Category Archives: jewelry for Brides

How to Identify Native American Jewelry

Jewelry has been a staple of Native American culture for thousands of years. Tribes like the Navajo, Zuni, Hopi, and Santo Domingo are universally lauded for their extraordinary skill and finesse, not to mention the iconic and timeless designs. These days, there is a great deal of fake Native American jewelry out there, so it is important to be cautious as you plan your purchase. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to protect yourself from devious sellers, and one of the most important steps is acquiring the knowledge to identify authentic pieces.
How to Identify Native American Jewelry

Check the Description
An honest seller will proudly proclaim the authenticity of the piece in question. If the piece was crafted by a particular renowned artist, the piece will typically be stamped with the hallmark of its creator. Even if the piece appears to be stamped with the artist’s name or signature, don’t just assume that it is authentic. Some counterfeiters sell mass-produced jewelry with the same hallmark included. Each piece just includes a detailed description that states where the piece was sourced and which artist made it. If you’re making a sizable investment with the understanding that the jewelry is authentic, make sure to ask for a certificate of authenticity.

Recognize Tribal Designs
While there may be some crossover depending on an artist’s unique approach, each tribe tends to have its own specific designs and styles. The Navajo tribe is known for using large stones (especially turquoise) and large silver settings for their bold jewelry. The Zuni tribe tends to use small stones in intricate clusters. Hope jewelry is usually completely silver with an overlay and oxidized bottom. The Santo Domingo tribe is most famously known for using flat, finely sliced beads called height. The Cherokee tribe is known for its longstanding and widespread use of copper. Recognizing the intricacies and subtle nuances of each tribe’s approach is going to make you a much more informed buyer.
Material Quality
Fake turquoise is a big problem in the jewelry industry these days, so don’t buy turquoise jewelry unless you are confident that it is, in fact, genuine. Legitimate Native American jewelry is crafted using high-quality materials such as sterling silver and authentic turquoise, as well as precious and semi-precious stones, bone, shell, clay, copper, gold, and many others.
If you are handling the jewelry at a brick-and-mortar store, examine it carefully to see if it feels like real metal and stone or if it is shoddily made plastic or other weak materials. Often fake Native American jewelry just feels like it could fall apart easily, so trust your instincts if something doesn’t feel right. Genuine silver and stone should have a bit of weight to it.
One easy way to tell if a piece is made from genuine silver is to hold a magnet up to it. Real sterling silver does not magnetize. You should also inquire about the turquoise. By law, the seller must disclose whether the turquoise is natural or stabilized (treated), with natural being the rarer and more desirable choice. It is worth noting that natural turquoise makes up only 10% of the turquoise available on today’s market, and treated turquoise is not necessarily a bad thing. Just make sure you are aware that a piece is treated as paying natural prices.
Check the Price
One easy way to tell if a piece is counterfeit is if it is priced significantly lower than other similar pieces. Of course, there are deceptive sellers out there who will try to sell fake Native American jewelry at the same price point as the real thing, so don’t use pricing as your only determination. There are plenty of buyers out there who seek out genuine Native American jewelry, so be skeptical if a seller is advertising bargain prices for authentic jewelry. There is probably a reason.

Check the Store’s Inventory
If a seller is offering many similar pieces, there is a chance that they may be mass-produced overseas. Some retailers do represent specific artists, so it is possible that they may have multiple similar pieces. However, if each piece looks virtually the same, it was probably produced by machinery using man-made materials. In the world of Native American jewelry, variety is the spice of life. A trusted seller will usually have a variety of one-of-a-kind pieces, rather than an endless supply of clones.
Why Buying Authentic Jewelry Matters
If you are interested in adding some Native American flair to your jewelry collection, you may be tempted by low prices. The problem is that when you buy genuine Native American jewelry, you are not just paying for the name. The difference in quality, craftsmanship, beauty, and overall quality is not even comparable. Genuine Native American jewelry also retains its value, whereas counterfeits are essentially worthless. Most importantly, however, is that it is so important to support authentic Native American culture. These artists have dedicated their lives to jewelry making, and they don’t deserve to have their work undermined by shady sellers looking to make a quick buck.
Know Your Source
At the end of the day, the only way to be 100% sure that what you are buying is authentic is to do business with reputable dealers. Some quick research online should reveal whether a seller is trustworthy, so do the preliminary research before you place your order. Contact the trader before you spend a penny, and ask them about the artists/tribes, and specifics about the piece and where it was sourced. If the trader does not seem knowledgeable, move on.
Author Bio:

Carolyn Clarke is a freelance writer from Tucson, AZ. She proudly contributes content to a wealth of high-end jewelry providers like Southwest Silver Gallery and is currently working on starting her own jewelry line using organic materials that she finds while roaming the desert. Carolyn’s other hobbies and passions include running, bicycling, and horticulture.

From Stone Age to Digital Era; Women’s Love for Jewelry is Equals to Constant

What women love the most? Chocolates? Nah! Clothes?
Umm..may be but Nopp…!! Ice creammm…Sorry but no again. Oh wait, Is it
Jewelry? TaDa…You can’t be more true. Every women on the face of the earth
love jewelry. Why earth? Let us reframe. Every women of the Solar system,
Galaxy, Universe love jewelry.

Howdy Reader! If you are a woman, aren’t you
nodding yeahh? And Guys, you can never understand why women crave for jewelry
so much. Women love to look pretty and jewelry helps her in that; period. So,
it is not a rocket science and You need not be Einstein to understand it.
Jewelry is as important for women as food, air and water. It is not to be
surprised to hear that some women want to take their jewelry to the grave.
Hufff!! Crazy right?Nahh.. While women wore jewelry whole her life then why not
look pretty in and after moments of death too. Well in short women and jewelry
are synonymous. Woman is incomplete without jewelry and jewelry is a piece of
metal until a woman wears it.
Well, this is about now. But do you know this
unconditional love of women has been continuing from the way back? When we ask
women about their love for jewelry, we get many excuses. “It is good for
health”, “it calms me down”, “I am just taking my culture to next generation”,
“My Mum did, so why not me?”. Stop it women! We know the fact behind. Admit it,
jewelry fetches you praises and you love the jealous looks of your “frienimy”.
Enough teasing! Now some fact. Let us dig deep in
the history of Indian jewelry from demolished civilization to the rulers, from
slavery to freedom, from the invention of fire and wheel to levitated platform.
Glorious Past,
Glittery Present: History of Indian jewelry
In India, people are little touchy about jewelry.
It is more of a symbol of social status than just an ornament. Wait a minute,
we just browsed the internet and found, “
History of Indian
jewellery is as old as the history of the country itself.

No doubt India is at the pinnacle of jewelry making that too ‘top class’. In my
family, parents start saving for buying jewelry for their girl child since
birth. The culture of wearing jewelry dates back 5000 years. In the stone age,
women jewelry consists of stones, flowers, carved woods and wait for it…wait
for it..Bones.Euhh. But try to understand, they didn’t had gold, silver,
diamond, platinum.
In the medieval age, jewelry fever took over men
too. We can find many paintings and sculptures depicting rulers and even common
men adorning themselves with the jewelry. We can find mention of quality of
Indian jewelry in the Indian holy texts as well as texts composed by various
scholars who visited India from various parts of the world. Indian jewelry was
not only elegant and exquisite but they carried various stones with the
mystical powers. Still you can see people wearing various kinds of rings each
for a particular finger to ward off evil eyes. Indian jewelry reached its
zenith under Mughals. “Meenakari” embellish jewelry is still considered one of
the best.
With the time passing, jewelry became a way of
financial security. They were put as savings to be used at the time of
financial crises. Later on jewelry became the perfect gift to be given on the
greatest events of life- marriage, childbirth etc. India is the mother of a
huge variety of jewelry. Each state in India has its own special jewelry.
Indian brides have so many options to adorn themselves on their big day.
Feeling nostalgic and proud to be born in India.
This was a little peek into history of jewelry
minus all the boring details of sculptures found at remains of Indus Valley
Civilization or Harappan or some ruler of South or North who loved jewelry or
various paintings depicting some kind of jewelry use. Just know one
thing,jewelry tradition is as old as India.
From Head to Toe:
Jewelry, Jewelry and Jewelry
You must have seen an Indian bride. Ever wondered
why is she covered with jewelry from head to toe? Yes, to look ravishing, but
every jewelry in India has some hidden benefits and real good reasons to be
worn. So let us have a look why women wear what they wear.
What its called in english..??
Umm..head..headjewelry.. Leave, let us stick to tikka only. So, tikka (or borda
in rajasthani) is worn on middle parting of hair. This is the position of ‘agya
chakra’ which stands for preservation. It signifies union of male and female
elements of the universe on spiritual, emotional and physical level.
ring/ Nath:
It is extremely painful to get nose pierced and it
is the tragedy of every teenage girl that her mother always nag her to get her
nose pierced to be able to wear nose ring in marriage. Nath represents
virginity. Scientifically, it helps in breathing. Those women who have their
nose pierced experience less pain while delivering baby. Strange…right?
It is the most loved jewelry of all. Even if a
women do not wear ring or chain or anything, she most probably wear earrings.
Why earrings are so important that girl child has to go through the pain of
piercing? Piercing sucks, right? Well, to gain something, you have to bare some
pain. It is said that the evil spirits enter the body through openings. Ear
being a risk for that, wearing earring keep the evil away from us.
The more scientific reason of wearing the earrings
is that, it keeps kidney and bladder healthy. A nerve connecting brain to
kidney passes through ear. So if your kidney fails and you wonder why?Thats
just because you didn’t get your ear pierced. Hah!
To be more specific; mangalsutra, represents the
commitment. During marriage rituals, groom ties mangalsutra around bride’s neck
which she wear till he is alive. Going on the scientific path, it controls body
pressure levels. Did you heard from your old Grandma to keep necklace/chain
hidden inside clothes? No, not to save it from thieves but your Grandma is
simply genius. The fiction of necklace with the body increases the body
circulation thus aiding lowering the pressure levels. And see our Moms, they
really have so much work and pressure.
waist belt:
Even if waistbands didn’t do anything than
ornamenting and just a piece of jewelry, we would love to see every women
wearing it. It is so seductive. But nothing is just a jewelry! Waist belts keep
the belly fat in check. For a bride, it signifies the sense of authority in the
new house. It is used to carry keys of the house.
Bangles increases the blood circulation level in
the body by constant friction. The electromagnetic-energy (Yes, the same EME
that spoiled our sleeps in 10th class.. Frown) emitting from wrist is reverted
back into the body because of ring shape of bangles. It represents charm,
safety and luck for married women. Many mother-in laws gift their traditional
bangles to their daughter-in laws saying “HamariKhandaaniNishaanihaiBahu!!”.
Many ‘Filmy’ people know the reason of wearing ring
on the “ring finger”. It is because the nerve from ring finger runs directly to
the heart. The constant metallic friction is good for the healthy heart.
It was considered as a protection for women against
the attack of evil from “patal”(Hell). The tinkling sound that payal spreads
protects her from all negative energies. The more scientific reason is wearing
payal do not waste energy while walking, and one’s energy is vibrated into her
own body. Nowadays, a new bride wearpayal as the symbol of bringing new
happiness and prosperity in the family. Indian women mostly wear the silver
It is the ornament only for married women. Toe
rings are believed to regularize menstrual cycle. The second finger connects to
the bladder and then to heart. Fiction of these while walking, revitalises the
reproductive organ and helps a women to conceive. These toe rings are usually
of silver because silver is a good conductor of energy that absorbs energy from
the ground and refreshes the body.
Gold/Silver/Copper/Platinum/diamond: Is this list
gonna end?
women like silver, some gold, some are crazy about diamonds. While every metal
has its own looks and beauty, they hide a lot more behind all that glitters.
Copper is a soft metal and it increases circulation. It increases awareness and
consciousness. Wearing copper bracelets reduces arthritis pain. Silver is the
most craved metal in India. It regularises blood pressure and act like a pain
killer. So Aspirin..Bye Bye…I have silver having my back. So now big brother
of silver- Gold. Gold is the most suitable metal for jewelry making. It is not
irritating to skin. It represents strength and confidence. People who wear gold
are more wise? Well i read that somewhere. Gold opens wisdom chakra. Happy dance…Happy
dance…I am wearing gold from just now. Garnet boosts confidence, amethyst
increases creativity, amber reduces anxiety, pearls treat depression… This list
is never ending. Just grab the essence, Every metal and gem have healing
Oh and See What They
are Saying….
“Jewelry takes people’s minds off your
Sonja Henie
“I have always felt a gift diamond shines so
much better than one you buy for yourself”
Mae West
“I never worry about diets. The only carrots
that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond”
Mae West
“It is better to have old second-hand diamonds
than none at all”
Mark Twain
“The three rings of marriage are the
engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering”
“I think men who have a pierced ear are better
prepared for marriage. They’ve experienced pain and bought jewelry”
Rita Rudner
“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend and a man’s
worst enemy”
And with the Bang our
very Own Bollywood Songs
  • Mere haathonmeinnaunauchudiyanhainzarathehrosajanmajbooriyanhai…
  • Chudijokhankihaathonmeinyaadpiyakiaanelagihaibheegibheegiraatonmein…
  • Jhumkagira re barelike bazaar mein, jhumkagira..haayehaayehaaye…
  • Paironmeinbandhanhaipayal ne machayashor, sab darwazekardo bandh…
  • Unglimeinangoothiangoothimeinnagina, tere bin ekbhi din
  • Mujhenaulakha manga de re o saiyaandeewane, tujhe main gale se laga
  • Kepagghunghroobaandhmeeranaachi re, aur hum naache bin
  • Bole chudiyan bole kangana, hai main hogayiterisaajna…
This list is never ending too. Bollywood knows the importance of jewelry
in indian culture has been cooking the fact very well through these songs.
Well, we love these songs and so our jewelries.
Let us keep the conclusion short and to the point. Women we are grateful
for having you in our lives, you take care of our family and our house. You
deserve some jewelry as they are so beneficial for your health. But please your
husband is not ‘Bill Gates’. He can not gift you diamond on anniversaries,
birthdays and karwachauth. Stop exploring indianjewelry online, it is
out of their budget. So please expect less and have pity on your ‘Becharapati’.
World BecharaPati Association.
Author Bio-

The author of this article holds a
niche in writing and knows exactly what to write. He keeps himself updated and
provides the information to the readers. He is currently writing on Women
Jewellery Like
silver ankletsto
keep the readers updated.

From Stone Age to Digital Era; Women’s Love for Jewelry is Equals to Constant

What women love the most? Chocolates? Nah! Clothes?
Umm..may be but Nopp…!! Ice creammm…Sorry but no again. Oh wait, Is it
Jewelry? TaDa…You can’t be more true. Every women on the face of the earth
love jewelry. Why earth? Let us reframe. Every women of the Solar system,
Galaxy, Universe love jewelry.

Howdy Reader! If you are a woman, aren’t you
nodding yeahh? And Guys, you can never understand why women crave for jewelry
so much. Women love to look pretty and jewelry helps her in that; period. So,
it is not a rocket science and You need not be Einstein to understand it.
Jewelry is as important for women as food, air and water. It is not to be
surprised to hear that some women want to take their jewelry to the grave.
Hufff!! Crazy right?Nahh.. While women wore jewelry whole her life then why not
look pretty in and after moments of death too. Well in short women and jewelry
are synonymous. Woman is incomplete without jewelry and jewelry is a piece of
metal until a woman wears it.
Well, this is about now. But do you know this
unconditional love of women has been continuing from the way back? When we ask
women about their love for jewelry, we get many excuses. “It is good for
health”, “it calms me down”, “I am just taking my culture to next generation”,
“My Mum did, so why not me?”. Stop it women! We know the fact behind. Admit it,
jewelry fetches you praises and you love the jealous looks of your “frienimy”.
Enough teasing! Now some fact. Let us dig deep in
the history of Indian jewelry from demolished civilization to the rulers, from
slavery to freedom, from the invention of fire and wheel to levitated platform.
Glorious Past,
Glittery Present: History of Indian jewelry
In India, people are little touchy about jewelry.
It is more of a symbol of social status than just an ornament. Wait a minute,
we just browsed the internet and found, “
History of Indian
jewellery is as old as the history of the country itself.

No doubt India is at the pinnacle of jewelry making that too ‘top class’. In my
family, parents start saving for buying jewelry for their girl child since
birth. The culture of wearing jewelry dates back 5000 years. In the stone age,
women jewelry consists of stones, flowers, carved woods and wait for it…wait
for it..Bones.Euhh. But try to understand, they didn’t had gold, silver,
diamond, platinum.
In the medieval age, jewelry fever took over men
too. We can find many paintings and sculptures depicting rulers and even common
men adorning themselves with the jewelry. We can find mention of quality of
Indian jewelry in the Indian holy texts as well as texts composed by various
scholars who visited India from various parts of the world. Indian jewelry was
not only elegant and exquisite but they carried various stones with the
mystical powers. Still you can see people wearing various kinds of rings each
for a particular finger to ward off evil eyes. Indian jewelry reached its
zenith under Mughals. “Meenakari” embellish jewelry is still considered one of
the best.
With the time passing, jewelry became a way of
financial security. They were put as savings to be used at the time of
financial crises. Later on jewelry became the perfect gift to be given on the
greatest events of life- marriage, childbirth etc. India is the mother of a
huge variety of jewelry. Each state in India has its own special jewelry.
Indian brides have so many options to adorn themselves on their big day.
Feeling nostalgic and proud to be born in India.
This was a little peek into history of jewelry
minus all the boring details of sculptures found at remains of Indus Valley
Civilization or Harappan or some ruler of South or North who loved jewelry or
various paintings depicting some kind of jewelry use. Just know one
thing,jewelry tradition is as old as India.
From Head to Toe:
Jewelry, Jewelry and Jewelry
You must have seen an Indian bride. Ever wondered
why is she covered with jewelry from head to toe? Yes, to look ravishing, but
every jewelry in India has some hidden benefits and real good reasons to be
worn. So let us have a look why women wear what they wear.
What its called in english..??
Umm..head..headjewelry.. Leave, let us stick to tikka only. So, tikka (or borda
in rajasthani) is worn on middle parting of hair. This is the position of ‘agya
chakra’ which stands for preservation. It signifies union of male and female
elements of the universe on spiritual, emotional and physical level.
ring/ Nath:
It is extremely painful to get nose pierced and it
is the tragedy of every teenage girl that her mother always nag her to get her
nose pierced to be able to wear nose ring in marriage. Nath represents
virginity. Scientifically, it helps in breathing. Those women who have their
nose pierced experience less pain while delivering baby. Strange…right?
It is the most loved jewelry of all. Even if a
women do not wear ring or chain or anything, she most probably wear earrings.
Why earrings are so important that girl child has to go through the pain of
piercing? Piercing sucks, right? Well, to gain something, you have to bare some
pain. It is said that the evil spirits enter the body through openings. Ear
being a risk for that, wearing earring keep the evil away from us.
The more scientific reason of wearing the earrings
is that, it keeps kidney and bladder healthy. A nerve connecting brain to
kidney passes through ear. So if your kidney fails and you wonder why?Thats
just because you didn’t get your ear pierced. Hah!
To be more specific; mangalsutra, represents the
commitment. During marriage rituals, groom ties mangalsutra around bride’s neck
which she wear till he is alive. Going on the scientific path, it controls body
pressure levels. Did you heard from your old Grandma to keep necklace/chain
hidden inside clothes? No, not to save it from thieves but your Grandma is
simply genius. The fiction of necklace with the body increases the body
circulation thus aiding lowering the pressure levels. And see our Moms, they
really have so much work and pressure.
waist belt:
Even if waistbands didn’t do anything than
ornamenting and just a piece of jewelry, we would love to see every women
wearing it. It is so seductive. But nothing is just a jewelry! Waist belts keep
the belly fat in check. For a bride, it signifies the sense of authority in the
new house. It is used to carry keys of the house.
Bangles increases the blood circulation level in
the body by constant friction. The electromagnetic-energy (Yes, the same EME
that spoiled our sleeps in 10th class.. Frown) emitting from wrist is reverted
back into the body because of ring shape of bangles. It represents charm,
safety and luck for married women. Many mother-in laws gift their traditional
bangles to their daughter-in laws saying “HamariKhandaaniNishaanihaiBahu!!”.
Many ‘Filmy’ people know the reason of wearing ring
on the “ring finger”. It is because the nerve from ring finger runs directly to
the heart. The constant metallic friction is good for the healthy heart.
It was considered as a protection for women against
the attack of evil from “patal”(Hell). The tinkling sound that payal spreads
protects her from all negative energies. The more scientific reason is wearing
payal do not waste energy while walking, and one’s energy is vibrated into her
own body. Nowadays, a new bride wearpayal as the symbol of bringing new
happiness and prosperity in the family. Indian women mostly wear the silver
It is the ornament only for married women. Toe
rings are believed to regularize menstrual cycle. The second finger connects to
the bladder and then to heart. Fiction of these while walking, revitalises the
reproductive organ and helps a women to conceive. These toe rings are usually
of silver because silver is a good conductor of energy that absorbs energy from
the ground and refreshes the body.
Gold/Silver/Copper/Platinum/diamond: Is this list
gonna end?
women like silver, some gold, some are crazy about diamonds. While every metal
has its own looks and beauty, they hide a lot more behind all that glitters.
Copper is a soft metal and it increases circulation. It increases awareness and
consciousness. Wearing copper bracelets reduces arthritis pain. Silver is the
most craved metal in India. It regularises blood pressure and act like a pain
killer. So Aspirin..Bye Bye…I have silver having my back. So now big brother
of silver- Gold. Gold is the most suitable metal for jewelry making. It is not
irritating to skin. It represents strength and confidence. People who wear gold
are more wise? Well i read that somewhere. Gold opens wisdom chakra. Happy dance…Happy
dance…I am wearing gold from just now. Garnet boosts confidence, amethyst
increases creativity, amber reduces anxiety, pearls treat depression… This list
is never ending. Just grab the essence, Every metal and gem have healing
Oh and See What They
are Saying….
“Jewelry takes people’s minds off your
Sonja Henie
“I have always felt a gift diamond shines so
much better than one you buy for yourself”
Mae West
“I never worry about diets. The only carrots
that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond”
Mae West
“It is better to have old second-hand diamonds
than none at all”
Mark Twain
“The three rings of marriage are the
engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering”
“I think men who have a pierced ear are better
prepared for marriage. They’ve experienced pain and bought jewelry”
Rita Rudner
“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend and a man’s
worst enemy”
And with the Bang our
very Own Bollywood Songs
  • Mere haathonmeinnaunauchudiyanhainzarathehrosajanmajbooriyanhai…
  • Chudijokhankihaathonmeinyaadpiyakiaanelagihaibheegibheegiraatonmein…
  • Jhumkagira re barelike bazaar mein, jhumkagira..haayehaayehaaye…
  • Paironmeinbandhanhaipayal ne machayashor, sab darwazekardo bandh…
  • Unglimeinangoothiangoothimeinnagina, tere bin ekbhi din
  • Mujhenaulakha manga de re o saiyaandeewane, tujhe main gale se laga
  • Kepagghunghroobaandhmeeranaachi re, aur hum naache bin
  • Bole chudiyan bole kangana, hai main hogayiterisaajna…
This list is never ending too. Bollywood knows the importance of jewelry
in indian culture has been cooking the fact very well through these songs.
Well, we love these songs and so our jewelries.
Let us keep the conclusion short and to the point. Women we are grateful
for having you in our lives, you take care of our family and our house. You
deserve some jewelry as they are so beneficial for your health. But please your
husband is not ‘Bill Gates’. He can not gift you diamond on anniversaries,
birthdays and karwachauth. Stop exploring indianjewelry online, it is
out of their budget. So please expect less and have pity on your ‘Becharapati’.
World BecharaPati Association.
Author Bio-

The author of this article holds a
niche in writing and knows exactly what to write. He keeps himself updated and
provides the information to the readers. He is currently writing on Women
Jewellery Like
silver ankletsto
keep the readers updated.