The Uses and Benefits of Coconut Oil That You Can Bring you Shiny Looking Hair

oil is a very healthy product for moisturizing your hairs. Coconut oil may have
a wide variety of uses but it still reign supreme in the department of caring
for the scalp. It can be used for cooking, cleaning, and for removing makeup
among other things. However, the scope of this article is limited conditioning
of hair via the use of coconut oil. What happens often is when we comb or
brush, wash and blow-dry/style our hairs they become broken and dry. For the
benefits of using it as hair oil, first we need to understand how our scalp is
made up of or more specifically, what your hair anatomy is all about.

is a part called medulla which is the central part of our hair shaft. This is
soft and thin hairs can exhibit more of it as compared to hair with volume
(slim to none amounts of medulla). The second important element is the cortex.
The cortex happens to be the bulkiest layer of your hair responsible for giving
color to them. In the end, cuticle which is the outer
layer protecting your hair. 
stated that styling and brushing your hair can cause your immense damage to
cuticle and thus contributing to the loss of fibrous proteins in your hair
(cortex). All of this leaves the medulla open to outside interference.

How can coconut oil protect your hairs?
off, coconut oil helps keep the loss of proteins at bay which means that your
hair will shine bright and will not lose its healthy look. There is an actual
study which has made the said discovery. They applied coconut oil, sunflower
oil and mineral oil to scalp of different participants. 
they found was when the participants washed their hairs, the content of proteins
in the hairs where coconut oil was applied came out on top. Find
DissertationHelp Service online. The hairs were undamaged, bleached and in addition
were UV treated. Its counterparts did not leave the same effect.

short, the advantage was derived as a result of having rubbed oil before
washing and then subsequently washing them. The result was prevention of hair
loss/damage. When the hair absorbs water, it undergoes certain structural
changes. So when you apply hair oil before washing lesser water is absorbed by
the medulla which makes your hair less susceptible to damage. 
applying hair oil leaves your hair soft and smooth making them less likely to
break. In totality this strengthens your hair and helps them to grow longer.
Don’t tell me you haven’t dreamt of long and shiny hair? The same reasons that
hampers the health of hairs are what prevent them from growing.

coconut oil you are moisturizing your hairs whereby reducing the breakage,
furthermore, it provides protection to the hairs from protein loss and damage
resulting from wetness. Also growth of long hairs is limited by environmental
influences such as wind, sun and dust.

Other benefits that coconut oil
entails is:

1.     Lice prevention

was a study conducted which proved that the regular usage of coconut oil can be
used to prevent lice. The oil when combined with anise in a spray gave stellar
results, it treated 40% of the lice game as opposed to the chemical called

2.     Sun protection

filters are used to protect your hair from the heat of the sun. They say
coconut oil has the potential that can act as an antidote to the damage from harmful
sun rays. Those of you who live in regions where there is immense heat,
applying some coconut oil before stepping can be a good idea.

3.     Dandruff treatment

know how dandruff piles up? It is due to the overgrowth of fungus in your hair
or yeast in your scalp. Although no research has been carried out in this
regard, however, since coconut oil contains antimicrobial properties which has
can be used to treat dandruff.

4.     As conditioner

you know you can use the coconut oil as a conditioner after you have shampooed
your hairs? Well it does act as a conditioner. Just comb coconut oil from
midsection to the ends. Then wash it off

5.     Post-wash detangler

one is similar to the above but you are not using it as a conditioner here
rather as a detangler. By detangler we mean to not wash it off after having
applied the shampoo. Simply rub a little coconut oil through your hairs before
brushing those hairs.

6.     Can even be used as a hair mask

common practice. Rub some coconut oil before taking a shower or apply it a
night prior before showering in the morning. By allowing it to sit out, you are
allowing hairs to get nourished and necessary nutrients are being supplied to

In conclusion

you see there is a wide variety of uses for the hair oil and if you stick to
these practices you can see that it will do wonders for your hairs. If your
hairs are falling, use coconut oil, if they have been dry or damaged, coconut
oil is the cure and so on so forth.

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