Why I Still Play Solitaire & Why It Is Still Popular?


Folks, how many of you have played one of the most popular games
of early computers, i.e., Solitaire?

Well, if you belong to the 90s era, you would have definitely
spent your significant time playing this game. Moreover, a cards game requires
smart mental strength. Hence, it is also highly appreciated to grow your mental

Why Do I Still Play Solitaire Game?

The Love of Childhood: The kids of
the 90s can only understand the love of playing games that were launched in the
early evolution of Microsoft Windows. Solitaire is one of those love-to-play
games alongside pinball, minesweeper, and a few others.

Available for FREE: Since it was
introduced in Windows, it is available for free. This makes it a good option
for people who love playing cards.

A Good Mental Exercise: The more you
put your mind in complex situations, the sharper it will become. Playing
Solitaire is one such mental practice that recharges your mind and makes it

Simple Yet Interesting Game: You always
get bored playing a simple game. However, Solitaire is one of those games that
you would never get bored of. Instead, you can continue playing it for hours
without a break.

These are a few strong reasons why I still have a Solitaire game
on my everyday task list.

Where Do I Play Solitaire Game?

This is an interesting question you have in your mind. Well,
there are numerous websites available online that provide an online gaming
platform to play Solitaire. However, I only rely on a few, and 
https://www.solitaire.org/ is one of the names. The website has offered the
game on their homepage; that is fantastic.

Many times, I don’t even surf the website. Instead, play the
game at the homepage and return.

Now many of you would wonder why I rely on this website.
Multiple reasons contribute to its selection over the alternatives.

No Surfing Required: When you want
to play, you don’t need to surf the website as they have offered the same on
the homepage.

Promising Interface & Sound Effects: The sound
effect and entire design of this game are identical to the traditional
Microsoft Solitaire game.

Given Game Rules: Yes, before
playing, some of you might look for the rules. For newbies, the game is
provided with rules and how the entire point system works.

Detailed Video: The website
has also provided a detailed video of ~5 minutes to explain how to play this
fantastic game.

Numerous Games Available: On this
website, Solitaire isn’t the only game available. Instead, you can play
numerous other games like mahjong games, hidden object games, gin rummy, crazy
eights, hearts, and numerous other 90s games.

In short, you have tons of options to play and recall the old
gaming era.

So, if you are also fond of the Solitaire game or have some
other love, you would definitely find something exciting on this website. Give
it a try and enjoy recharging your mind.

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