Category Archives: Baby Products New Moms

Wholesale Baby Formula and Other Baby Products New Moms Should Purchase In Bulk

 Buying whole baby formula and baby products in
bulk is smart for a number of reasons. First, baby products are costly, but
buying items in greater amounts also saves a huge amount of money.

Not all baby products should be purchased in
bulk—or at least not without a fair test run first. You want to make sure all
of you and your kid enjoy what you’re getting until your pantry is stuffed with
it. (The parental satisfaction of stocking up on the baby formula can collapse
pretty easily if the baby refuses to drink it. Wait before you know what the
little one likes.) You don’t want to buy more than you really need.


Guide to the
right wholesale supplies to buy for infants.


Forget about buying bulk diapers for newborns.
Baby may already arrive too big to fit in or outgrow in a few weeks in those
itsy-bitsy diapers. Instead, hold on to when the infant is over 10 pounds and
stays for longer with the same size diaper. That’s when you want to stock up,
and diapers are wonderful bulk baby goods at that point. Babies go through
almost 3,000 diapers a year after all. In comparison, purchasing small packets
per diaper is more costly.

 Baby Formula

If you go the formula route, newborns start
every three to four hours with two to three ounces of formula; that bumps up to
six to eight ounces by the time the baby is 6 months of age for each of the six
daily feedings. That’s a lot of formula, especially if the baby exclusively
drinks formula. The larger the package, the per-ounce price of the formula goes
down, and even further down when bought in bulk bundles. Before stocking up,
have your baby sample the goods. Know that the powder formula is more
affordable than the things that are ready-made or concentrated. Plus, all
infant formula sold in the US must comply with the same guidelines for
nutrition and safety, meaning that store brands are just as good as name-brand


Baby Food

You should introduce babies to solid foods at
around 6 months old, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. In
general, you are looking at purées worth approximately six months, with the
texture moving from smooth at the beginning to chunkier once the baby is 8 to
10 months old. They’ll likely eat about 8 ounces (or two 4-ounce jars or
pouches) of baby food a day once your little one gets into the swing of things,
with the whole jarred-food thing petering out by their first birthday. Since
you’re staring at about 60 jars a month, give or take, stocking the pantry is a
good idea.


Formulas can
be expensive. Here’s what you can do


the first few months after your delivery, take advantage of all of the free
samples and coupons you get in the mail. Many times, new moms are placed on
mailing lists for everything related to babies, from book clubs for children to
formula companies.

with Clip. If you end up changing your baby’s formula for some reason, you may
even want to save some for different types of formula.

if there is a coupon exchange program in your child’s daycare in which
parents bring in their coupons and other moms and dads take what they need.

up for online coupon clubs that only allow you to print and save coupons for
the things that you require.

with your local grocery stores and/or baby retailer for specials.

Buying wholesale baby formula is a smart
choice if done correctly. Get in touch with Little Moo Organics and explore the
various options of baby formula available.