, we came
across PhytoWorx Natural Hair Reduction Shampoo. Many clients have been showing
interest and trying out this hair shampoo, as the components are all-natural
and do not contain any severe substances which damage the locks.
And, to speak the truth, most of them were the dance in joy
after using this hair shampoo. It concentrates on plant control cells, which
allegedly is remarkable at exciting locks in hair follicles duplication, which
are thought to be dead which ultimately outcomes in preventing locks loss and
important natural oils which also encourage the development and flow by the
treatment the head.
Here Ultrax Labs Hair Surge Caffeine Hair Loss Hair Growth
Stimulating Shampoo which is the best shampoo for hair loss .
Nowadays, when clients get puzzled about which hair shampoo
is best for locks to choose from which would help the locks development,
maintaining it healthier, Super Laboratories Hair Increase Coffee Hair
Reduction Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo are preferred by many. This
particular hair shampoo provides caffeinated substances and also important
natural oils and ketoconazole. This system has been analyzed for years before you
make it available for consumers to buy. This is one of highest rated hair
shampoos by clients.
Many locks development hair shampoos mix a couple of
components with a regular hair shampoo which cannot produce a permanent effect.
People using VITAMINS Natural DHT Blocker Method for Faster
Alopecia Product which is the best shampoo for hair loss .
This Natural vitamins Natural DHT Blocker Strategy to
Quicker Hair loss is one of the few locks development hair shampoos for unisex
and is tried and tested and certified for obtaining the best outcomes. It comes
with healthier components like natural biotin, grape natural oils and using
castor oil while other brands carry caffeine, drugs, and other harmful
It gives faster outcomes with locks development when using
VITAMINS Shampoo. It is designed to reduce loss hair; head conditions, hair
thinning baldness, diminishing hair, postpartum and alopecia due to the
hormonal discrepancy.
The last one is Botanical Renovation Sulfate Free Scalp
Stimulating Shampoo which is the Best Shampoo For Hair Loss .
This sulfate 100 % free hair shampoo system has been
designed maintaining in the mind to work stability with natural structure. This
hair shampoo provides specially chosen organic components rich with natural
features which allow blood to acid reflux to the non-active hair follicles.

This hair shampoo motivates inactive hair follicles to be
the development stage, which ends up in the improvement of a head. It can be
either used alone or with company’s other natural hair conditioners and
treatments. It has shown an amazing result enhancing locks development by
reducing locks loss up to 145 % and increasing the span of development stage up
to 50% – enhancing locks string wellness insurance creating non-active locks
string active again; providing more volume, grow and jump to loss hair;
reducing dry skin trouble and enhancing head wellness.

Which is the best shampoo for hair loss – Fashion & Beauty Tips

Wherever you are, whatever you do, the locks says a lot
about you, more than you actually think it does! It is an along the same lines
of your personality, your element, your external appearance and internal character.
Who does not want to have fabulous hair? We know, you do! Here i am trying
to describe what is the best shampoo for hair loss .

People using PhytoWorx Organic Best Hair Loss Shampoo which
is the best shampoo foe hair loss .
Hair loss can be very annoying and locks loss is nothing
less. In our search for the ideal hair shampoo to increase development, we came
across PhytoWorx Natural Hair Reduction Shampoo. Many clients have been showing
interest and trying out this hair shampoo, as the components are all-natural
and do not contain any severe substances which damage the locks.
And, to speak the truth, most of them were the dance in joy
after using this hair shampoo. It concentrates on plant control cells, which
allegedly is remarkable at exciting locks in hair follicles duplication, which
are thought to be dead which ultimately outcomes in preventing locks loss and
important natural oils which also encourage the development and flow by the
treatment the head.
Here Ultrax Labs Hair Surge Caffeine Hair Loss Hair Growth
Stimulating Shampoo which is the best shampoo for hair loss .
Nowadays, when clients get puzzled about which hair shampoo
is best for locks to choose from which would help the locks development,
maintaining it healthier, Super Laboratories Hair Increase Coffee Hair
Reduction Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo are preferred by many. This
particular hair shampoo provides caffeinated substances and also important
natural oils and ketoconazole. This system has been analyzed for years before you
make it available for consumers to buy. This is one of highest rated hair
shampoos by clients.
Many locks development hair shampoos mix a couple of
components with a regular hair shampoo which cannot produce a permanent effect.
People using VITAMINS Natural DHT Blocker Method for Faster
Alopecia Product which is the best shampoo for hair loss .
This Natural vitamins Natural DHT Blocker Strategy to
Quicker Hair loss is one of the few locks development hair shampoos for unisex
and is tried and tested and certified for obtaining the best outcomes. It comes
with healthier components like natural biotin, grape natural oils and using
castor oil while other brands carry caffeine, drugs, and other harmful
It gives faster outcomes with locks development when using
VITAMINS Shampoo. It is designed to reduce loss hair; head conditions, hair
thinning baldness, diminishing hair, postpartum and alopecia due to the
hormonal discrepancy.
The last one is Botanical Renovation Sulfate Free Scalp
Stimulating Shampoo which is the Best Shampoo For Hair Loss .
This sulfate 100 % free hair shampoo system has been
designed maintaining in the mind to work stability with natural structure. This
hair shampoo provides specially chosen organic components rich with natural
features which allow blood to acid reflux to the non-active hair follicles.

This hair shampoo motivates inactive hair follicles to be
the development stage, which ends up in the improvement of a head. It can be
either used alone or with company’s other natural hair conditioners and
treatments. It has shown an amazing result enhancing locks development by
reducing locks loss up to 145 % and increasing the span of development stage up
to 50% – enhancing locks string wellness insurance creating non-active locks
string active again; providing more volume, grow and jump to loss hair;
reducing dry skin trouble and enhancing head wellness.

Coolest Teenage Guy Haircuts to Look Fresh – hair Style Tips

Haircuts for boys and teenagers are a creativity to express
their personality. Anyhow, these can be over the edge and that can be fine.
There will be a time in your life when you will try something trendy and stylish,
but with low maintenance and different then your friends, at the same time if
luckily you don’t have a job and you can try explore many trendy and shaggy
hairstyles, such as undercut, pompadour or even a braid hairstyle which being
used by the young men. Boy have many ways to express their personality and
loyalty one of them is hairstyle which often pay a basic role, or you can make
a impression with fashion statement, Now a days fashion models tend to make a
change in your hairstyle day by day. You can find many professional and
unprofessional barbers near your residence, but only professional barbers
experiment with innovative teenager’s haircuts ideas.

To make a bold statement with sty, gorgeous hairstyles for
teenagers, and to be followed by college mates, youngsters have their own
haircuts that can be flaunted by them of all ages. There are the cool boy’s
haircuts which are stunning and can be shaped within no time, especially the
ones that are most common in use when late in going to university or college.
The following hairstyles will help to fit find the hairstyle that expresses
your feelings and mood! Always looking your best in college can seem a little

1-Straight Shaggy:
This hairstyle is being popularized by Justin Bieber, but the
straight shaggy haircuts have grown into one of the easiest haircuts for
teenagers depending on what kind of hair you have, it can be very les
maintenance which requires some brushes and mousse.

Un luckily If you don’t have straight hair, then you should
use flat iron in order to gain that straight haircut. Usually, this style is
for naturally hair but if you don’t have such hair no problem you can make your
hair straight with some useful techniques.

2-Wavy Shag:
Harry Potter the great legend for youngsters, made this
hairstyle trust worthy and trendy. While the shag with straight hair has
captured the world of prep, and if you want a casual haircut for teenage then
wavy shag is the best one to express that you are cool. While it does not cater
to boys with straight hair, it’s great the boys with think and weak hair.
Depending on how much your hair are unpredictable, Thick hair need some working
with gel and mousse and that’s it to make it wild. Shaggy hairstyle work better
with wavy hair, high forehead and round face.

3-Butch Haircut:

It may possible that on a
independence day you see an army man with this haircut, or it may possible that
on sports day you saw this hairstyle on the head of an athlete. Actually, this
hairstyle if for people who are frustrated with their hairstyle and feel
uncomforted to style their hair daily at office time because in this hairstyle
there is no need of combing as there in this hairstyle hair are only few
centimeters in length. You can also call this hairstyle as burr. You can say
its maintained is zero due to very small length of hair. 

Masculine expression
of this hairstyle makes it unique and dominant over many other Hairstyles for Men.
One of the most interesting point for this hairstyle is that you don’t need to
go for a barber shop, you can make it yourself or ask you brother to help.
yourself or ask a parent to help out.

Coolest Teenage Guy Haircuts to Look Fresh – hair Style Tips

Haircuts for boys and teenagers are a creativity to express
their personality. Anyhow, these can be over the edge and that can be fine.
There will be a time in your life when you will try something trendy and stylish,
but with low maintenance and different then your friends, at the same time if
luckily you don’t have a job and you can try explore many trendy and shaggy
hairstyles, such as undercut, pompadour or even a braid hairstyle which being
used by the young men. Boy have many ways to express their personality and
loyalty one of them is hairstyle which often pay a basic role, or you can make
a impression with fashion statement, Now a days fashion models tend to make a
change in your hairstyle day by day. You can find many professional and
unprofessional barbers near your residence, but only professional barbers
experiment with innovative teenager’s haircuts ideas.

To make a bold statement with sty, gorgeous hairstyles for
teenagers, and to be followed by college mates, youngsters have their own
haircuts that can be flaunted by them of all ages. There are the cool boy’s
haircuts which are stunning and can be shaped within no time, especially the
ones that are most common in use when late in going to university or college.
The following hairstyles will help to fit find the hairstyle that expresses
your feelings and mood! Always looking your best in college can seem a little

1-Straight Shaggy:
This hairstyle is being popularized by Justin Bieber, but the
straight shaggy haircuts have grown into one of the easiest haircuts for
teenagers depending on what kind of hair you have, it can be very les
maintenance which requires some brushes and mousse.

Un luckily If you don’t have straight hair, then you should
use flat iron in order to gain that straight haircut. Usually, this style is
for naturally hair but if you don’t have such hair no problem you can make your
hair straight with some useful techniques.

2-Wavy Shag:
Harry Potter the great legend for youngsters, made this
hairstyle trust worthy and trendy. While the shag with straight hair has
captured the world of prep, and if you want a casual haircut for teenage then
wavy shag is the best one to express that you are cool. While it does not cater
to boys with straight hair, it’s great the boys with think and weak hair.
Depending on how much your hair are unpredictable, Thick hair need some working
with gel and mousse and that’s it to make it wild. Shaggy hairstyle work better
with wavy hair, high forehead and round face.

3-Butch Haircut:

It may possible that on a
independence day you see an army man with this haircut, or it may possible that
on sports day you saw this hairstyle on the head of an athlete. Actually, this
hairstyle if for people who are frustrated with their hairstyle and feel
uncomforted to style their hair daily at office time because in this hairstyle
there is no need of combing as there in this hairstyle hair are only few
centimeters in length. You can also call this hairstyle as burr. You can say
its maintained is zero due to very small length of hair. 

Masculine expression
of this hairstyle makes it unique and dominant over many other Hairstyles for Men.
One of the most interesting point for this hairstyle is that you don’t need to
go for a barber shop, you can make it yourself or ask you brother to help.
yourself or ask a parent to help out.

7 Hair Detox Methods That You Can Try At Home – Megha Shop

Dirt, dust, pollutants and other debris are detrimental to the
hair and so are the harsh rays of the sun. They also get damaged with the
excessive use of chemical-laced products such as shampoos, conditioners, hair
colors, hair sprays, hair styling gels and hot styling tools.

If you love your hair as much as I do, then this should be a
wakeup call and you need to take certain steps for controlling your hair from
getting damaged further. One of the ways to do damage control is to settle for
a detoxifying regime. It will help restore the natural beauty of your hair.

Take a look at the following easy detox methods that you can
follow for long, lustrous tresses.

SAY NO TO SHAMPOO: Shampoos contain a lot of chemicals,
which can not only damage our hair, but also have an adverse effect on our
health. The “no-poo” method is a hot trend right now. It is all about using
alternatives to shampoo for washing your hair. Although it is not easy to give
up using shampoos completely, there is no harm in going shampoo-free on
alternate days in a week. For instance, instead of shampoo-washing your hair, you
can opt for co-washing (washing with conditioner) to cleanse your hair. It’ll
leave your hair feeling soft and supple, without any of the harmful effects of

Bonus tip – If
you have textured hair, you’ll benefit immensely from co-washing.

CUCUMBER-LEMON HAIR WASH: The cooling properties of cucumber
and antibacterial property of lemon is all that you need to cleanse your hair
thoroughly. Both the natural ingredients combined together become a milder
alternative to harsh shampoos. While cucumber soothes the itchiness of the
scalp and hydrates it, lemon cleans it and keeps dandruff at bay.

How to make it – Mix lemon juice (1 lemon) in cucumber juice (1 cucumber). Add 2
tablespoons of olive oil and whisk the ingredients well. You may also add a few
drops of Rosemary oil in the mixture.

How to use it – Thoroughly massage your scalp using the mixture. Rinse with lukewarm

tea has anti-oxidant properties and works wonders for hair. It strengthens the
hair shaft, prevents split ends and reduces hair fall. It also makes the hair
shiny. Baking soda is useful for clearing up all the product buildup. Aloe vera
is soothing for the scalp and moisturizes it.

How to make it – Take two green tea bags and dip them in a cup of hot water. Once the
water cools down, mix ¼ cup aloe vera gel in it. Put 1 tablespoon of baking
soda and stir it well. Follow this by adding 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed
lemon juice. This will make the mix fizzy. Wait for fizz to die down before

How to use it – Gently apply this mixture to the scalp and massage for about two minutes.
Leave it for 10 minutes before washing it off. You can use a hair conditioner
after this.

BENTONITE CLAY-ALOE VERA MASK: Bentonite clay has a number of
properties that are good for the body. But did you know that you can also use the
clay to detoxify your hair by absorbing all the toxins and debris? It cleanses
the hair completely by getting rid of all the excess chemicals and makes it
healthy and shiny.

How to make it – Mix equal parts of aloe vera gel, Bentonite clay (half cup) and apple
cider vinegar in a plastic bowl.

How to use it –
Use a hair coloring brush to apply the mask evenly all over your hair and
scalp. Massage it gently for a few seconds. Leave the mask on for about half an
hour but don’t let it dry up completely. Rinse the mask using about a cup of apple
cider vinegar and leave it for another couple of minutes. Rinse off with mild,
herbal shampoo and lukewarm water. Wash again with cold water to lock-in the

COCONUT- ALOE VERA MASK: Coconut milk is a great conditioner for
the hair. The organic ingredient can be used as often as you want for problem-free
hair. When you mix it with aloe vera gel, you get one of the best detoxifying
hair masks out there.

How to make it – Take one can of coconut milk. Alternatively, you can take one full cup of
coconut milk and mix ¾ cups of pure aloe vera gel. As an option, you can also
add a few drops of any essential oil of your choice. Mix all the ingredients in
a bowl and blend them together.

How to use it –  Apply the mixture to your scalp
till it forms a lather like shampoo. Let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing
it off.

Bonus tip –  You
can freeze the mixture in ice cube trays and store them for the entire week.

TRIM YOUR HAIR REGULARLY: More often than not, our hair gets
damaged only at the ends. They either get split-ends or become dry, coarse and
brittle at the ends. Trimming your hair at regular intervals will keep this
issue at bay and you’ll end up with healthy-looking hair. You needn’t go to a
salon or stylist to trim the ends and do it yourself at home (or ask someone to
help you out), but if you aren’t confident enough, then visiting a salon or a
stylist regularly is a must.

Bonus tip – Make
sure you trim your hair every 3-6 months.

GO ORGANIC: Our ancestors never had the luxury
of hot styling tools, hair colors and other luxuries that we have today and
yet, they had great hair. Probably, this is because they used everything (or
most of the things) organic. Take a break from all the things that damage the
hair, especially and switch to herbal products, no-heat hair styles, naturally
dry your hair, use natural
hair colors etc. Believe me, this will work like magic and protect your
lovely locks from further damage.

Do you have any other hair detox methods that need to be
shared on the platform? Let us know your feedback.

Axara Sharma is a Delhi-based writer. She writes on several
topics, which include lifestyle and healthcare. She extensively writes about
hair loss, hair regrowth and hair care for 
Athena LifeSciences. Apart from the written word, she loves the outdoors and
being a foodie!

7 Hair Detox Methods That You Can Try At Home – Megha Shop

Dirt, dust, pollutants and other debris are detrimental to the
hair and so are the harsh rays of the sun. They also get damaged with the
excessive use of chemical-laced products such as shampoos, conditioners, hair
colors, hair sprays, hair styling gels and hot styling tools.

If you love your hair as much as I do, then this should be a
wakeup call and you need to take certain steps for controlling your hair from
getting damaged further. One of the ways to do damage control is to settle for
a detoxifying regime. It will help restore the natural beauty of your hair.

Take a look at the following easy detox methods that you can
follow for long, lustrous tresses.

SAY NO TO SHAMPOO: Shampoos contain a lot of chemicals,
which can not only damage our hair, but also have an adverse effect on our
health. The “no-poo” method is a hot trend right now. It is all about using
alternatives to shampoo for washing your hair. Although it is not easy to give
up using shampoos completely, there is no harm in going shampoo-free on
alternate days in a week. For instance, instead of shampoo-washing your hair, you
can opt for co-washing (washing with conditioner) to cleanse your hair. It’ll
leave your hair feeling soft and supple, without any of the harmful effects of

Bonus tip – If
you have textured hair, you’ll benefit immensely from co-washing.

CUCUMBER-LEMON HAIR WASH: The cooling properties of cucumber
and antibacterial property of lemon is all that you need to cleanse your hair
thoroughly. Both the natural ingredients combined together become a milder
alternative to harsh shampoos. While cucumber soothes the itchiness of the
scalp and hydrates it, lemon cleans it and keeps dandruff at bay.

How to make it – Mix lemon juice (1 lemon) in cucumber juice (1 cucumber). Add 2
tablespoons of olive oil and whisk the ingredients well. You may also add a few
drops of Rosemary oil in the mixture.

How to use it – Thoroughly massage your scalp using the mixture. Rinse with lukewarm

tea has anti-oxidant properties and works wonders for hair. It strengthens the
hair shaft, prevents split ends and reduces hair fall. It also makes the hair
shiny. Baking soda is useful for clearing up all the product buildup. Aloe vera
is soothing for the scalp and moisturizes it.

How to make it – Take two green tea bags and dip them in a cup of hot water. Once the
water cools down, mix ¼ cup aloe vera gel in it. Put 1 tablespoon of baking
soda and stir it well. Follow this by adding 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed
lemon juice. This will make the mix fizzy. Wait for fizz to die down before

How to use it – Gently apply this mixture to the scalp and massage for about two minutes.
Leave it for 10 minutes before washing it off. You can use a hair conditioner
after this.

BENTONITE CLAY-ALOE VERA MASK: Bentonite clay has a number of
properties that are good for the body. But did you know that you can also use the
clay to detoxify your hair by absorbing all the toxins and debris? It cleanses
the hair completely by getting rid of all the excess chemicals and makes it
healthy and shiny.

How to make it – Mix equal parts of aloe vera gel, Bentonite clay (half cup) and apple
cider vinegar in a plastic bowl.

How to use it –
Use a hair coloring brush to apply the mask evenly all over your hair and
scalp. Massage it gently for a few seconds. Leave the mask on for about half an
hour but don’t let it dry up completely. Rinse the mask using about a cup of apple
cider vinegar and leave it for another couple of minutes. Rinse off with mild,
herbal shampoo and lukewarm water. Wash again with cold water to lock-in the

COCONUT- ALOE VERA MASK: Coconut milk is a great conditioner for
the hair. The organic ingredient can be used as often as you want for problem-free
hair. When you mix it with aloe vera gel, you get one of the best detoxifying
hair masks out there.

How to make it – Take one can of coconut milk. Alternatively, you can take one full cup of
coconut milk and mix ¾ cups of pure aloe vera gel. As an option, you can also
add a few drops of any essential oil of your choice. Mix all the ingredients in
a bowl and blend them together.

How to use it –  Apply the mixture to your scalp
till it forms a lather like shampoo. Let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing
it off.

Bonus tip –  You
can freeze the mixture in ice cube trays and store them for the entire week.

TRIM YOUR HAIR REGULARLY: More often than not, our hair gets
damaged only at the ends. They either get split-ends or become dry, coarse and
brittle at the ends. Trimming your hair at regular intervals will keep this
issue at bay and you’ll end up with healthy-looking hair. You needn’t go to a
salon or stylist to trim the ends and do it yourself at home (or ask someone to
help you out), but if you aren’t confident enough, then visiting a salon or a
stylist regularly is a must.

Bonus tip – Make
sure you trim your hair every 3-6 months.

GO ORGANIC: Our ancestors never had the luxury
of hot styling tools, hair colors and other luxuries that we have today and
yet, they had great hair. Probably, this is because they used everything (or
most of the things) organic. Take a break from all the things that damage the
hair, especially and switch to herbal products, no-heat hair styles, naturally
dry your hair, use natural
hair colors etc. Believe me, this will work like magic and protect your
lovely locks from further damage.

Do you have any other hair detox methods that need to be
shared on the platform? Let us know your feedback.

Axara Sharma is a Delhi-based writer. She writes on several
topics, which include lifestyle and healthcare. She extensively writes about
hair loss, hair regrowth and hair care for 
Athena LifeSciences. Apart from the written word, she loves the outdoors and
being a foodie!

Men Hair Care: The Best Shampoo for Your Hair Type – Megha Shop

Most men do not bother about their hair
products. And when it comes to shampoos, many guys aren’t even aware of which shampoo
they wash their hair with. They simply use whatever shampoos are lying on their
bathroom selves or the ones being brought by their mothers, wives or
girlfriends. Well, if you are a guy who cares about his hair, note that to
achieve perfectly healthy locks, you have to use the right shampoo.

So, next time when you visit a department
store, make sure to pick the shampoo you think will work best for your hair.
And if you do not know which shampoo will suit your hair type, then we will
help you out. Mentioned below are the best shampoos for every kind of hair. No
matter whether you have normal hair, oily locks or dry hair with dandruff,
there’s a hair cleanser out there that will help you achieve perfect hair:

For Dry Hair

Natural Woody Sandal & Honey Herbal Shampoo
This Sulfate Free Shampoo is a well known hair cleansing product that softens dry
and frizzy hair. Possessing a unique blend of essential oils, this hair
cleanser softens the locks that have become coarse or brittle over time.

For Normal
Natural Walnut Shampoo
This shampoo containing walnut extracts is of
natural origin. It is also free from harsh and harmful chemicals. Perfect for
normal hair, this
shampoos without sulfate is great to
achieve soft shiny, healthy and good looking hair.

For Oily
REDKEN for Men
Clean Brew Extra Cleansing Shampoo
If you have oily or greasy locks, then this
shampoo will help you achieve cleaner locks, without leaving in any residue. Its
orange zest will leave your locks refreshed after every wash.

For Dry and
Damaged Hair
Hair Spa Rejuvenation Shampoo
For dull, lifeless, dry and damaged hair,
this shampoo acts as a life savior. The shampoo provides nourishment and
strength to dry hair strands, softens them and gives them a subtle shine.
Exfoliating and Deep Cleansing

Aveda Men
Pure-Formance Exfoliating Shampoo:
This high-performing formula deeply cleanses
the hair and exfoliates the scalp to remove dead and dull skin cells, excess
oil, build-up and other impurities. With 100% natural exfoliants – jojoba beads
and walnut shells, this shampoo gives noticeably smoother, fresher and
healthier scalp and hair.

For Dandruff-Prone
Vichy Dercos
Anti-Dandruff Nourishing Shampoo
This shampoo removes all the dead skin cells
from the scalp, frees it from excess oils and soothes it. Apart from treating
dandruff, Vichy Dercos Anti-Dandruff Nourishing Shampoo makes hair soft and

For Hair
Dove Men +
Care Thickening Fortifying Shampoo
This anti-hair fall shampoo contains caffeine
that promotes hair growth. The calcium in the hair cleanser keeps the hair strands
strong and makes them thick.

For Thin
Ultimate Thickening Shampoo
The shampoo’s protein-packed list of
ingredients are great to plump up the hair and improve its texture, thus giving
a fuller-looking head of hair strands.

Color-Treated Hair
Professional Serie Expert Vitamino Color Shampoo

With this shampoo, you can enjoy colored and
vibrant locks for a longer period of time. Thanks to its UV filter and f
vitamin E & magnesium derivatives!