4 Ways Hypnosis Therapy Helps to Relieve Acute Pain

Pain is one
of the numerous reasons why people struggle to live a healthy and quality life
they desire. It is a problem that hinders exercising, walking, and other
enjoyable activities as it limits the movement of the body. For all of human
history, hypnosis has been around in one form or another, but only recently,
research gives evidence to support its clinically and biologically powerful

4 Ways Hypnosis Therapy Helps to Relieve Acute Pain

Today, so
many clinics around the globe turn to hypnosis therapy for Pain ManagementWoodstock, phobia, childbirth, anxiety and so much more. In the United
States alone, studies show that about 75% of people battling with conditions
like arthritis and osteoarthritis or related problems experience significant
relief through hypnosis therapy. It is a worthwhile tool to manage pain and
helps to restore your body back to its healthy condition.

Relief and Management with Hypnosis Therapy

only use hypnosis therapy to treat pain only when they know the cause of the
pain. First, you will have to consult a medical
practitioner or a Kroll Care
to help detect the root of the pain. Sometimes, pain is a
symptom of a more serious underlying condition, such as a persistent headache could turn out to be a
symptom of severe problems like a brain tumor. Visiting a hypnotherapist to
treat a headache without a proper
consultation to diagnose the underlying problem could lead to the brain tumor
growing for a long time without a diagnosis.

When Can You Turn
to Hypnosis Therapy for Pain Relief?

Note that
you should never treat pain for its own sake. As mentioned above, only opt for
it when your doctor gives you the permission. No doubt, hypnosis therapy can be
very effective to treat a variety of pain situations, including some like:
any surgery, it could be that traditional painkillers don’t work the way they should to control pain. Some patients fear needles or have allergic reactions to certain
medication and that is when they may need to turn to this pain relief option.
Hypnosis therapy serves as a good tool to help patients seek relief from
post-operative pain.
Related Pain:
Sometimes, amputees experience pain in their amputated limb. This
pain sometimes can go on for a longer time, and research shows that hypnosis
therapy serves as an impressive method to treat this kind of pain.
also work with terminally ill patients to help manage their pain and improve
the quality of life they lead. However, not all hypnotherapists feel happy to
work with such patients so this could vary.

Apart from managing pain, hypnosis therapy also helps to prevent the negative
impact of bad habits. It helps to stop or prevent people from continuing to
give in to bad habits such as addiction problems to alcohol, pornography,
smoking, and more.

The Hypnosis Approach to Pain Relief

1.     Breathing and Relaxation
Most of the
pain, the pain people experience could be due to a lack of oxygen the muscles
receive, leading them to tighten and increases the level of pain. Hypnosis
therapy teaches breathing exercises to help increase the oxygen flow into the
body. It encourages patients to forget about their worries for a while, focus
on breathing and help with better relaxation.
2.     Trance Induction
experienced hypnotist will ask you to sit on a comfortable chair and work on
induction. Induction is a form of uniquely designed words that lead you to a
comfortable and relaxing trance. Although the hypnotist would actively get you
into the process for relaxation, during the session, you are not a passive
observer. Under hypnosis, you are still aware of what is going on in your
surrounding and what the hypnotist says to you.
3.     Imagery to Combat Pain
Once under
the trance, the hypnotist will encourage you to create an image in your mind of
what pain is what it looks like, and how you can see yourself to get rid of it.
Maybe the pain is a shape, object or color. Hypnotists then guide you on what
you can do to release it. The subconscious mind does not know the difference
between fantasy and reality, so through an imaginary journey, the subconscious
actually releases pain from the body.
4.     Releasing Emotions
the reason behind pain could be a circumstance, people, person, or emotions
that surround a particular incidence. Through hypnosis therapy, the hypnotist
can guide you on how you can release those emotions that lead towards pain. The
list of emotions this therapy targets for pain relief is endless; it can cater
specifically to your pain needs.

Note that
once the hypnosis session ends, the hypnotist will bring you out of the trance
once again, leaving you with suggestions, and emotions that help you to feel
great. Once out of the session, you will feel alerted
and refreshed. 

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